Defines functions cv.SSGL

Documented in cv.SSGL

## GAMMA REGRESSION MODELS                     ##

# This function implements K-fold cross-validation for group-regularized regression
# models in the exponential dispersion family with the spike-and-slab group lasso
# (SSGL) penalty.

# y = n x 1 vector of responses (y_1, ...., y_n) for training data
# X = n x p design matrix for training data, where ith row is (x_{i1},..., x_{ip})
# groups = J x 1 vector of group indices or factor level names for each of the p individual covariates.
# family = the exponential disperison family. Currently allows "gaussian", "binomial", "poisson," 
#          "negativebinomial", and "gamma". Default is "gaussian" for non-binary responses and
#          "binomial" for binary responses, but "poisson" or "negativebinomial" may be more
#          appropriate for count data and "gamma" may be more appropriate for right-skewed,
#          continuous data.
# nb.size = known shape parameter for negative binomial regression. Default is 1
# gamma.shape = known shape parameter for gamma regression. Default is 1
# weights = group-specific weights. Default is to use the square roots of the group 
# nfolds = number of folds to use in K-fold cross-validation. Default is nfolds=5.
# nlambda0 = number of lambda0's in our grid. Default is 20.
# lambda0 = a grid of values for the spike hyperparameter. Note that the program automatically orders 
#           theese in descending order, so the solution path is from least sparse to most sparse. 
#           If lambda0 is not specified, the program chooses a default equispaced grid from 100 to 5.
# lambda1 = a fixed small value for thte slab hyperparameter. Default is 1
# a = shape hyperparameter in B(a,b) prior on mixing proportion. Default is 1
# b = shape hyperparameter in B(a,b) prior on mixing proportion. Default is G for number of groups
# max.iter = maximum number of iterations. Default is 10,000
# tol = convergence criteria. Default is 1e-6
# print.fold = boolean variable whether to print the current fold. Default is TRUE

# lambda0 = grid of L lambda0's in descending order.
# cve = L x 1 vector of mean cross-validation error across all K folds. The kth entry in cve corresponds
#       to the kth spike hyperparameter in our lambda0 grid. The CVE on each of the K validation sets 
#       is the mean loss (negative log-likelihood) evaluated on that set.
# cvse = L x 1 vector of standard errors for cross-validation error across all K folds. 
#        The kth entry in cvse corresponds to the kth spike hyperparameter in our lambda0 grid.
# lambda.min = value of lambda0 that minimizes mean cross-validation error.

cv.SSGL = function(y, X, groups, 
                   nb.size=1, gamma.shape=1, weights, nfolds=5, nlambda0=20,
                   lambda0, lambda1, a, b, max.iter=100, tol=1e-6, print.fold=TRUE) {

  ### PRE-CHECKS ###

  ## Enumerate groups if not already done
  group.numbers = as.numeric(groups)
  ## Number of groups and covariates overall
  X = as.matrix(X)
  G = length(unique(group.numbers))
  n = dim(X)[1]
  J = dim(X)[2]

  ## Check that dimensions are conformable
  if(length(y) != dim(X)[1])
    stop("Non-conformable dimensions of y and X.")  
  ## Coercion
    if(all(y==1 || y==0)){ 
    } else {
  family <- match.arg(family)
  ## Check that the data can be used for the respective family
  if(family=="poisson" || family=="negativebinomial"){
      stop("All counts y must be greater than or equal to zero.")
      stop("All counts y must be whole numbers.")
    ## Check that nb.size is strictly positive
    if (nb.size<=0)
      stop("Size parameter for negative binomial density must be strictly positive.")
    ## Check that J is less than or equal to n
    if(J > n) {
      stop("For group-regularized negative binomial regression, we require the
          total number of covariates to be less than or equal to sample size. 
          Consider reducing the number of covariates.")
      stop("All binary responses must be either '0' or '1.'")
      stop("All binary responses must be either '0' or '1.'")
      stop("All binary responses must be either '0' or '1.'")
      stop("All responses y must be strictly positive.")
      stop("Shape parameter for gamma density must be strictly positive.")
    ## Check that J is less than or equal to n
    if(J > n) {
      stop("For group-regularized gamma regression, we require the total
          number of covariates to be less than or equal to sample size. 
          Consider reducing the number of covariates.")
  ## Set group-specific weights
    weights = rep(0, G)
    for(g in 1:G){
      weights[g] = sqrt(as.vector(table(group.numbers))[g])
  ## Check that weights are all greater than or equal to 0
      stop("All group-specific weights should be nonnegative.")
  ## Number of lambdas
  if(nlambda0 < 2)
    stop("For cross-validation, nlambda0 should be at least 2.")  
  ## If user specified lambda, check that all lambdas are greater than 0
  if(!missing(lambda0)) {
    nlambda0 = length(lambda0) # Override nlambda0 with the length of lambda0
    if (any(lambda0<=0))
      stop("All lambda0s should be strictly positive.")
  ## Default parameters for missing arguments
  L = nlambda0
  if(missing(lambda1)) lambda1 = 1
  if(missing(a)) a = 1
  if(missing(b)) b = G
  ## Check hyperparameters to be safe
  if ((lambda1 <= 0) || (a <= 0) || (b <= 0))
    stop("Please make sure that all hyperparameters are strictly positive.")
      lambda0=seq(from=n, to=max(n/nlambda0,lambda1+1), length=nlambda0)
    } else if(family=="binomial"){
      lambda0 = seq(from=40, to=max(40/nlambda0,lambda1+1), length=nlambda0)
    } else if(family=="poisson" || family=="negativebinomial" || family=="gamma"){
        if(n >= G){
          lambda0 = seq(from=n, to=max(n/nlambda0,5*lambda1), length=nlambda0)
        } else if(G > n){
          lambda0 = seq(from=G, to=max(G/nlambda0,20*lambda1), length=nlambda0)
  ## Randomly shuffle the data
  new.order = sample(n)
  X.new = X[new.order,]
  y.new = y[new.order]
  ## Create K equally-sized folds
  folds = cut(seq(1,n), breaks=nfolds, labels=FALSE)
  ## To store the cross-validation error
  folds.cve = matrix(0, nfolds, nlambda0)
  for(k in 1:nfolds){
    ## To output iteration
      cat("Fold number", k, "\n")
    ## Indices for validation set
    val_ind = which(folds==k,arr.ind=TRUE)
    y.val = y.new[val_ind] 
    X.val = X.new[val_ind, ]
    ## Indices for training set
    y.train = y.new[-val_ind]
    X.train = X.new[-val_ind, ]
    ## Train model on training set
    SSGL.mod.train = SSGL(y=y.train, X=X.train, X.test=X.val, groups=group.numbers, family=family,
                          nb.size=nb.size, gamma.shape=gamma.shape, weights=weights,
                          nlambda0=nlambda0, lambda0=lambda0, lambda1=lambda1,
                          a=a, b=b, max.iter=max.iter, tol=tol, print.iter=FALSE)
    ## Compute cross-validation error (prediction error) on test set
    beta0.hat = SSGL.mod.train$beta0
    beta.hat = SSGL.mod.train$beta

    for(l in 1:nlambda0){
        ## Store CVE for all lambdas in the kth row of folds.cve
        folds.cve[k,l] = mean((y.val-SSGL.mod.train$mu.pred[,l])^2)
  ## Mean cross-validation error
  cve = colMeans(folds.cve)
  ## CVE standard error
  cvse = apply(folds.cve,2,stats::sd)
  ## Lambda which minimizes cve
  min.cve.index = which.min(cve)
  lambda0.min = lambda0[min.cve.index]
  ## Return a list
 cv.SSGL.output <- list(lambda0=lambda0,
  # Return list

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sparseGAM documentation built on May 31, 2021, 5:09 p.m.