
Defines functions he10

Documented in he10

#' Measles in UK: spatPomp generator with shared or unit-specific parameters
#' Generate a spatPomp object for measles adding spatial coupling to
#' The model and data from He et al. (2010) with gravity transport as
#' in Park and Ionides (2020). Other transport models may be added in future.
#' The data in the object matches He et al. (2010). The model matches
#' that analysis in the specific case where there is no coupling and all
#' parameters are unit-specific.
#' The code for this spatPomp has duplication with measles(), but in future
#' the two models may diverge. The measles() spatPomp is a simplified
#' situation useful for testing some methods. However, measles() does not
#' permit unit-specific parameters, which he10() allows. Also, 
#' the structure of this spatPomp is compatible with the spatiotemporal 
#' iterated filtering algorithm ibpf(). This requires shared parameters to
#' be represented with a value for each unit, which should be the same for each
#' unit in a valid model instance but may vary between units while optimizing.
#' @name he10
#' @rdname he10
#' @author Edward L. Ionides
#' @family spatPomp model generators 
#' @seealso \code{he10coordinates}, \code{he10measles}, \code{he10mle}, \code{he10demography}
#' @param U A length-one numeric signifying the number of cities to be
#' represented in the spatPomp object. Default U=20 gives all the towns
#' studied by He et al., the 10 largest and 10 selected smaller towns.
#' @importFrom utils data read.csv write.table
#' @param dt a numeric (in unit of years) that is used as the Euler time-increment for simulating measles data.
#' @param Tmax Upper time for the window used to construct the object. The lower time is fixed at 1950.0. The default value matches He et al (2010).
#' @param expandedParNames specifies the names of parameters which take unit-specific values. Remaining parameters take a single, shared value for all units.
#' @param basic_params A candidate parameter vector in the basic format, i.e., no unit-specific parameters or unit-related name extensions.
#' @param towns_selected A numeric vector of towns to be modeled. Defaults 
#' to 1:U, with cities ranked by decreasing population and 1 being London.
#' @return An object of class \sQuote{spatPomp} representing a \code{U}-dimensional spatially coupled measles POMP model.
#' @section Relationship to published analysis:
#' The model generator \code{he10()} differs from \code{measles()} in some details necessitated to reproduce the results of He et al (2010).
#' The \code{measles()} model follows the decision of Park and Ionides (2020) and Ionides et al (2021) to apply the mixing exponent \eqn{\alpha_u} to \eqn{(I_u/P_u)} rather than just to \eqn{I_u}.
#' \code{he10()} does this for the infections arising from individuals traveling to another town (which don't arise for the panel model of He et al (2010)).
#' However, for infections arising within a city, in order to reproduce the results of He et al (2010), \code{he10()} uses \eqn{(I_u^{\alpha_u}/P_u)}.
#' This is not fully documented in the text of Ionides et al (2022).
#' Models fitted to data have \eqn{alpha_u} close to \eqn{1}, so this issue may be negligible in practice.
#' Another discrepancy between the \code{he10()} code and the mathematical model written by Ionides et al (2022) arises in whether individuals traveling from \eqn{u} to \eqn{v} use mixing exponent \eqn{\alpha_u} or \eqn{\alpha_v}.
#' Ionides et al (2022) wrote \eqn{u} but the code used implemented \eqn{v}.
#' The implementation in \code{he10()} matches the implementation of Ionides et al (2022) and so uses \eqn{v}.
#' It might seem surprising that immigrant infections affect only the first term in the expression for \eqn{\mu_{SE}} in Ionides et al (2022), and in the corresponding \code{he10()} code.
#' This immigration term is needed in the first term to make the model of He et al (2010) a proper sub-model, when coupling is removed by setting the gravitational constant parameter equal to zero.
#' When this constant is allowed to be positive, the role of immigrant infections transmitting to traveling individuals is anticipated to be a negligible, second-order effect which has been omitted from the model.
#' @references
#' \asfaw2020
#' \he2010
#' \ionides2021
#' \ionides2022
#' \park2020
#' @note This function goes through a typical workflow of constructing
#' a typical spatPomp object (1-4 below). This allows the user to have a
#' file that replicates the exercise of model building as well as function
#' that creates a typical nonlinear model in epidemiology in case they want
#' to test a new inference methodology. We purposely do not modularize this
#' function because it is not an operational piece of the package and is
#' instead useful as an example.\cr
#' 1. Getting a measurements data.frame with columns for times,
#'    spatial units and measurements.\cr
#' 2. Getting a covariates data.frame with columns for times,
#'    spatial units and covariate data.\cr
#' 3. Constructing model components (latent state initializer,
#'    latent state transition simulator and measurement model). Depending
#'    on the methods used, the user may have to supply a vectorfield to
#'    be integrated that represents the deterministic skeleton of the latent
#'    process.\cr
#' 4. Bringing all the data and model components together to form a
#'    spatPomp object via a call to spatPomp().
#' @examples
#' # Complete examples are provided in the package tests
#' \dontrun{
#' m <- he10(U = 5)
#' # See all the model specifications of the object
#' spy(m)
#' }
#' @export

he10 <- function(U=6,dt=2/365, Tmax=1964,
  basic_params =c(
    alpha = 1,
    iota = 0,  
    R0 = 30,
    cohort = 0,
    amplitude = 0.5,
    gamma = 52,
    sigma = 52,
    mu = 0.02,
    sigmaSE = 0.15, 
    rho = 0.5,
    psi = 0.15,
    g = 400,
    S_0 = 0.032, 
    E_0 = 0.00005, 
    I_0 = 0.00004

  if(!is.null(towns_selected) & U!=length(towns_selected)) stop("Require U==length(towns_selected) when towns_selected is specified")
  if(is.null(towns_selected)) towns_selected <- 1:U
  if(max(towns_selected)>20) stop("U <= 20")
  if(Tmax>1964) stop("Tmax <= 1964")
  birth_lag <- 4 # delay until births hit susceptibles, in years

  # data used for He et al 2010, following their decision
  # to remove 3 data points

  he10_data <- spatPomp::he10measles
  demog <-  spatPomp::he10demography

  # > he10_data[13769+1:5,]
  #            town       date cases
  # 13770 Liverpool 1955-11-04    10
  # 13771 Liverpool 1955-11-11    25
  # 13772 Liverpool 1955-11-18   116
  # 13773 Liverpool 1955-11-25    17
  # 13774 Liverpool 1955-12-02    18

  he10_data[13772,"cases"] <- NA

  # > he10_data[13949+1:5,]
  #            town       date cases
  # 13950 Liverpool 1959-04-17   143
  # 13951 Liverpool 1959-04-24   115
  # 13952 Liverpool 1959-05-01   450
  # 13953 Liverpool 1959-05-08    96
  # 13954 Liverpool 1959-05-15   157

  he10_data[13952,"cases"] <- NA

  # > he10_data[19551+1:5,]
  #             town       date cases
  # 19552 Nottingham 1961-08-18     6
  # 19553 Nottingham 1961-08-25     7
  # 19554 Nottingham 1961-09-01    66
  # 19555 Nottingham 1961-09-08     8
  # 19556 Nottingham 1961-09-15     7

  he10_data[19554,"cases"] <- NA

  mean_pop <- sapply(split(demog,demog$town),function(x) mean(x$pop))
  he10_data <- he10_data[order(mean_pop[he10_data$town],
  towns <-names(sort(mean_pop,decreasing=TRUE))[towns_selected]
  he10_data$year <- as.integer(format(he10_data$date,"%Y"))
  he10_data <-  he10_data[he10_data$town%in%towns,]
  he10_data$time <- julian(he10_data$date,
  he10_data <- he10_data[  
    he10_data$time>1950 & he10_data$time<Tmax,]

  dplyr::select(he10_data,dplyr::all_of(c("time","town","cases"))) -> he10_cases
  he10_covar <- demog[order(mean_pop[demog$town],
    -as.numeric(demog$year),decreasing=T) , ]
  he10_covar <- he10_covar[he10_covar$town %in% towns , ]
  colnames(he10_covar)[2] <- "time"

  # note: London starts at 1939, others start at 1940
  u <- split(he10_covar$births,he10_covar$town)
  v <- lapply(u,function(x){c(rep(NA,birth_lag),x[1:(length(x)-birth_lag)])})
  he10_covar$lag_birthrate <- unlist(v[towns])
  he10_covar$births<- NULL

  # Haversine formula for great circle distance between two points
  # on a sphere radius r. Here, r defaults to a mean radius for the
  # earth, in miles.
  distGreatCircle <- function(p1, p2, r = 3963.191) {
    Lon1 <- p1[,1]*pi/180
    Lat1 <- p1[,2]*pi/180
    Lon2 <- p2[,1]*pi/180
    Lat2 <- p2[,2]*pi/180
    a <- sin((Lat2-Lat1)/2)^2 + cos(Lat1)*cos(Lat2)*sin((Lon2-Lon1)/2)^2
    atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) * 2 * r

  lon_lat <- spatPomp::he10coordinates[
  dmat <- matrix(0,U,U)
  for(u1 in 1:U) {
    for(u2 in 1:U) {
      dmat[u1,u2] <- round(distGreatCircle(lon_lat[u1,],lon_lat[u2,]),1)

  p <- mean_pop[towns]
  v_by_g <- matrix(0,U,U)
  dist_mean <- sum(dmat)/(U*(U-1))
  p_mean <- mean(p)
    for(u1 in 2:U){
      for(u2 in 1:(u1-1)){
        v_by_g[u1,u2] <- (dist_mean*p[u1]*p[u2]) / (dmat[u1,u2] * p_mean^2)
        v_by_g[u2,u1] <- v_by_g[u1,u2]
  to_C_array <- function(v)paste0("{",paste0(v,collapse=","),"}")
  v_by_g_C_rows <- apply(v_by_g,1,to_C_array)
  v_by_g_C_array <- to_C_array(v_by_g_C_rows)
  v_by_g_C <- Csnippet(paste0("const double v_by_g[",U,"][",U,"] = ",v_by_g_C_array,"; "))

  parNames <- names(basic_params)
  fixedParNames <- setdiff(parNames,expandedParNames)
  set_expanded <- Csnippet(paste0("const int ", expandedParNames,
    "_unit = 1;\n", collapse=" "))
  set_fixed <- Csnippet(paste0("const int ", fixedParNames,
    "_unit = 0;\n", collapse=" "))

  he10_globals <- Csnippet(
    paste(v_by_g_C, set_expanded, set_fixed, sep = "\n")

  # add a "1" for shared parameter names to make the pointers work
  he10_paramnames <- c(
      paste0(fixedParNames, "1")
      paste0(rep(expandedParNames, each=U), 1:U)

  unit_statenames <- c('S','E','I','R','C')

  he10_rprocess <- spatPomp_Csnippet(
    unit_statenames = c('S','E','I','R','C'),
    unit_covarnames = c('pop','lag_birthrate'),
    unit_paramnames = c('alpha','iota','R0','cohort','amplitude',
      int BS=0, SE=1, SD=2, EI=3, ED=4, IR=5, ID=6;
      double br, beta, seas, foi, dw;
      double rate[7], dN[7];
      double powVec[U];
      int u,v;
      double tol = 1e-18;
      double day = (t-floor(t))*365;
      for (u = 0 ; u < U ; u++) {

        // needed for the Ensemble Kalman filter
        // or other methods making real-valued perturbations to the state
        // reulermultinom requires integer-valued double type for states
        S[u] = S[u]>0 ? floor(S[u]) : 0;
        E[u] = E[u]>0 ? floor(E[u]) : 0;
        I[u] = I[u]>0 ? floor(I[u]) : 0;
        R[u] = R[u]>0 ? floor(R[u]) : 0;

        // pre-computing this saves substantial time
        powVec[u] = pow(I[u]/pop[u],alpha[u*alpha_unit]);

      for (u = 0 ; u < U ; u++) {

         if ((day>=7&&day<=100) || (day>=115&&day<=199) || (day>=252&&day<=300) || (day>=308&&day<=356))
          seas = 1.0+amplitude[u*amplitude_unit]*0.2411/0.7589;
          seas = 1.0-amplitude[u*amplitude_unit];

        // transmission rate
        //     beta = R0[u*R0_unit]*(gamma[u*gamma_unit]+mu[u*mu_unit])*seas;

        // for compatilibity with he10
        beta = R0[u*R0_unit]*seas*(1-exp(-(gamma[u*gamma_unit]+mu[u*mu_unit])*dt))/dt;

        rate[SD] = mu[u*mu_unit];	
        rate[EI] = sigma[u*sigma_unit];	
        rate[ED] = mu[u*mu_unit];	
        rate[IR] = gamma[u*gamma_unit];	
        rate[ID] = mu[u*mu_unit];	

        // cohort effect
        if (fabs(day-251.0+tol) < 0.5*dt*365)
          br = cohort[u*cohort_unit]*lag_birthrate[u]/dt + (1-cohort[u*cohort_unit])*lag_birthrate[u];
          br = (1.0-cohort[u*cohort_unit])*lag_birthrate[u];

        // expected force of infection
        foi = pow( (I[u]+iota[u*iota_unit]),alpha[u*alpha_unit])/pop[u];
        // using the he10 form where we do not put pop within the power, to match He et al (2010) results
        // to match the mathematical specification in Ionides et al (2021) we would use
        // foi = pow( (I[u]+iota[u*iota_unit])/pop[u],alpha[u*alpha_unit]);

        for (v=0; v < U ; v++) {
          if(v != u)
            foi += g[u*g_unit] * v_by_g[u][v] * (powVec[v] - powVec[u]) / pop[u];

        // white noise (extrademographic stochasticity)
        dw = rgammawn(sigmaSE[u*sigmaSE_unit],dt);
        rate[SE] = beta*foi*dw/dt;  // stochastic force of infection

        // Poisson births
        dN[BS] = rpois(br*dt);

        // transitions between classes

        S[u] += dN[BS]   - dN[SE] - dN[SD];
        E[u] += dN[SE] - dN[EI] - dN[ED];
        I[u] += dN[EI] - dN[IR] - dN[ID];
        R[u] = pop[u] - S[u] - E[u] - I[u];
        C[u] += dN[IR];   // case reports modeled at time of removal/recovery

  he10_dmeasure <-  spatPomp_Csnippet(
    unit_statenames = 'C',
    unit_obsnames = 'cases',
    unit_paramnames = c('rho','psi'),
      double m,v;
      double tol = 1e-300;
      double mytol = 1e-5;
      int u;
      lik = 0;
      for (u = 0; u < U; u++) {
        m = rho[u*rho_unit]*(C[u]+mytol);
        v = m*(1.0-rho[u*rho_unit]+psi[u*psi_unit]*psi[u*psi_unit]*m);

        // Deal with NA measurements by omitting them
          // C < 0 can happen in bootstrap methods such as bootgirf
          if (C[u] < 0) {lik += log(tol);} else {
            if (cases[u] > tol) {
              lik += log(pnorm(cases[u]+0.5,m,sqrt(v)+tol,1,0)-
            } else {
                lik += log(pnorm(cases[u]+0.5,m,sqrt(v)+tol,1,0)+tol);
      if(!give_log) lik = (lik > log(tol)) ? exp(lik) : tol;

  he10_rmeasure <- spatPomp_Csnippet(
      double m,v;
      double tol = 1.0e-300;
      int u;
      for (u = 0; u < U; u++) {
        m = rho[u*rho_unit]*(C[u]+tol);
        v = m*(1.0-rho[u*rho_unit]+psi[u*psi_unit]*psi[u*psi_unit]*m);
        cases[u] = rnorm(m,sqrt(v)+tol);
        if (cases[u] > 0.0) {
          cases[u] = nearbyint(cases[u]);
        } else {
          cases[u] = 0.0;

  he10_dunit_measure <- spatPomp_Csnippet(
      double mytol = 1e-5;
      double m = rho[u*rho_unit]*(C+mytol);
      double v = m*(1.0-rho[u*rho_unit]+psi[u*psi_unit]*psi[u*psi_unit]*m);
      double tol = 1e-300;
      // C < 0 can happen in bootstrap methods such as bootgirf
      if(ISNA(cases)) {lik=1;} else { 
        if (C < 0) {lik = 0;} else {
          if (cases > tol) {
            lik = pnorm(cases+0.5,m,sqrt(v)+tol,1,0)-
          } else {
            lik = pnorm(cases+0.5,m,sqrt(v)+tol,1,0)+tol;
      if(give_log) lik = log(lik);

  he10_eunit_measure <- spatPomp_Csnippet(
    code = "
      ey = rho[u*rho_unit]*C;

  he10_vunit_measure <- spatPomp_Csnippet(
      double mytol = 1e-5;
      double m;
      m = rho[u*rho_unit]*(C+mytol);
      vc = m*(1.0-rho[u*rho_unit]+psi[u*psi_unit]*psi[u*psi_unit]*m);

  he10_rinit <- spatPomp_Csnippet(
    unit_paramnames = c('S_0','E_0','I_0'),
    unit_statenames = c('S','E','I','R','C'),
    unit_covarnames = 'pop',
      double m;
      int u;
      for(u = 0; u < U; u++) {
        m = (float)(pop[u]);
        S[u] = nearbyint(m*S_0[u*S_0_unit]);
        I[u] = nearbyint(m*I_0[u*I_0_unit]);
        E[u] = nearbyint(m*E_0[u*E_0_unit]);
        R[u] = pop[u]-S[u]-E[u]-I[u];
        C[u] = 0;
        // in any practical model fit, we expect R>0
        // though the model does not strictly enforce that 

  he10_skel <- spatPomp_Csnippet(
    unit_statenames = c('S','E','I','R','C'),
    unit_covarnames = c('pop','lag_birthrate'),
    unit_paramnames = c('alpha','iota','R0','cohort','amplitude',
    unit_vfnames = c('S','E','I','R','C'),
    double beta, br, seas, foi;
    double powVec[U];
    int u,v;

    // pre-computing this saves substantial time
    for (u = 0 ; u < U ; u++) {
      powVec[u] = pow(I[u]/pop[u],alpha[u*alpha_unit]);

    for (u = 0 ; u < U ; u++) {

      // term-time seasonality
      t = (t-floor(t))*365.25;
      if ((t>=7&&t<=100) || (t>=115&&t<=199) || (t>=252&&t<=300) || (t>=308&&t<=356))
        seas = 1.0+amplitude[u*amplitude_unit]*0.2411/0.7589;
        seas = 1.0-amplitude[u*amplitude_unit];

    // transmission rate
    beta = R0[u*R0_unit]*(gamma[u*gamma_unit]+mu[u*amplitude_unit])*seas;

      // cannot readily put the cohort effect into a vectorfield for the skeleton
      // therefore, we ignore it here.
      // this is okay as long as the skeleton is being used for short-term forecasts
      //    br = lag_birthrate[u];

      // cohort effect, added back in with cohort arriving over a time interval 0.05yr
      if (fabs(t-floor(t)-251.0/365.0) < 0.5*0.05)
        br = cohort[u*cohort_unit]*lag_birthrate[u]/0.05 + (1-cohort[u*cohort_unit])*lag_birthrate[u];
        br = (1.0-cohort[u*cohort_unit])*lag_birthrate[u];

      foi = I[u]/pop[u];
      for (v=0; v < U ; v++) {
        if(v != u)
          foi += g[u*g_unit] * v_by_g[u][v] * (I[v]/pop[v] - I[u]/pop[u]) / pop[u];

      DS[u] = br - (beta*foi + mu[u*mu_unit])*S[u];
      DE[u] = beta*foi*S[u] - (sigma[u*sigma_unit]+mu[u*mu_unit])*E[u];
      DI[u] = sigma[u*sigma_unit]*E[u] - (gamma[u*gamma_unit]+mu[u*mu_unit])*I[u];
      DR[u] = gamma[u*gamma_unit]*I[u] - mu[u*mu_unit]*R[u];
      DC[u] = gamma[u*gamma_unit]*I[u];

basic_log_names <- c("sigma", "gamma", "sigmaSE", "psi", "R0", "g","iota","mu")
basic_log_names <- setdiff(basic_log_names,fixedParNames)

basic_logit_names <- c("amplitude", "alpha","cohort","rho","S_0", "E_0", "I_0")
basic_logit_names <- setdiff(basic_logit_names,fixedParNames)

log_names <- unlist(lapply(basic_log_names, function(x,U) paste0(x,1:U),U))
logit_names <- unlist(lapply(basic_logit_names, function(x,U) paste0(x,1:U),U))
## it is possible for S+E+I to be greater than P,
## in which case R is negative, but that is not necessarily a critical problem.

he10_partrans <- parameter_trans(log=log_names,logit=logit_names)

m1 <-  spatPomp(he10_cases,
          units = "town",
          times = "time",
          t0 = min(he10_cases$time)-1/52,
          unit_statenames = unit_statenames,
          covar = he10_covar,
          rprocess=euler(he10_rprocess, delta.t=dt),
          unit_accumvars = c("C"),

he10_params <- rep(0,length=length(he10_paramnames))
names(he10_params) <- he10_paramnames

for(p in fixedParNames) he10_params[paste0(p,1)] <- basic_params[p]
for(p in expandedParNames) he10_params[paste0(p,1:U)] <- basic_params[p]

coef(m1) <- he10_params

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spatPomp documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:16 p.m.