
Defines functions find_next_neighbor spatial_nndm_cv

Documented in spatial_nndm_cv

#' Nearest neighbor distance matching (NNDM) cross-validation
#' NNDM is a variant of leave-one-out cross-validation which assigns each
#' observation to a single assessment fold, and then attempts to remove data
#' from each analysis fold until the nearest neighbor distance distribution
#' between assessment and analysis folds matches the nearest neighbor distance
#' distribution between training data and the locations a model will be used to
#' predict.
#' Proposed by Milà et al. (2022), this method aims to provide accurate
#' estimates of how well models will perform in the locations they will actually
#' be predicting. This method was originally implemented in the CAST package.
#' Note that, as a form of leave-one-out cross-validation, this method can be
#' rather slow for larger data (and fitting models to these resamples will be
#' even slower).
#' @param data An object of class `sf` or `sfc`.
#' @param prediction_sites An `sf` or `sfc` object describing the areas to be
#' predicted. If `prediction_sites` are all points, then those points are
#' treated as the intended prediction points when calculating target nearest
#' neighbor distances. If `prediction_sites` is a single (multi-)polygon, then
#' points are sampled from within the boundaries of that polygon. Otherwise,
#' if `prediction_sites` is of length > 1 and not made up of points,
#' then points are sampled from within the bounding box of `prediction_sites`
#' and used as the intended prediction points.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [sf::st_sample()]. Note that the
#' number of points to sample is controlled by `prediction_sample_size`; trying
#' to pass `size` via `...` will cause an error.
#' @param autocorrelation_range A numeric of length 1 representing the landscape
#' autocorrelation range ("phi" in the terminology of Milà et al. (2022)). If
#' `NULL`, the default, the autocorrelation range is assumed to be the distance
#' between the opposite corners of the bounding box of `prediction_sites`.
#' @param prediction_sample_size A numeric of length 1: the number of points to
#' sample when `prediction_sites` is not only composed of points. Note that this
#' argument is passed to `size` in [sf::st_sample()], meaning that no elements
#' of `...` can be named `size`.
#' @param min_analysis_proportion The minimum proportion of `data` that must
#' remain after removing points to match nearest neighbor distances. This
#' function will stop removing data from analysis sets once only
#' `min_analysis_proportion` of the original data remains in analysis sets, even
#' if the nearest neighbor distances between analysis and assessment sets are
#' still lower than those between training and prediction locations.
#' @return A tibble with classes `spatial_nndm_cv`,  `spatial_rset`, `rset`,
#'   `tbl_df`, `tbl`, and `data.frame`. The results include a column for the
#'   data split objects and an identification variable `id`.
#' @references
#' C. Milà, J. Mateu, E. Pebesma, and H. Meyer. 2022. "Nearest Neighbour
#' Distance Matching Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation for map validation." Methods
#' in Ecology and Evolution 2022:13, pp 1304– 1316.
#' doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13851.
#' H. Meyer and E. Pebesma. 2022. "Machine learning-based global maps of
#' ecological variables and the challenge of assessing them."
#' Nature Communications 13, pp 2208. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-29838-9.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("modeldata")
#' data(ames, package = "modeldata")
#' ames_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(ames, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), crs = 4326)
#' # Using a small subset of the data, to make the example run faster:
#' spatial_nndm_cv(ames_sf[1:100, ], ames_sf[2001:2100, ])
#' @export
spatial_nndm_cv <- function(data, prediction_sites, ...,
                            autocorrelation_range = NULL,
                            prediction_sample_size = 1000,
                            min_analysis_proportion = 0.5) {
  # Data validation: check that all dots are used,
  # that data and prediction_sites are sf objects,
  # that data has a CRS and s2 is enabled if necessary

  standard_checks(data, "`spatial_nndm_cv()`", rlang::current_env())
  if (!is_sf(prediction_sites)) {
        glue::glue("`spatial_nndm_cv()` currently only supports `sf` objects."),
        i = "Try converting `prediction_sites` to an `sf` object via `sf::st_as_sf()`."

  # sf::st_distance won't reproject automatically, so if prediction_sites
  # isn't already aligned with data, reproject coordinates to prevent
  # distance calculations from failing
  if (!isTRUE(sf::st_crs(prediction_sites) == sf::st_crs(data))) {
        "Reprojecting `prediction_sites` to match the CRS of `data`.",
        i = "Reproject `prediction_sites` and `data` to share a CRS to avoid this warning."
    if (is.na(sf::st_crs(prediction_sites))) {
      prediction_sites <- sf::st_set_crs(prediction_sites, sf::st_crs(data))
    } else {
      prediction_sites <- sf::st_transform(prediction_sites, sf::st_crs(data))

  # Attributes that will be attached to the rset object
  # Importantly this is before we sample prediction_sites
  # or compute autocorrelation_range,
  # primarily for compatibility with rsample::reshuffle_rset()
  cv_att <- list(
    prediction_sites = prediction_sites,
    prediction_sample_size = prediction_sample_size,
    autocorrelation_range = autocorrelation_range,
    min_analysis_proportion = min_analysis_proportion,

  ######## Actual processing begins here ########
  # "If any element of `prediction_sites` is not a single point,
  # then points are sampled from within the bounding box of `prediction_sites`"
  # Because an sf object can contain multiple geometry types,
  # we check both for length > 1 (in order to avoid the "condition has length"
  # error) and to see if the input is already only points
  pred_geometry <- unique(sf::st_geometry_type(prediction_sites))

  use_provided_points <- length(pred_geometry) == 1 && pred_geometry == "POINT"
  sample_provided_poly <- length(pred_geometry) == 1 && pred_geometry %in% c(

  if (use_provided_points) {
    sample_points <- prediction_sites
  } else if (sample_provided_poly) {
    sample_points <- sf::st_sample(
      x = sf::st_geometry(prediction_sites),
      size = prediction_sample_size,
  } else {
    sample_points <- sf::st_sample(
      x = sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(prediction_sites)),
      size = prediction_sample_size,

  # st_sample can _sometimes_ use geographic coordinates (for SRS, mainly)
  # and will _sometimes_ warn instead (systematic sampling)
  # but will _often_ strip CRS from the returned data;
  # enforce here that our output prediction sites share a CRS with input data
  if (is.na(sf::st_crs(sample_points))) {
    prediction_sites <- sf::st_set_crs(

  # Set autocorrelation range, if not specified, to be the distance between
  # the bottom-left and upper-right corners of prediction_sites --
  # the idea being that this is the maximum relevant distance for
  # autocorrelation, and there's limited harm in assuming too long a range
  # (at least, versus too short)
  # We do this after sampling for 1:1 compatibility with CAST
  if (is.null(autocorrelation_range)) {
    bbox <- sf::st_bbox(prediction_sites)

    autocorrelation_range <- sf::st_distance(
          lon = bbox[c("xmin", "xmax")],
          lat = bbox[c("ymin", "ymax")]
        coords = c("lon", "lat"),
        crs = sf::st_crs(prediction_sites)

  dist_to_nn_prediction <- apply(
    sf::st_distance(prediction_sites, data),

  distance_matrix <- sf::st_distance(data)

  # We've enforced that prediction_sites and data are in the same CRS;
  # therefore nearest_neighbors and distance_matrix are in the same units
  # Force autocorrelation_range into the same units:
  units(autocorrelation_range) <- units(distance_matrix)

  # We're guaranteed to be working in one set of units now,
  # which means we should be able to drop units entirely at this point
  # (which should make some of the logic here easier)
  units(autocorrelation_range) <- NULL
  units(distance_matrix) <- NULL

  diag(distance_matrix) <- NA
  dist_to_nn_training <- apply(distance_matrix, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)

  current_neighbor <- list(
    distance = min(dist_to_nn_training),
    row = which.min(dist_to_nn_training)[1]
  current_neighbor$col <- which.min(distance_matrix[current_neighbor$row, ])

  n_training <- nrow(data)

  # Core loop: try to match the empirical nearest neighbor distribution curves
  # (adjusting the training:training curve to that of prediction:training)
  while (current_neighbor$distance <= autocorrelation_range) {
    # Proportion of training data with a neighbor in training
    # closer than current_neighbor$distance if we removed one additional point
    # (hence 1 / n_training)
    prop_close_training <-
      mean(dist_to_nn_training <= current_neighbor$distance) - (1 / n_training)
    # Proportion of prediction data with a neighbor in training data
    # closer than current_neighbor$distance
    prop_close_prediction <- mean(
      dist_to_nn_prediction <= current_neighbor$distance

    # How much data remains in analysis sets?
    prop_remaining <- sum(
      !is.na(distance_matrix[current_neighbor$row, ])
    ) / n_training

    if ((prop_close_training >= prop_close_prediction) &
      (prop_remaining > min_analysis_proportion)) {

      # Remove nearest neighbors from analysis sets until the % of points with
      # an NN in analysis at distance X in analysis ~= the % of points
      # in predict with NN in train at distance X
      distance_matrix[current_neighbor$row, current_neighbor$col] <- NA

      dist_to_nn_training <- apply(distance_matrix, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)

      # Then update "distance X" to be the next nearest neighbor
      # We just set the distance at current_neighbor to NA,
      # so using >= won't just select the same neighbor over and over again
      current_neighbor <- find_next_neighbor(
        equal_distance_ok = TRUE
    } else {
      # If prop_close_training < prop_close_prediction,
      # we don't need to remove the current point;
      # as such, we need to find a distance >, rather than >=,
      # to the current neighbor
      # (or else we'd loop on this point forever)
      current_neighbor <- find_next_neighbor(
        equal_distance_ok = FALSE

    if (!any(dist_to_nn_training > current_neighbor$distance)) {

  indices <- purrr::map(
    function(i) {
        analysis = which(!is.na(distance_matrix[i, ])),
        assessment = i

  split_objs <- purrr::map(
    data = data,
    class = c("spatial_nndm_split", "spatial_rsplit")

    splits = split_objs,
    ids = names0(length(split_objs), "Fold"),
    attrib = cv_att,
    subclass = c("spatial_nndm_cv", "spatial_rset", "rset")

find_next_neighbor <- function(current_neighbor, dist_to_nn_training, distance_matrix, equal_distance_ok = FALSE) {
  operator <- if (equal_distance_ok) `>=` else `>`
  current_neighbor$distance <- min(dist_to_nn_training[operator(dist_to_nn_training, current_neighbor$distance)])
  current_neighbor$row <- which(dist_to_nn_training == current_neighbor$distance)[1]
  current_neighbor$col <- which(distance_matrix[current_neighbor$row, ] == current_neighbor$distance)

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spatialsample documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 1:08 a.m.