
Defines functions resolve_data.data.frame resolve_data.sf resolve_data resolve_od_data.default resolve_od_data.sf resolve_od_data sfrow resolve_legend widget_od widget_point widget_polygon widget_line

Documented in widget_line widget_od widget_point widget_polygon

#' Widget Line
#' Converts an `sf` object with LINESTRING geometriers into JSON for plotting in an htmlwidget
#' @param data \code{sf} object
#' @param stroke_colour string specifying column of \code{sf} to use for the stroke colour,
#' or a single value to apply to all rows of data
#' @param stroke_opacity string specifying column of \code{sf} to use for the stroke opacity,
#' or a single value to apply to all rows of data
#' @param stroke_width string specifying column of \code{sf} to use for the stroke width,
#' or a single value to apply to all rows of data
#' @param legend logical indicating if legend data will be returned
#' @param json_legend logical indicating if the legend will be returned as json
#' @param digits number of decimal places for rounding lon o& lat coordinates. Default 6
#' @examples
#' ## use default stroke options
#' l <- widget_line( widget_roads, legend = TRUE )
#' @export
widget_line <- function(
  stroke_colour = NULL,
  stroke_opacity = NULL,
  stroke_width = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  json_legend = TRUE,
  digits = 6
  ) {

  l <- as.list( match.call( expand.dots = F) )
  l[[1]] <- NULL
  l[["data"]] <- NULL
  l[["json_legend"]] <- NULL
  l[["stroke_colour"]] <- force( stroke_colour )
  l[["stroke_opacity"]] <- force( stroke_opacity )
  l[["stroke_width"]] <- force( stroke_width )

  l <- resolve_legend( l, legend )
  l <- resolve_data( data, l, "LINESTRING")

  if( !is.null( l[["data"]] ) ) {
    data <- l[["data"]]
    l[["data"]] <- NULL
  l[["data_type"]] <- NULL

  js_data <- rcpp_widget_line( data, l, c("geometry"), json_legend, digits  )
  return( js_data )

#' Widget Polygon
#' Converts an `sf` object with POLYGON geometriers into JSON for plotting in an htmlwidget
#' @inheritParams widget_line
#' @param fill_colour string specifying column of \code{sf} to use for the fill colour,
#' or a single value to apply to all rows of data
#' @param fill_opacity string specifying column of \code{sf} to use for the fill opacity,
#' or a single value to apply to all rows of data
#' @examples
#' l <- widget_polygon( widget_melbourne, legend = FALSE )
#' l <- widget_polygon( widget_melbourne, fill_colour = "AREASQKM16", legend = TRUE )
#' @export
widget_polygon <- function(
  stroke_colour = NULL,
  stroke_opacity = NULL,
  stroke_width = NULL,
  fill_colour = NULL,
  fill_opacity = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  json_legend = TRUE,
  digits = 6
  ) {

  l <- as.list( match.call( expand.dots = F ) )
  l[[1]] <- NULL
  l[["data"]] <- NULL
  l[["json_legend"]] <- NULL
  l[["stroke_colour"]] <- force( stroke_colour )
  l[["stroke_opacity"]] <- force( stroke_opacity )
  l[["stroke_width"]] <- force( stroke_width )
  l[["fill_colour"]] <- force( fill_colour )
  l[["fill_opacity"]] <- force( fill_opacity )

  l <- resolve_legend( l, legend )
  l <- resolve_data( data, l, "POLYGON" )

  if( !is.null( l[["data"]] ) ) {
    data <- l[["data"]]
    l[["data"]] <- NULL
  l[["data_type"]] <- NULL

  js_data <- rcpp_widget_polygon( data, l, c("geometry"), json_legend, digits )
  return( js_data )

#' Widget Point
#' Converts an `sf` object with POINT geometriers into JSON for plotting in an htmlwidget
#' @inheritParams widget_polygon
#' @param lon string specifying the column of \code{data} containing the longitude.
#' Ignored if using an \code{sf} object
#' @param lat string specifying the column of \code{data} containing the latitude.
#' Ignored if using an \code{sf} object
#' @examples
#' l <- widget_point( data = widget_capitals, legend = FALSE )
#' @export
widget_point <- function(
  fill_colour = NULL,
  fill_opacity = NULL,
  lon = NULL,
  lat = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  json_legend = TRUE,
  digits = 6
  ) {

  l <- as.list( match.call( expand.dots = F ) )
  l[[1]] <- NULL
  l[["data"]] <- NULL
  l[["json_legend"]] <- NULL
  l[["lon"]] <- force( lon )
  l[["lat"]] <- force( lat )
  l[["fill_colour"]] <- force( fill_colour )
  l[["fill_opacity"]] <- force( fill_opacity )

  l <- resolve_legend( l, legend )
  l <- resolve_data( data, l, "POINT" )

  if( !is.null( l[["data"]] ) ) {
    data <- l[["data"]]
    l[["data"]] <- NULL

  tp <- l[["data_type"]]
  l[["data_type"]] <- NULL

  if( tp == "sf" ) {
    js_data <- rcpp_widget_point( data, l, c("geometry"), json_legend, digits )
  } else if (tp == "df" ) {
    if( is.null( lon ) || is.null( lat ) ) {
      stop("lon and lat are requried for data.frames")
    js_data <- rcpp_widget_point_df(
      data, l, list(myGeometry = c("lon","lat") ), json_legend, digits
  return( js_data )

## columnar design:
## - dadta.frame. Specify lon, lat, geometries (origin, destinatin, other)
## - if it's an 'sf' object, it will go to rcpp_sf_columnar()
## -- get dimension, and turn into a data.frame with 'x', 'y', 'z', 'm'
## -- IF xy, stride = 2, if xyz ,stried = 3, if xyzm, stride = 4
## -- (plus other stried caused by colour etc)

## If I'm going to use the binary data structure suggested by deck.gl
##  // lon1, lat1, radius1, red1, green1, blue1, lon2, lat2, ...
## const binaryData = new Float32Array([-122.4, 37.78, 1000, 255, 200, 0, -122.41, 37.775, 500, 200, 0, 0, -122.39, 37.8, 500, 0, 40, 200]);
## Then maybe I acutally should use
## const lon = new Float32Array([])
## const lat = new Float32Array([])
## const fill_colour = new Float32Array([])
## const ...
## then the fill_colours will stried 4 (r,g,b,a)
## the geometries will stried 2/3/4 (xy/z/m) + number_coordinates in a geometry
## and create a
## const DATA = {
##  srcLon: lon, length: lon.length / stride (1??),
##  srcLat: lat, length:
## }

# widget_point_columnar <- function(
#   data,
#   fill_colour = NULL,
#   fill_opacity = NULL,
#   lon = NULL,
#   lat = NULL,
#   legend = TRUE,
#   json_legend = TRUE,
#   digits = 6
# ) {
#   l <- as.list( match.call( expand.dots = F ) )
#   l[[1]] <- NULL
#   l[["data"]] <- NULL
#   l[["json_legend"]] <- NULL
#   l[["lon"]] <- force( lon )
#   l[["lat"]] <- force( lat )
#   l[["fill_colour"]] <- force( fill_colour )
#   l[["fill_opacity"]] <- force( fill_opacity )
#   l <- resolve_legend( l, legend )
#   l <- resolve_data( data, l, "POINT" )
#   if( !is.null( l[["data"]] ) ) {
#     data <- l[["data"]]
#     l[["data"]] <- NULL
#   }
#   tp <- l[["data_type"]]
#   l[["data_type"]] <- NULL
#   if( tp == "sf" ) {
#     js_data <- rcpp_widget_point_sf_columnar( data, l, list( myGeometry = c("x","y") ), json_legend, digits )
#   } else if (tp == "df" ) {
#     if( is.null( lon ) || is.null( lat ) ) {
#       stop("lon and lat are requried for data.frames")
#     }
#     # print( data )
#     js_data <- rcpp_widget_point_df_columnar(
#       data, l, list( myGeometry = c("x","y") ), json_legend, digits
#     )
#   }
#   return( js_data )
# }

#' Widget OD
#' Converts an `sf` object with two POINT geometriers into JSON for plotting in an htmlwidget
#' @inheritParams widget_polygon
#' @param origin string specifying the column of \code{data} containing the origin geometry
#' @param destination string specifying the column of \code{data} containing the destination geometry
#' @examples
#' l <- widget_od( data = widget_arcs, origin = "origin", destination = "destination", legend = FALSE )
#' @export
widget_od <- function(
  fill_colour = NULL,
  fill_opacity = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  json_legend = TRUE,
  digits = 6
  ) {

  l <- as.list( match.call( expand.dots = F ) )
  l[[1]] <- NULL
  l[["data"]] <- NULL
  l[["json_legend"]] <- NULL

  l <- resolve_legend( l, legend )
  l <- resolve_od_data( data, l, "POINT" )

  if( !is.null( l[["data"]] ) ) {
    data <- l[["data"]]
    l[["data"]] <- NULL

  tp <- l[["data_type"]]
  l[["data_type"]] <- NULL

  js_data <- rcpp_widget_point( data, l, c("origin","destination"), json_legend, digits )

  return( js_data )

resolve_legend <- function( l, legend ) {
  l[['legend']] <- legend
  return( l )

## TODO( allow MULTI* objects)
sfrow <- function( data , sfc_type ) {
  geom_column <- attr(data, "sf_column")
    which(vapply(data[[geom_column]], function(x) attr(x, "class")[[2]], "") %in% c(sfc_type, paste0("MULTI", sfc_type) ) )

resolve_od_data <- function( data, l, origin, destination ) UseMethod("resolve_od_data")

#' @export
resolve_od_data.sf <- function( data, l, origin, destination ) {
  if ( is.null( l[["origin"]] ) || is.null( l[["destination"]] ) ) {
    stop("origin and destination columns required")
  l[["data_type"]] <- "sf"
  return( l )

#' @export
resolve_od_data.default <- function( data, l, origin, destination ) stop("only sf objects are supported for OD")

resolve_data <- function( data, l, sf_geom ) UseMethod("resolve_data")

#' @export
resolve_data.sf <- function( data, l, sf_geom ) {
  sfc_col <- attr( data, "sf_column" )
  l[["geometry"]] <- sfc_col

  if ( paste0("sfc_", sfc_col) != toupper(sf_geom) ) {
    l[["data"]] <- data[ sfrow(data, sf_geom) , ]
  l[["data_type"]] <- "sf"
  return( l )

#' @export
resolve_data.data.frame <- function( data, l, sf_geom ) {
  if( sf_geom != "POINT") {
    stop("only POINTS are supported for data.frames")
  ## l[["geometry"]] <- c( l[["lon"]], l[["lat"]] )
  l[["data"]] <- data
  l[["data_type"]] <- "df"
  return( l )

Try the spatialwidget package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

spatialwidget documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:41 a.m.