is.multitype.lpp: Test Whether A Point Pattern on a Network is Multitype

View source: R/lpp.R

is.multitype.lppR Documentation

Test Whether A Point Pattern on a Network is Multitype


Tests whether a point pattern on a network has “marks” attached to the points which classify the points into several types.


  ## S3 method for class 'lpp'
is.multitype(X, na.action="warn", ...) 



Point pattern on a linear networl (object of class "lpp").


String indicating what to do if NA values are encountered amongst the marks. Options are "warn", "fatal" and "ignore".




“Marks” are observations attached to each point of a point pattern. For example the chicago dataset contains the locations of crimes, each crime location being marked by the type of crime.

This function tests whether the point pattern X contains or involves marked points, and that the marks are a factor. It is a method for the generic function is.multitype.

The argument na.action determines what action will be taken if the point pattern has a vector of marks but some or all of the marks are NA. Options are "fatal" to cause a fatal error; "warn" to issue a warning and then return TRUE; and "ignore" to take no action except returning TRUE.


Logical value, equal to TRUE if X is a multitype point pattern.



and \rolf

See Also

is.multitype, is.multitype.lppm



spatstat.linnet documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 5:06 p.m.