lineartileindex: Determine Which Tile Contains Each Given Point on a Linear...

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lineartileindexR Documentation

Determine Which Tile Contains Each Given Point on a Linear Network


Given a tessellation on a linear network, and a list of points on the network, determine which tile of the tessellation contains each of the given points.


lineartileindex(seg, tp, Z, method = c("encode", "C", "interpreted"))


seg, tp

Vectors of local coordinates of the query points. See Details.


A tessellation on a linear network (object of class "lintess").


Internal use only.


This low-level function is the analogue of tileindex for linear networks. For a tessellation Z on a linear network, and a list of query points on the same network, the function determines which tile of the tessellation contains each query point.

Argument Z should be a tessellation on a linear network (object of class "lintess").

The vectors seg and tp specify the locations of the query points, on the same network, using local coordinates: seg contains integer values specifying which segment of the network contains each query point; tp contains numeric values between 0 and 1 specifying the fractional position along that segment.

The result is a factor, of the same length as seg and tp, indicating which tile contains each point. The levels of the factor are the names of the tiles of Z.


A factor, of the same length as seg and tp, whose levels are the names of the tiles of Z.



See Also


as.linfun.lintess to create a function whose value is the tile index.

cut.lpp for a neater way to classify the points of a point pattern on a linear network according to a tessellation on the network.


   Z <- lineardirichlet(runiflpp(15, simplenet))
   X <- runiflpp(10, simplenet)
   coX <- coords(X)
   ii <- lineartileindex(coX$seg, coX$tp, Z)

spatstat.linnet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:07 a.m.