pairdist.lpp: Pairwise shortest-path distances between points on a linear...

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pairdist.lppR Documentation

Pairwise shortest-path distances between points on a linear network


Given a pattern of points on a linear network, compute the matrix of distances between all pairs of points, measuring distance by the shortest path in the network.


## S3 method for class 'lpp'
pairdist(X, ..., method="C")



Point pattern on linear network (object of class "lpp").


Optional string determining the method of calculation. Either "interpreted" or "C".




Given a pattern of points on a linear network, this function computes the matrix of distances between all pairs of points, measuring distance by the shortest path in the network.

If two points cannot be joined by a path, the distance between them is infinite (Inf).

The argument method is not normally used. It is retained only for developers to check the validity of the software.


A symmetric matrix, whose values are nonnegative numbers or infinity (Inf).

Algorithms and accuracy

Distances are accurate within the numerical tolerance of the network, summary(X)$toler.

For network data stored in the non-sparse representation described in linnet, then pairwise distances are computed using the matrix of path distances between vertices of the network, using R code if method = "interpreted", or using C code if method="C" (the default).

For networks stored in the sparse representation, the argument method has no effect, and the distances are computed using an efficient C algorithm.



and \adrian.

See Also



   X <- runiflpp(12, simplenet)
   d <- pairdist(X)
   d[1:3, 1:3]

spatstat.linnet documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 5:06 p.m.