spatstat.linnet-deprecated: Deprecated spatstat.linnet functions

spatstat.linnet-deprecatedR Documentation

Deprecated spatstat.linnet functions


Deprecated spatstat.linnet functions.


## S3 method for class 'linnet'
circumradius(x, ...)
rjitterlpp(X, ...)
bw.relrisklpp(X, ...)


These functions are deprecated, and will eventually be deleted from the spatstat.linnet package.

rjitterlpp is replaced by rjitter.lpp, a method for the generic rjitter.

circumradius.linnet is replaced by the more appropriately named boundingradius.linnet.

bw.relrisklpp is replaced by the method bw.relrisk.lpp for the generic bw.relrisk.


circumradius.linnet returns a numeric value.

rjitterlpp returns a point pattern on a linear network (object of class "lpp").

bw.relrisklpp returns an object of class "bw.optim" which is a numeric value with additional attributes.

spatstat.linnet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:07 a.m.