Man pages for spatstat.model
Parametric Statistical Modelling and Inference for the 'spatstat' Family

addvarAdded Variable Plot for Point Process Model
anova.mppmANOVA for Fitted Point Process Models for Replicated Patterns
anova.ppmANOVA for Fitted Point Process Models
anova.slrmAnalysis of Deviance for Spatial Logistic Regression Models
AreaInterThe Area Interaction Point Process Model
as.function.leverage.ppmConvert Leverage Object to Function of Coordinates
as.fv.kppmConvert Fitted Model To Class fv
as.interactExtract Interaction Structure
as.layered.msrConvert Measure To Layered Object
as.owin.ppmConvert Data To Class owin
as.ppmExtract Fitted Point Process Model
aucArea Under ROC Curve
BadGeyHybrid Geyer Point Process Model
bc.ppmBias Correction for Fitted Model
berman.testBerman's Tests for Point Process Model
cauchy.estKFit the Neyman-Scott cluster process with Cauchy kernel
cauchy.estpcfFit the Neyman-Scott cluster process with Cauchy kernel
cdf.testSpatial Distribution Test for Point Pattern or Point Process...
cdf.test.mppmSpatial Distribution Test for Multiple Point Process Model
closepaircountsCount Close Pairs of Points
clusterfield.kppmField of clusters
clusterfitFit Cluster or Cox Point Process Model via Minimum Contrast
clusterkernel.kppmExtract Cluster Offspring Kernel
clusterradius.kppmCompute or Extract Effective Range of Cluster Kernel
coef.mppmCoefficients of Point Process Model Fitted to Multiple Point...
coef.ppmCoefficients of Fitted Point Process Model
coef.slrmCoefficients of Fitted Spatial Logistic Regression Model
compareFitResidual Diagnostics for Multiple Fitted Models
ConcomThe Connected Component Process Model
data.ppmExtract Original Data from a Fitted Point Process Model
detpointprocfamilyfunConstruct a New Determinantal Point Process Model Family...
dfbetas.ppmParameter Influence Measure
dffit.ppmCase Deletion Effect Measure of Fitted Model
diagnose.ppmDiagnostic Plots for Fitted Point Process Model
DiggleGatesStibbardDiggle-Gates-Stibbard Point Process Model
DiggleGrattonDiggle-Gratton model
dim.detpointprocfamilyDimension of Determinantal Point Process Model
domain.ppmExtract the Domain of any Spatial Object
dppapproxkernelApproximate Determinantal Point Process Kernel
dppapproxpcfApproximate Pair Correlation Function of Determinantal Point...
dppBesselBessel Type Determinantal Point Process Model
dppCauchyGeneralized Cauchy Determinantal Point Process Model
dppeigenInternal function calculating eig and index
dppGaussGaussian Determinantal Point Process Model
dppkernelExtract Kernel from Determinantal Point Process Model Object
dppmFit Determinantal Point Process Model
dppMaternWhittle-Matern Determinantal Point Process Model
dppparboundsParameter Bound for a Determinantal Point Process Model
dppPowerExpPower Exponential Spectral Determinantal Point Process Model
dppspecdenExtract Spectral Density from Determinantal Point Process...
dppspecdenrangeRange of Spectral Density of a Determinantal Point Process...
dummifyConvert Data to Numeric Values by Constructing Dummy...
dummy.ppmExtract Dummy Points Used to Fit a Point Process Model
eemExponential Energy Marks
effectfunCompute Fitted Effect of a Spatial Covariate in a Point...
emendForce Model to be Valid
emend.ppmForce Point Process Model to be Valid
emend.slrmForce Spatial Logistic Regression Model to be Valid
envelopeSimulation Envelopes of Summary Function
exactMPLEstraussExact Maximum Pseudolikelihood Estimate for Stationary...
Extract.influence.ppmExtract Subset of Influence Object
Extract.leverage.ppmExtract Subset of Leverage Object
Extract.msrExtract Subset of Signed or Vector Measure
FikselThe Fiksel Interaction
fitinExtract the Interaction from a Fitted Point Process Model
fitted.mppmFitted Conditional Intensity for Multiple Point Process Model
fitted.ppmFitted Conditional Intensity for Point Process Model
fitted.slrmFitted Probabilities for Spatial Logistic Regression
fixef.mppmExtract Fixed Effects from Point Process Model
formula.ppmModel Formulae for Gibbs Point Process Models
GcomModel Compensator of Nearest Neighbour Function
GeyerGeyer's Saturation Point Process Model
GresResidual G Function
HardcoreThe Hard Core Point Process Model
hardcoredistExtract the Hard Core Distance of a Point Process Model
harmonicBasis for Harmonic Functions
harmonise.msrMake Measures Compatible
HierHardThe Hierarchical Hard Core Point Process Model
hierpair.familyHierarchical Pairwise Interaction Process Family
HierStraussThe Hierarchical Strauss Point Process Model
HierStraussHardThe Hierarchical Strauss Hard Core Point Process Model
HybridHybrid Interaction Point Process Model
hybrid.familyHybrid Interaction Family
ic.kppmModel selection criteria for the intensity function of a...
improve.kppmImprove Intensity Estimate of Fitted Cluster Point Process...
influence.ppmInfluence Measure for Spatial Point Process Model
inforder.familyInfinite Order Interaction Family
integral.msrIntegral of a Measure
intensity.dppmIntensity of Determinantal Point Process Model
intensity.ppmIntensity of Fitted Point Process Model
intensity.slrmIntensity of Fitted Spatial Logistic Regression Model
interactionorderDetermine the Order of Interpoint Interaction in a Model
ippmFit Point Process Model Involving Irregular Trend Parameters
is.dppmRecognise Fitted Determinantal Point Process Models
isf.objectInteraction Structure Family Objects
is.hybridTest Whether Object is a Hybrid
is.marked.ppmTest Whether A Point Process Model is Marked
is.multitype.ppmTest Whether A Point Process Model is Multitype
is.poissonclusterprocessRecognise Poisson Cluster Process Models
is.ppmTest Whether An Object Is A Fitted Point Process Model
is.stationary.ppmRecognise Stationary and Poisson Point Process Models
KcomModel Compensator of K Function
KmodelK Function or Pair Correlation Function of a Point Process...
Kmodel.dppmK-function or Pair Correlation Function of a Determinantal...
Kmodel.kppmK Function or Pair Correlation Function of Cluster Model or...
Kmodel.ppmK Function or Pair Correlation Function of Gibbs Point...
kppmFit Cluster or Cox Point Process Model
KresResidual K Function
LambertWLambert's W Function
LennardJonesThe Lennard-Jones Potential
leverage.ppmLeverage Measure for Spatial Point Process Model
leverage.slrmLeverage and Influence Diagnostics for Spatial Logistic...
lgcp.estKFit a Log-Gaussian Cox Point Process by Minimum Contrast
lgcp.estpcfFit a Log-Gaussian Cox Point Process by Minimum Contrast
logLik.dppmLog Likelihood and AIC for Fitted Determinantal Point Process...
logLik.kppmLog Likelihood and AIC for Fitted Cox or Cluster Point...
logLik.mppmLog Likelihood and AIC for Multiple Point Process Model
logLik.ppmLog Likelihood and AIC for Point Process Model
logLik.slrmLoglikelihood of Spatial Logistic Regression
lurkingLurking Variable Plot
lurking.mppmLurking Variable Plot for Multiple Point Patterns
matclust.estKFit the Matern Cluster Point Process by Minimum Contrast
matclust.estpcfFit the \Matern Cluster Point Process by Minimum Contrast...
measureContinuousDiscrete and Continuous Components of a Measure
measureVariationPositive and Negative Parts, and Variation, of a Measure
measureWeightedWeighted Version of a Measure
methods.dppmMethods for Determinantal Point Process Models
methods.fiiMethods for Fitted Interactions
methods.influence.ppmMethods for Influence Objects
methods.kppmMethods for Cluster Point Process Models
methods.leverage.ppmMethods for Leverage Objects
methods.objsurfMethods for Objective Function Surfaces
methods.slrmMethods for Spatial Logistic Regression Models
methods.trajMethods for Trajectories of Function Evaluations
methods.zclustermodelMethods for Cluster Models
methods.zgibbsmodelMethods for Gibbs Models
mincontrastMethod of Minimum Contrast
model.dependsIdentify Covariates Involved in each Model Term
model.frame.ppmExtract the Variables in a Point Process Model
model.imagesCompute Images of Constructed Covariates
model.matrix.mppmExtract Design Matrix of Point Process Model for Several...
model.matrix.ppmExtract Design Matrix from Point Process Model
model.matrix.slrmExtract Design Matrix from Spatial Logistic Regression Model
mppmFit Point Process Model to Several Point Patterns
msrSigned or Vector-Valued Measure
MultiHardThe Multitype Hard Core Point Process Model
MultiStraussThe Multitype Strauss Point Process Model
MultiStraussHardThe Multitype/Hard Core Strauss Point Process Model
npfunDummy Function Returns Number of Points
objsurfObjective Function Surface
Ops.msrArithmetic Operations on Measures
OrdGeneric Ord Interaction model
ord.familyOrd Interaction Process Family
OrdThreshOrd's Interaction model
PairPieceThe Piecewise Constant Pairwise Interaction Point Process...
pairsat.familySaturated Pairwise Interaction Point Process Family
PairwiseGeneric Pairwise Interaction model
pairwise.familyPairwise Interaction Process Family
palmdiagnoseDiagnostic based on Palm Intensity
panel.contourPanel Plots using Colour Image or Contour Lines
panysibProbability that a Point Has Any Siblings
parametersExtract Model Parameters in Understandable Form
parresPartial Residuals for Point Process Model
PenttinenPenttinen Interaction
plot.dppmPlot a fitted determinantal point process
plot.influence.ppmPlot Influence Measure
plot.kppmPlot a fitted cluster point process
plot.leverage.ppmPlot Leverage Function
plot.mppmplot a Fitted Multiple Point Process Model
plot.msrPlot a Signed or Vector-Valued Measure
plot.palmdiagPlot the Palm Intensity Diagnostic
plot.plotppmPlot a plotppm Object Created by plot.ppm
plot.ppmplot a Fitted Point Process Model
plot.profileplPlot Profile Likelihood
plot.rppmPlot a Recursively Partitioned Point Process Model
plot.slrmPlot a Fitted Spatial Logistic Regression
PoissonPoisson Point Process Model
polynomPolynomial in One or Two Variables
ppmFit Point Process Model to Data
ppmInfluenceLeverage and Influence Measures for Spatial Point Process...
ppm.objectClass of Fitted Point Process Models
ppm.pppFit Point Process Model to Point Pattern Data
predict.dppmPrediction from a Fitted Determinantal Point Process Model
predict.kppmPrediction from a Fitted Cluster Point Process Model
predict.mppmPrediction for Fitted Multiple Point Process Model
predict.ppmPrediction from a Fitted Point Process Model
predict.rppmMake Predictions From a Recursively Partitioned Point Process...
predict.slrmPredicted or Fitted Values from Spatial Logistic Regression
print.ppmPrint a Fitted Point Process Model
profileplFit Models by Profile Maximum Pseudolikelihood or AIC
prune.rppmPrune a Recursively Partitioned Point Process Model
pseudoR2Calculate Pseudo-R-Squared for Point Process Model
psibSibling Probability of Cluster Point Process
psstPseudoscore Diagnostic For Fitted Model against General...
psstAPseudoscore Diagnostic For Fitted Model against...
psstGPseudoscore Diagnostic For Fitted Model against Saturation...
qqplot.ppmQ-Q Plot of Residuals from Fitted Point Process Model
quad.ppmExtract Quadrature Scheme Used to Fit a Point Process Model
quadrat.testDispersion Test for Spatial Point Pattern Based on Quadrat...
quadrat.test.mppmChi-Squared Test for Multiple Point Process Model Based on...
ranef.mppmExtract Random Effects from Point Process Model
rdppSimulation of a Determinantal Point Process
reachInteraction Distance of a Point Process Model
reach.dppmRange of Interaction for a Determinantal Point Process Model
reach.kppmRange of Interaction for a Cox or Cluster Point Process Model
relrisk.ppmParametric Estimate of Spatially-Varying Relative Risk
repulRepulsiveness Index of a Determinantal Point Process Model
residualMeasureResidual Measure for an Observed Point Pattern and a Fitted...
residuals.dppmResiduals for Fitted Determinantal Point Process Model
residuals.kppmResiduals for Fitted Cox or Cluster Point Process Model
residuals.mppmResiduals for Point Process Model Fitted to Multiple Point...
residuals.ppmResiduals for Fitted Point Process Model
residuals.rppmResiduals for Recursively Partitioned Point Process Model
residuals.slrmResiduals for Fitted Spatial Logistic Regression Model
responseExtract the Values of the Response from a Fitted Model
rexRichardson Extrapolation
rhohatNonparametric Estimate of Intensity as Function of a...
rmhmodel.ppmInterpret Fitted Model for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation.
rmh.ppmSimulate from a Fitted Point Process Model
rocReceiver Operating Characteristic
rppmRecursively Partitioned Point Process Model
SatPiecePiecewise Constant Saturated Pairwise Interaction Point...
SaturatedSaturated Pairwise Interaction model
simulate.dppmSimulation of Determinantal Point Process Model
simulate.kppmSimulate a Fitted Cluster Point Process Model
simulate.mppmSimulate a Point Process Model Fitted to Several Point...
simulate.ppmSimulate a Fitted Gibbs Point Process Model
simulate.slrmSimulate a Fitted Spatial Logistic Regression Model
slrmSpatial Logistic Regression
Smooth.msrSmooth a Signed or Vector-Valued Measure
SoftcoreThe Soft Core Point Process Model
spatstat.model-internalInternal spatstat.model functions
spatstat.model-packageThe spatstat.model Package
split.msrDivide a Measure into Parts
StraussThe Strauss Point Process Model
StraussHardThe Strauss / Hard Core Point Process Model
subfitsExtract List of Individual Point Process Models
suffstatSufficient Statistic of Point Process Model
summary.dppmSummarizing a Fitted Determinantal Point Process Model
summary.kppmSummarizing a Fitted Cox or Cluster Point Process Model
summary.ppmSummarizing a Fitted Point Process Model
thomas.estKFit the Thomas Point Process by Minimum Contrast
thomas.estpcfFit the Thomas Point Process by Minimum Contrast
trajExtract trajectory of function evaluations
triplet.familyTriplet Interaction Family
TripletsThe Triplet Point Process Model
unitnameName for Unit of Length
unstack.msrSeparate a Vector Measure into its Scalar Components
update.detpointprocfamilySet Parameter Values in a Determinantal Point Process Model
update.dppmUpdate a Fitted Determinantal Point Process Model
update.interactUpdate an Interpoint Interaction
update.kppmUpdate a Fitted Cluster Point Process Model
update.ppmUpdate a Fitted Point Process Model
update.rppmUpdate a Recursively Partitioned Point Process Model
validCheck Whether Point Process Model is Valid
valid.detpointprocfamilyCheck Validity of a Determinantal Point Process Model
valid.ppmCheck Whether Point Process Model is Valid
valid.slrmCheck Whether Spatial Logistic Regression Model is Valid
varcountPredicted Variance of the Number of Points
vargamma.estKFit the Neyman-Scott Cluster Point Process with Variance...
vargamma.estpcfFit the Neyman-Scott Cluster Point Process with Variance...
vcov.kppmVariance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Cluster Point Process...
vcov.mppmCalculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for Fitted Multiple...
vcov.ppmVariance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Point Process Model
vcov.slrmVariance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Spatial Logistic...
Window.ppmExtract Window of Spatial Object
with.msrEvaluate Expression Involving Components of a Measure
zclustermodelCluster Point Process Model
zgibbsmodelGibbs Model
spatstat.model documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:42 a.m.