# Implements MM algorithm with generalized gradient descent (and Nesterov's
# method) using ADMM to solve prox function.
#' Sparse Covariance Estimation
#' Provides a sparse and positive definite estimate of a covariance matrix.
#' This function performs the majorize-minimize algorithm described in Bien &
#' Tibshirani 2011 (see full reference below).
#' This is the R implementation of Algorithm 1 in Bien, J., and Tibshirani, R.
#' (2011), "Sparse Estimation of a Covariance Matrix," Biometrika. 98(4).
#' 807--820. The goal is to approximately minimize (over Sigma) the following
#' non-convex optimization problem:
#' minimize logdet(Sigma) + trace(S Sigma^-1) + || lambda*Sigma ||_1 subject to
#' Sigma positive definite.
#' Here, the L1 norm and matrix multiplication between lambda and Sigma are
#' elementwise. The empirical covariance matrix must be positive definite for
#' the optimization problem to have bounded objective (see Section 3.3 of
#' paper). We suggest adding a small constant to the diagonal of S if it is
#' not. Since the above problem is not convex, the returned matrix is not
#' guaranteed to be a global minimum of the problem.
#' In Section 3.2 of the paper, we mention a simple modification of gradient
#' descent due to Nesterov. The argument \code{nesterov} controls whether to
#' use this modification (we suggest that it be used). We also strongly
#' recommend using backtracking. This allows the algorithm to begin by taking
#' large steps (the initial size is determined by the argument
#' \code{step.size}) and then to gradually reduce the size of steps.
#' At the start of the algorithm, a lower bound (\code{delta} in the paper) on
#' the eigenvalues of the solution is calculated. As shown in Equation (3) of
#' the paper, the prox function for our generalized gradient descent amounts to
#' minimizing (over a matrix X) a problem of the form
#' minimize (1/2)|| X-A ||_F^2 + || lambda*X ||_1 subject to X >= delta I
#' This is implemented using an alternating direction method of multipliers
#' approach given in Appendix 3.
#' @param Sigma an initial guess for Sigma (suggestions: \code{S} or
#' \code{diag(diag(S)))}.
#' @param S the empirical covariance matrix of the data. Must be positive
#' definite (if it is not, add a small constant to the diagonal).
#' @param lambda penalty parameter. Either a scalar or a matrix of the same
#' dimension as \code{Sigma}. This latter choice should be used to penalize
#' only off-diagonal elements. All elements of \code{lambda} must be
#' non-negative.
#' @param step.size the step size to use in generalized gradient descent.
#' Affects speed of algorithm.
#' @param nesterov indicates whether to use Nesterov's modification of
#' generalized gradient descent. Default: \code{TRUE}.
#' @param n.outer.steps maximum number of majorize-minimize steps to take
#' (recall that MM is the outer loop).
#' @param n.inner.steps maximum number of generalized gradient steps to take
#' (recall that generalized gradient descent is the inner loop).
#' @param tol.outer convergence threshold for outer (MM) loop. Stops when drop
#' in objective between steps is less than \code{tol.outer}.
#' @param thr.inner convergence threshold for inner (i.e. generalized gradient)
#' loop. Stops when mean absolute change in \code{Sigma} is less than
#' \code{thr.inner * mean(abs(S))}.
#' @param backtracking if \code{FALSE}, then fixed step size used. If numeric
#' and in (0,1), this is the parameter of backtracking that multiplies
#' \code{step.size} on each step. Usually, in range of (0.1, 0.8). Default:
#' \code{0.2}.
#' @param trace controls how verbose output should be.
#' @return \item{Sigma}{the sparse covariance estimate} \item{n.iter}{a vector
#' giving the number of generalized gradient steps taken on each step of the MM
#' algorithm} \item{obj}{a vector giving the objective values after each step
#' of the MM algorithm}
#' @author Jacob Bien and Rob Tibshirani
#' @seealso ProxADMM
#' @references Bien, J., and Tibshirani, R. (2011), "Sparse Estimation of a
#' Covariance Matrix," Biometrika. 98(4). 807--820.
#' @keywords multivariate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 20
#' # generate a covariance matrix:
#' model <- GenerateCliquesCovariance(ncliques=4, cliquesize=p / 4, 1)
#' # generate data matrix with x[i, ] ~ N(0, model$Sigma):
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol=p) %*% model$A
#' S <- var(x)
#' # compute sparse, positive covariance estimator:
#' step.size <- 100
#' tol <- 1e-3
#' P <- matrix(1, p, p)
#' diag(P) <- 0
#' lam <- 0.06
#' mm <- spcov(Sigma=S, S=S, lambda=lam * P,
#' step.size=step.size, n.inner.steps=200,
#' thr.inner=0, tol.outer=tol, trace=1)
#' sqrt(mean((mm$Sigma - model$Sigma)^2))
#' sqrt(mean((S - model$Sigma)^2))
#' \dontrun{image(mm$Sigma!=0)}
spcov <- function(Sigma, S, lambda, step.size, nesterov=TRUE,
n.outer.steps=1e4, n.inner.steps=1e4,
tol.outer=1e-4, thr.inner=1e-2,
backtracking=0.2, trace=0) {
# Performs MM to optimize the non-convex objective function
# Args:
# Sigma: an initial guess for Sigma
# lambda: either a scalar or a matrix of the same dimensions as Sigma
# nesterov: indicates whether to use Nesterov or standard generalized gradient
# descent to perform inner loop optimization
# tol.outer: convergence threshold for outer (MM) loop.
# thr.inner: convergence threshold for inner (GG/Nesterov) loop.
# stops when mean absolute change in Sigma is
# less than thr.inner * mean(abs(S))
# backtracking: see "GGDescent"
if (all(lambda == 0)) {
cat("Skipping MM. Solution is S!", fill=T)
return(list(n.iter=0, Sigma=S, obj=ComputeObjective(S, S, lambda)))
stopifnot(lambda >= 0)
if (trace > 0) {
cat("---", fill=T)
cat(ifelse(nesterov, "using Nesterov, ", ""))
cat(ifelse(backtracking, "backtracking line search", ""), fill=T)
cat("---", fill=T)
mean.abs.S <- mean(abs(S))
if (min(eigen(Sigma, symmetric=T, only.values=T)$val) < 1e-5)
warning("Starting value is nearly singular.")
del <- ComputeDelta(S, lambda, trace=trace-1) # get a lower bound on minimum eval
objective <- ComputeObjective(Sigma, S, lambda)
if (trace > 0)
cat("objective: ", objective, fill=T)
n.iter <- NULL # number of inner iterations on each step
for (i in seq(n.outer.steps)) {
Sigma0 <- Sigma
if (trace > 0)
cat("step size given to GGDescent/Nesterov:", step.size, fill=T)
gg <- GGDescent(Sigma=Sigma, Sigma0=Sigma0, S=S, lambda=lambda,
del=del, nsteps=n.inner.steps,
tol=thr.inner * mean.abs.S,
trace=trace - 1,
Sigma <- gg$Sigma
objective <- c(objective, ComputeObjective(Sigma, S, lambda))
if (trace > 0) {
cat("objective: ", objective[length(objective)],
" (", gg$niter, "iterations, max step size:",
max(gg$step.sizes), ")",
if (backtracking) {
if (max(gg$step.sizes) < step.size * backtracking ^ 2) {
step.size <- step.size * backtracking
if (trace > 0)
cat("Reducing step size to", step.size, fill=T)
n.iter <- c(n.iter, gg$niter)
if(objective[i + 1] > objective[i] - tol.outer) {
cat("MM converged in", i, "steps!", fill=T)
list(n.iter=n.iter, Sigma=gg$Sigma, obj=objective)
GGDescent <- function(Sigma, Sigma0, S, lambda, del, nsteps,
step.size, nesterov=FALSE, backtracking=FALSE,
tol = 1e-3, trace=0) {
# solves the problem
# Min_{Sigma} tr(solve(Sigma0,Sigma)) + tr(solve(Sigma,S))
# + ||lambda * Sigma||_1
# using Nesterov's method with backtracking.
# Note: We wish to solve this with the constraint that Sigma pd.
# However, this algorithm does not impose this constraint.
# Args:
# Sigma: an initial guess for Sigma
# Sigma0, S, lambda, del: parameters of the optimization problem
# nsteps: number of generalized gradient steps to take
# nesterov: TRUE/FALSE, indicates whether to take Nesterov vs. standard gen grad steps.
# backtracking: if FALSE, then fixed step size used. If numeric and in
# (0,1), this is the beta parameter of backtracking.
# Usually, beta is in (0.1, 0.8).
# tol: convergence threshold. Stops when mean(abs(Sigma-Sigma.last)) < tol
if (backtracking) {
beta <- backtracking
if (beta <= 0 | beta >= 1)
stop("Backtracking parameter beta must be in (0,1).")
tt <- step.size
converged <- FALSE
exit <- FALSE
obj.starting <- ComputeObjective(Sigma, S, lambda)
Sigma.starting <- Sigma
Omega <- Sigma
Sigma.last <- Sigma
ttts <- NULL
ttt <- tt # note: as in Beck & Teboulle, step size only gets smaller.
for (i in seq(nsteps)) {
inv.Sigma0 <- solve(Sigma0)
log.det.Sigma0 <- LogDet(Sigma0)
grad.g <- ComputeGradientOfg(Omega, S, Sigma0, inv.Sigma0=inv.Sigma0)
grad.g <- (grad.g + t(grad.g)) / 2 # make sure this stays symmetric <- g(Omega, S, Sigma0,
inv.Sigma0=inv.Sigma0, log.det.Sigma0=log.det.Sigma0)
# backtracking line search:
while (backtracking) {
#soft.thresh <- SoftThreshold(Omega - ttt * grad.g, lambda * ttt)
soft.thresh <- ProxADMM(Omega - ttt * grad.g, del, 1, P=lambda*ttt, rho=.1)$X
gen.grad.g <- (Omega - soft.thresh) / ttt
left <- g(soft.thresh, S, Sigma0,
inv.Sigma0=inv.Sigma0, log.det.Sigma0=log.det.Sigma0)
right <- - ttt * sum(grad.g * gen.grad.g) + ttt * sum(gen.grad.g ^ 2) / 2
if ( || {
print("left or right is NA.")
if (left <= right) {
# accept this step size
Sigma <- soft.thresh
ttts <- c(ttts, ttt)
# check for convergence
if (mean(abs(Sigma - Sigma.last)) < tol) {
converged <- TRUE
break # note: this break only ends the backtracking loop
if (nesterov)
Omega <- Sigma + (i - 1) / (i + 2) * (Sigma - Sigma.last)
Omega <- Sigma
Sigma.last <- Sigma
if (trace > 0)
cat("--true objective:", ComputeObjective(Sigma, S, lambda), fill=T)
if (trace > 0)
cat(i, ttt, " ")
ttt <- beta * ttt
if (ttt < 1e-15) {
cat("Step size too small: no step taken", fill=T)
exit <- TRUE
if (!backtracking) {
#Sigma <- SoftThreshold(Sigma - ttt * grad.g, lambda * ttt)
Sigma <- ProxADMM(Sigma - ttt * grad.g, del, 1, P=lambda*ttt, rho=.1)$X
# check for convergence:
if (mean(abs(Sigma - Sigma.last)) < tol)
converged <- TRUE
if (nesterov)
Omega <- Sigma + (i - 1)/(i + 2) * (Sigma - Sigma.last)
Omega <- Sigma
Sigma.last <- Sigma
if (converged) {
if(trace > 0) {
cat("--GG converged in", i, "steps!")
if (backtracking)
cat(" (last step size:", ttt, ")", fill=T)
if (exit) {
obj.end <- ComputeObjective(Sigma, S, lambda)
if (obj.starting < obj.end) {
if (nesterov) {
cat("Objective rose with Nesterov. Using generalized gradient instead.", fill=T)
return(GGDescent(Sigma=Sigma.starting, Sigma0=Sigma0, S=S, lambda=lambda,
del=del, nsteps=nsteps, step.size=step.size,
tol = tol, trace=trace))
cat("--Returning initial Sigma since GGDescent/Nesterov did not decrease objective", fill=T)
Sigma <- Sigma.starting
list(Sigma=Sigma, niter=i, step.sizes=ttts)
ComputeObjective <- function(Sigma, S, lambda) {
# the original non-convex problem's objective function
-2 * ComputeLikelihood(Sigma, S) + ComputePenalty(Sigma, lambda)
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