
Defines functions specr

Documented in specr

#' Fit models across all specifications
#' @description Runs the specification/multiverse analysis across specified models.
#'    This is the central function of the package and represent the second step
#'    in the analytic framework implemented in the package \code{specr}. It estimates
#'    and returns respective parameters and estimates of models that were specified
#'    via \code{setup()}.
#' @param x A `specr.setup` object resulting from \code{setup} or a tibble that
#'    contains the relevant specifications (e.g., a tibble resulting from
#'    \code{as_tibble(setup(...))}).
#' @param data If x is not an object of "specr.setup" and simply a tibble, you
#'    need to provide the data set that should be used. Defaults to NULL as it is
#'    assumend that most users will create an object of class "specr.setup" that they'll
#'    pass to `specr()`.
#' @param ... Further arguments that can be passed to \code{future_pmap}. This only becomes
#'    important if parallelization is used. For example, if a custom model function is used
#'    this involves passing `furrr_options` passing to the argument `.options`.
#'    When a plan for parallelization is set, one can also set `.progress = TRUE`
#'    to print a progress bar during the fitting process. See details for more information
#'    on parallelization.
#' @return An object of class \code{specr.object}, which includes a data frame
#'   with all specifications their respective results along with many other useful
#'   information about the model. Parameters are extracted via the function passed
#'   to \code{setup}. By default this is \code{broom::tidy()} and the function
#'   \code{broom::glance()}).Several other aspects and information are included in
#'   the resulting class (e.g., number of specifications, time elapsed, subsets
#'   included in the analyses). Use \code{methods(class = "specr.object")} for
#'   an overview on available methods.
#' @details Empirical results are often contingent on analytical decisions that
#'    are equally defensible, often arbitrary, and motivated by different reasons.
#'    This decisions may introduce bias or at least variability. To this end,
#'    specification curve analyses  (Simonsohn et al., 2020) or multiverse
#'    analyses (Steegen et al., 2016) refer to identifying the set of
#'    theoretically justified, statistically valid (and potentially also non-redundant
#'    specifications, fitting the "multiverse" of models represented by these
#'    specifications and extract relevant parameters often to display the results
#'    graphically as a so-called specification curve. This allows readers to
#'    identify consequential specifications decisions and how they affect the results
#'    or parameter of interest.
#'    \bold{Use of this function}
#'    A general overview is provided in the vignettes \code{vignette("specr")}.
#'    Generally, you create relevant specification using the function \code{setup()}.
#'    You then pass the resulting object of a class \code{specr.setup} to the
#'    present function \code{specr()} to run the specification curve analysis.
#'    Further note that the resulting object of class \code{specr.object} allows
#'    to use several generic function such as \code{summary()} or \code{plot()}.
#'    Use \code{methods(class = "specr.object")} for an overview on available
#'    methods and e.g., \code{?plot.specr.object} to view the dedicated help page.
#'    \bold{Parallelization}
#'    By default, the function fits models across all specifications sequentially
#'    (one after the other). If the data set is large, the models complex (e.g.,
#'    large structural equation models, negative binomial models, or Bayesian models),
#'    and the number of specifications is large, it can make sense to parallelize
#'    these operations. One simply has to load the package `furrr` (which
#'    in turn, builds on `future`) up front. Then parallelizing the fitting process
#'    works as specified in the package description of `furr`/`future` by setting a
#'    "plan" before running `specr` such as:
#'    `plan(multisession, workers = 4)`
#'    However, there are many more ways to specifically set up the plan, including
#'    different strategy than `multisession`. For more information, see
#'    `vignette("parallelization")` and the
#'    [reference page](https://future.futureverse.org/reference/plan.html)
#'    for `plan()`.
#'    \bold{Disclaimer}
#'    We do see a lot of value in investigating how analytical choices
#'    affect a statistical outcome of interest. However, we strongly caution
#'    against using specr as a tool to somehow arrive at a better estimate
#'    compared to a single model. Running a specification curve analysis
#'    does not make your findings any more reliable, valid or generalizable
#'    than a single analysis. The method is meant to inform about the effects
#'    of analytical choices on results, and not a better way to estimate a
#'    correlation or effect.
#' @references \itemize{
#'  \item Simonsohn, U., Simmons, J.P. & Nelson, L.D. (2020). Specification curve analysis. *Nature Human Behaviour, 4*, 1208–1214. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-020-0912-z
#'  \item Steegen, S., Tuerlinckx, F., Gelman, A., & Vanpaemel, W. (2016). Increasing Transparency Through a Multiverse Analysis. *Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11*(5), 702-712. https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691616658637
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso [setup()] for the first step of setting up the specifications.
#' @seealso [summary.specr.object()] for how to summarize and inspect the results.
#' @seealso [plot.specr.object()] for plotting results.
#' @examples
#' # Example 1 ----
#' # Setup up typical specifications
#' specs <- setup(data = example_data,
#'    y = c("y1", "y2"),
#'    x = c("x1", "x2"),
#'    model = "lm",
#'    controls = c("c1", "c2"),
#'    subsets = list(group1 = unique(example_data$group1)))
#' # Run analysis (not parallelized)
#' results <- specr(specs)
#' # Summary of the results
#' summary(results)
#' # Example 2 ----
#' # Working without S3 classes
#' specs2 <- setup(data = example_data,
#'     y = c("y1", "y2"),
#'     x = c("x1", "x2"),
#'     model = "lm",
#'     controls = "c1")
#' # Working with tibbles
#' specs_tibble <- as_tibble(specs2)      # extract tibble from setup
#' results2 <- specr(specs_tibble,
#'                   data = example_data) # need to provide data!
#' # Results (tibble instead of S3 class)
#' head(results2)
specr <- function(x,
                  data = NULL,

  # Start timing
  start <- Sys.time()

  . <- out <- term <- y <- NULL

  if(!inherits(x, c("specr.setup", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))) {
    stop("You need to provide an object of class 'specr.setup' (or a tibble or data frame of the specification setup).\n  Use 'setup()' to create such a specification setup.")

  if(isTRUE(any(c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame") %in% class(x))) & is.null(data)) {
    stop("You provided a tibble or data.frame with all the specifications. In that case, you also need to provide the data set that should be used for the analyses.")

  # Collect data and subsets
  if("specr.setup" %in% class(x)) {

    data <- x$data
    subsets <- x$subsets
    specs <- x$specs

  } else {

    specs <- x


  # Differentiate between 1 and >1 workers
  if(methods::is(plan(), "sequential")) {

    res <- specs %>%
      dplyr::mutate(out = pmap(., function(...) {

        # Initialize specs as list
        l = list(...)

        # identify the grouping columns
        group_i <- which(sapply(l, is.factor))
        s <- rep(TRUE, nrow(data))

        # Create relevant subsets
        for (i in group_i) {
          column <- names(l)[i]
          value <- l[[i]]
          if (is.na(value)) next
          s <- s & data[[column]] == value

        # Iterate across specifications
          what = l$model_function,
          args = list(
            formula = l$formula,
            data = data[s,])
      })) %>%

  } else {

    res <- specs %>%
      dplyr::mutate(out = future_pmap(., function(...) {

        # Initialize specs as list
        l = list(...)

        # identify the grouping columns
        group_i <- which(sapply(l, is.factor))
        s <- rep(TRUE, nrow(data))

        # Create relevant subsets
        for (i in group_i) {
          column <- names(l)[i]
          value <- l[[i]]
          if (is.na(value)) next
          s <- s & data[[column]] == value

        # Iterate across specifications
          what = l$model_function,
          args = list(
            formula = l$formula,
            data = data[s,])
      ) %>%


  # Select relevant term
  if("op" %in% names(res)) {
    res <- res %>%
      dplyr::filter(term == paste(y, "~", x))
  } else {
    res <- res %>%
      dplyr::filter(term == x)

  # Compute time
  end <- Sys.time()
  time <- end-start
  time <- paste(round(as.numeric(time), 3), "sec elapsed")

  # Create S2 class
  if(class(x)[1] == "specr.setup") {

  # Create S3 class
  output <- list(data = res,
                 n_specs = nrow(res),
                 x = x$x,
                 y = x$y,
                 model = x$model,
                 controls = x$model,
                 subsets = x$subsets,
                 workers = nbrOfWorkers(),
                 time = time)

  # Set class
  class(output) <- "specr.object"

  } else {

  # Create tibble
  output <- as_tibble(res)




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specr documentation built on Jan. 22, 2023, 1:24 a.m.