
Defines functions extrema.irr

Documented in extrema.irr

#' @title extrema.irr
#' @description Internal function, finds regional extrema on a irregularly sampled data set
#' @aliases  extrema.irr
#' @param data.set .
#' @param gridded.data .
#' @param neig Neighbourhood object.
#' @param zcol Name of the column containing the data.
#' @param duplicate What to do with duplicates. Defaults to `remove`.
#' @param nb.nn Number of nearest neighbours to take into account if data is on a grid. Defaults to 4.
#' @param thresh.extrema Significative threshold for the extrema. Defaults to 1.
#' @param verbose Prints progress information messages. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @author Pierre Roudier
#' @include create_neig.r
extrema.irr <- function(
  neig = NULL,
  zcol = 'z',
  duplicate = 'remove',
  nb.nn = 4, # Number of nearest neighbours to take into account if data is on a grid
  thresh.extrema = 1, # Significative threshold for the extrema
  verbose = FALSE

  if (is.null(neig)) {
    cat("\t\tWARNING : Old-style neig generation. This might be time-consuming.\n")
    neig <- create.neig(
      # gridded.data = gridded.data,
      nb.nn = nb.nn,
      duplicate = 'remove',
      verbose = verbose
  else {

    if (!any(class(neig) != "neig")) stop("neig needs to be generated through the create.neig function.")


  # Adding the value attribute
  neig$value <- data.set[[zcol]]

  # Adding some extrema attributes
  neig$is.minima <- vector(mode='logical',length = neig$n)
  neig$is.maxima <- vector(mode='logical',length = neig$n)

  # Initialisation
  k <- 1

  # For each point of the triangulation object
  for (i_point in (1:neig$n)) {

    candidat <- 0
    amplitude.max <- 0
    voisins <- neig$neig[[i_point]]

    for (i_voisin in (1:length(voisins))){

      i_voisin_curr <- voisins[i_voisin]
      amplitude <- neig$value[i_point] - neig$value[i_voisin_curr]
      if (amplitude < 0) candidat <- candidat - 1
      if (amplitude > 0) candidat <- candidat + 1
      if (abs(amplitude) > abs(amplitude.max)) amplitude.max <- amplitude

      k <- k+1

    if ((abs(amplitude.max) >= thresh.extrema) && (candidat == -1*length(voisins))) {
      neig$is.minima[i_point] <- TRUE

    if ((abs(amplitude.max) >= thresh.extrema) && (candidat == length(voisins))) {
      neig$is.maxima[i_point] <- TRUE


  if (verbose) {
    n.extrema <- length(which(neig$is.minima)) + length(which(neig$is.maxima))
    cat(paste('\t\t\tFound ',n.extrema,' extrema points (',length(which(neig$is.minima)),' minima, ',length(which(neig$is.maxima)),' maxima)\n',sep=''))

  class(neig) <- c(class(neig),"extrema")


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spemd documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:58 a.m.