
#' Stepwise model selection for GEEs and WRMs
#' @description Stepwise model selection by AIC or AICc for WRMS
#' and QIC for GEEs
#' @param object A model of class \code{WRM} or \code{GEE}.
#' @param data The data used to fit that model.
#' @param steps Number of iterations the procedure should
#' go through before concluding. The default is to use the number of
#' variables as the number of iterations.
#' @param trace Should R print progress updates and the final, best model found
#' to the console? Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param AICc Logical. In the case of model selection with \code{WRM}s,
#' should AICc be used to determine which model is best rather than AIC?
#' This argument is ignored for \code{GEE}s. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A list with components \code{model} and \code{table}.
#' \code{model} is always formula for the best model found by the procedure.
#' \code{table} is always a data frame, but the content varies for each type of
#' model.
#' For \code{WRM}'s, the columns
#' returned are
#' \itemize{
#'   \item\code{Deleted.Vars} Variables retained from the previous iteration
#'   which were tested in the current iteration.
#'   \item\code{LogLik} Log-likelihood of the model.
#'   \item\code{AIC} AIC score for the model.
#'   \item\code{AICc} AICc score for the model.
#' }
#' For \code{GEE}s:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item\code{Deleted.Vars} Variables retained from the previous iteration
#'   which were tested in the current iteration.
#'   \item\code{QIC} Quasi-information criterion of the model.
#'   \item\code{Quasi.Lik} Quasi-likelihood of the model.
#' }
#' @details This function performs stepwise variable elimination
#' for model comparison. Each iteration will try to find the best
#' combination of predictors for a given number of variables based
#' on AIC, AICc, or QIC, and then use that as the base model
#' for the next iteration until there are no more variables to eliminate.
#' Alternatively, it will terminate when reducing the number of variables
#' while respecting the model hierarchy no longer produces lower
#' information criterion values.
#' @note Currently, the function only supports backwards model selection
#' (i.e. one must start with a full model and subtract variables).
#' Forward and both directions options may be added later.
#' @references
#' Hardin, J.W. & Hilbe, J.M. (2003) Generalized Estimating Equations. Chapman and Hall, New York.
#' @seealso \code{\link{qic.calc}}, \code{\link{aic.calc}}, \code{\link[stats]{add1}},
#' \code{\link[stats]{step}}, \code{\link[MASS]{stepAIC}}
#' @author Sam Levin
#' @examples
#' # For demonstration only. We are artificially imposing a grid structure
#' # on data that is not actually spatial data
#' library(MASS)
#' data(birthwt)
#' x <- rep(1:14, 14)
#' y <- as.integer(gl(14, 14))
#' coords <- cbind(x[-(190:196)], y[-(190:196)])
#' \dontrun{
#' formula <- formula(low ~ age + lwt + race + smoke + ftv + bwt)
#' mgee <- GEE(formula,
#'             family = "gaussian",
#'             data = birthwt,
#'             coord = coords,
#'             corstr = "fixed",
#'             scale.fix = TRUE)
#' ss <- step.spind(mgee, birthwt)
#' best.mgee <- GEE(ss$model,
#'                  family = "gaussian",
#'                  data = birthwt,
#'                  coord = coords,
#'                  corstr = "fixed",
#'                  scale.fix = TRUE)
#' summary(best.mgee, printAutoCorPars = FALSE)
#' @importFrom stats terms update.formula as.formula
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect fixed
#' @export

step.spind<-function (object, data, steps = NULL, trace = TRUE, AICc = FALSE){

  # All models
  scope <- attr(stats::terms(object$formula),
  model <- class(object)
  family <- object$family
  coord <- object$coord

  # GEE parameters
  scale.fix <- object$scale.fix
  corstr <- object$corstr
  cluster <- object$cluster

  # WRM parameters
  level <- object$level
  wavelet <- object$wavelet
  wtrafo <- object$wtrafo
  b.ini <- object$b.ini
  pad <- object$pad
  control <- object$control
  moran.params <- object$moran.params

  # set initial parameters
  it <- 1
  ns <- length(scope)
  # detect detect heirarchical variales (if any)
  polynomial.pattern <- '([I(])'
  interaction.pattern <- '([:])'
  poly.terms <- scope[stringr::str_detect(scope, polynomial.pattern)]
  inter.terms <- scope[stringr::str_detect(scope, interaction.pattern)]
  base.terms <- setdiff(scope, c(inter.terms, poly.terms))

  # match model type
  if(model == "WRM"){
    # set up matrix to hold output data
    ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1L, ncol = 3L,
                  dimnames = list(c("<none>", scope),
                                  c("loglik", "inf.crit1", "inf.crit2")))

    # insert data from first model
    ans[1, ] <- c(object$LogLik, object$AIC, object$AICc)

    # loop that removes each variable and recalculates modelu
    for (i in seq_len(ns)) {
      tt <- scope[i]

      nfit <- stats::update.formula(object$formula,
                                    stats::as.formula(paste("~ . -", tt)))
      newmod <- WRM(nfit, family, data, coord, level = level,
                  wavelet = wavelet, wtrafo = wtrafo, b.ini = b.ini,
                  pad = pad, control = control, moran.params = moran.params)
      ans[i + 1, ] <- c(newmod$LogLik, newmod$AIC, newmod$AICc)
    aod <- data.frame(Deleted.Vars = rownames(ans),
                      LogLik = ans[ ,1],
                      AIC = ans[ ,2],
                      AICc = ans[ ,3],
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    rownames(aod) <- 1:dim(aod)[1]
      best.mod <- aod$Deleted.Vars[which(aod$AICc == min(aod$AICc))]
      best.mod <- aod$Deleted.Vars[which(aod$AIC == min(aod$AIC))]

  if(model == "GEE"){
      scale.fix <- TRUE
      message("Scale parameter is now fixed")
    ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1L, ncol = 2L,
                  dimnames = list(c("<none>", scope),
                                  c("inf.crit1", "qlik")))

    ans[1, ] <- c(object$QIC, object$QLik)

    for (i in seq_len(ns)) {
      tt <- scope[i]

      nfit <- stats::update.formula(object$formula,
                                    stats::as.formula(paste("~ . -", tt)))
      newmod <- suppressWarnings({
        GEE(nfit, family, data, coord, corstr = corstr,
            cluster = cluster, moran.params = moran.params,
            scale.fix = scale.fix)
      ans[i + 1, ] <-c(newmod$QIC, newmod$QLik)
    aod <- data.frame(Deleted.Vars = rownames(ans),
                      Quasi.Lik = ans[ ,2],
                      QIC = ans[ ,1],
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    rownames(aod) <- 1:dim(aod)[1]
    best.mod <- aod$Deleted.Vars[which(aod$QIC == min(aod$QIC))]

    cat('Iteration: ',
        '\n','Single term deletions\n','Deleted Term: ',
        '\n -------------------- \n')

    steps <- steps
  } else {
    steps <- length(scope)

  use.formula <- object$formula

  if(best.mod != '<none>'){
    while(it <= steps){
      it <- it + 1
      aod1 <- aod
      newstart <- stats::update.formula(use.formula,
                                        stats::as.formula(paste('~ . -',
      vars <- attr(stats::terms(newstart), 'term.labels')
      for(i in unique(base.terms)){
        # extract hierarchical variables if there are any
        mod.hier <- vars[stringr::str_detect(vars, stringr::fixed(i))]
        hivars <- mod.hier[mod.hier != i]
        if(length(hivars) == 0) next
        # test for violation
        if(!i %in% vars &&
           hivars %in% vars){

          if(model == "GEE") aod1 <- aod1[order(aod1$QIC), ]
          if(model == "WRM" & !AICc) aod1 <- aod1[order(aod1$AIC), ]
          if(model == "WRM" & AICc) aod1 <- aod1[order(aod1$AICc), ]

          aod1 <- aod1[-c(1), ]

          new.best.mod <- aod1[1,"Deleted.Vars"]
          best.mod <- new.best.mod
          if(new.best.mod == '<none>') break

          newstart <- stats::update.formula(use.formula,
                                            paste("~ . -",
          cat('-----\nModel hierarchy violated by last removal\n',
              'New Deleted Term: ',
              '\nPreviously deleted term added back into model\n-----\n')

      ns <- length(attr(stats::terms(newstart), 'term.labels'))

      if(model == "WRM"){
        ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1L, ncol = 3L,
                      dimnames = list(c("<none>",
                                      c("loglik", "inf.crit1", "inf.crit2")))
        newwrm <- WRM(newstart, family, data, coord, level = level,
                    wavelet = wavelet, wtrafo = wtrafo, b.ini = b.ini,
                    pad = pad, control = control, moran.params = moran.params)

        ans[1, ] <- c(newwrm$LogLik, newwrm$AIC, newwrm$AICc)

        for (i in seq_len(ns)) {
          tt <- attr(stats::terms(newstart), 'term.labels')[i]

          nfit <- stats::update.formula(newstart,
                                        stats::as.formula(paste("~ . -", tt)))
          newmod <- WRM(nfit, family, data, coord, level = level,
                      wavelet = wavelet, wtrafo = wtrafo, b.ini = b.ini,
                      pad = pad, control = control, moran.params = moran.params)
          ans[i + 1, ] <- c(newmod$LogLik, newmod$AIC, newmod$AICc)
        aod <- data.frame(Deleted.Vars = rownames(ans),
                          LogLik = ans[, 1],
                          AIC = ans[, 2],
                          AICc = ans[, 3],
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        rownames(aod) <- 1:dim(aod)[1]
          best.mod <- aod$Deleted.Vars[which(aod$AICc == min(aod$AICc))]
          best.mod <- aod$Deleted.Vars[which(aod$AIC == min(aod$AIC))]

      if(model == "GEE"){
        ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1L, ncol = 2L,
                      dimnames = list(c("<none>",
                                      c("inf.crit1", "qlik")))
        newGEE <- suppressWarnings({
          GEE(newstart, family, data, coord, corstr = corstr,
              cluster = cluster, moran.params = moran.params,
              scale.fix = scale.fix)
        ans[1, ] <- c(newGEE$QIC, newGEE$QLik)
        for (i in seq_len(ns)) {
          tt <- attr(stats::terms(newstart), 'term.labels')[i]
          nfit <- stats::update.formula(newstart,
                                        stats::as.formula(paste("~ . -",
          newmod <- suppressWarnings({
            GEE(nfit, family, data, coord, corstr = corstr,
                cluster = cluster, moran.params = moran.params,
                scale.fix = scale.fix)
          ans[i + 1, ] <- c(newmod$QIC, newmod$QLik)
        aod <- data.frame(Deleted.Vars = rownames(ans),
                          Quasi.Lik = ans[ ,2],
                          QIC = ans[ ,1],
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        rownames(aod) <- 1:dim(aod)[1]
        best.mod <- aod$Deleted.Vars[which(aod$QIC == min(aod$QIC))]
      if(length(best.mod) > 1){
        warning('Multiple equally parsimonious models')
      aod1 <- aod
      newvars <- setdiff(vars,best.mod)
        cat('Iteration: ',
            'Single term deletions\n',
            'Deleted Term: ',
            '\n -------------------- \n')
      suppressWarnings(if(best.mod != '<none>'){
        use.formula <- newstart
      suppressWarnings(if(best.mod == '<none>') break)

  if(it == 1){
    table.mod <- use.formula

      cat('\n---------------\nBest model found:\n')
  } else {
    table.mod <- newstart

      cat('\n---------------\nBest model found:\n')

  return(list(model = table.mod,
              table = aod))

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spind documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 6:04 p.m.