render_gganimate: Render the frames as a _gganimate_ animation.

View source: R/zDepricated_2_render.r

render_gganimateR Documentation

Render the frames as a gganimate animation.


[Superseded], see ggtour. Takes the result of array2df() and renders them into a gganimate animation.


  fps = 8,
  rewind = FALSE,
  start_pause = 0.5,
  end_pause = 1,
  gif_filename = NULL,
  gif_path = NULL,
  gganimate_args = list(),



Frames animated per second. Defaults to 8.


Logical, should the animation play backwards after reaching the end? Default to FALSE.


Number of seconds to pause on the first frame for. Defaults to .5.


Number of seconds to pause on the last frame for. Defaults to 1.


Optional, saves the animation as a GIF to this string (without the directory path). Defaults to NULL (no GIF saved). For more output control, call gganimate::anim_save() on a return object of render_gganimate().


Optional, A string of the directory path (without the filename) to save a GIF to. Defaults to NULL (current work directory).


A list of arguments assigned to a vector passe outside of an aes() call. Anything that would be put in geom_point(aes(), X). Typically a single numeric for point size, alpha, or similar For example, geom_point(aes(), size = 2, alpha = .7) becomes identity_args = list(size = 2, alpha = .7).


Passes arguments to render_(...).

See Also

render_ for ... arguments.

gganimate::anim_save for more control of .gif output.


message("It's suggested to switch to the proto api, see `?ggtour` to get started.")

## Setup
dat_std  <- scale_sd(wine[, 2:6])
clas     <- wine$Type
bas      <- basis_pca(dat_std)
mv       <- manip_var_of(bas)
mt       <- manual_tour(basis = bas, manip_var = mv)
mt_df_ls <- array2df(basis_array = mt, data = dat_std)

## Not run: 
render_gganimate(frames = mt_df_ls)

  frames = mt_df_ls, axes = "bottomleft",
  fps = 10, rewind = TRUE, start_pause = 1, end_pause = 1.5,
  aes_args = list(color = clas, shape = clas),
  identity_args = list(size = 2, alpha = .7),
  ggproto = list(theme_void(),
                 ggtitle("My title"),
                 scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2")))

## Saving a .gif(may require additional setup)
if(FALSE) ## Don't run by mistake
  render_gganimate(frames = mt_df_ls, axes = "bottomleft",
                   gif_filename = "myRadialTour.gif", gif_path = "./output")
## End(Not run)

spinifex documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:23 a.m.