render_plotly: Animation the frames as a HTML widget.

View source: R/zDepricated_2_render.r

render_plotlyR Documentation

Animation the frames as a HTML widget.


[Superseded], see ggtour. Takes the result of array2df() and animations them via {plotly} into a self-contained HTML widget.


render_plotly(fps = 8, html_filename = NULL, save_widget_args = list(), ...)



Frames animated per second. Defaults to 8.


Optional, saves the plotly object as an HTML widget to this string (without the directory path). Defaults to NULL (not saved). For more output control use save_widget_args or call htmlwidgets::saveWidget() on a return object of render_plotly().


A list of arguments to be called in htmlwidgets::saveWidget() when used with a html_filename.


Passes arguments to render_(...).

See Also

render_ for ... arguments.

ggplotly for source documentation of tooltip.

saveWidget for more control of .html output.


message("It's suggested to switch to the proto api, see `?ggtour` to get started.")

## Setup
dat_std  <- scale_sd(wine[, 2:6])
clas     <- wine$Type
bas      <- basis_pca(dat_std)
mv       <- manip_var_of(bas)
mt_array <- manual_tour(basis = bas, manip_var = mv)
mt_df_ls <- array2df(basis_array = mt_array, data = dat_std)

render_plotly(frames = mt_df_ls)

  frames = mt_df_ls, axes = "bottomleft", fps = 10,
  aes_args = list(color = clas, shape = clas),
  identity_args = list(size = 1.5, alpha = .7),
  ggproto = list(theme_bw(), scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2")))

## Saving a .gif, may require additional setup
if(FALSE) ## Don't accidentally save file
  render_plotly(frames = mt_df_ls, axes = "bottomleft", fps = 10,
                html_filename = "myRadialTour.html")

spinifex documentation built on March 31, 2022, 9:06 a.m.