
## from spdep_0.5-74, copies of non-exported functions

can.be.simmed <- function (listw) 
    res <- is.symmetric.nb(listw$neighbours, FALSE)
    if (res) {
        if (attr(listw$weights, "mode") == "general") 
            res <- attr(listw$weights, "glistsym")
    else return(res)

jacobianSetup <- function (method, env, con, pre_eig = NULL, trs = NULL, interval = NULL, 
    which = 1) 
    switch(method, eigen = {
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("neighbourhood matrix eigenvalues\n")
        if (is.null(pre_eig)) {
            eigen_setup(env, which = which)
        } else {
            eigen_pre_setup(env, pre_eig = pre_eig, which = which)
        er <- get("eig.range", envir = env)
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(er[1] + .Machine$double.eps, 
            er[2] - .Machine$double.eps)
    }, Matrix = {
        if (get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("W", "S") && 
            !get("can.sim", envir = env)) stop("Matrix method requires symmetric weights")
        if (get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("B", "C", 
            "U") && !(is.symmetric.glist(get("listw", envir = env)$neighbours, 
            get("listw", envir = env)$weights))) stop("Matrix method requires symmetric weights")
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("sparse matrix Cholesky decomposition\n")
        Imult <- con$Imult
        if (is.null(interval)) {
            if (get("listw", envir = env)$style == "B") {
                Imult <- ceiling((2/3) * max(sapply(get("listw", 
                  envir = env)$weights, sum)))
                interval <- c(-0.5, +0.25)
            } else interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
        if (is.null(con$super)) con$super <- as.logical(NA)
        Matrix_setup(env, Imult, con$super, which = which)
    }, Matrix_J = {
        if (get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("W", "S") && 
            !get("can.sim", envir = env)) stop("Matrix method requires symmetric weights")
        if (get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("B", "C", 
            "U") && !(is.symmetric.glist(get("listw", envir = env)$neighbours, 
            get("listw", envir = env)$weights))) stop("Matrix method requires symmetric weights")
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("sparse matrix Cholesky decomposition\n")
        if (is.null(interval)) {
            if (get("listw", envir = env)$style == "B") {
                interval <- c(-0.5, +0.25)
            } else interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
        if (is.null(con$super)) con$super <- FALSE
        Matrix_J_setup(env, super = con$super, which = which)
    }, spam = {
        ##if (!require(spam)) stop("spam not available") # spam is imported
        if (get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("W", "S") && 
            !get("can.sim", envir = env)) stop("spam method requires symmetric weights")
        if (get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("B", "C", 
            "U") && !(is.symmetric.glist(get("listw", envir = env)$neighbours, 
            get("listw", envir = env)$weights))) stop("spam method requires symmetric weights")
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("sparse matrix Cholesky decomposition\n")
        spam_setup(env, pivot = con$spamPivot, which = which)
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
    }, spam_update = {
        ##if (!require(spam)) stop("spam not available") # idem
        if (get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("W", "S") && 
            !get("can.sim", envir = env)) stop("spam method requires symmetric weights")
        if (get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("B", "C", 
            "U") && !(is.symmetric.glist(get("listw", envir = env)$neighbours, 
            get("listw", envir = env)$weights))) stop("spam method requires symmetric weights")
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("sparse matrix Cholesky decomposition\n")
        spam_update_setup(env, in_coef = con$in_coef, pivot = con$spamPivot, 
            which = which)
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
    }, Chebyshev = {
        if (get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("W", "S") && 
            !get("can.sim", envir = env)) stop("Chebyshev method requires symmetric weights")
        if (get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("B", "C", 
            "U") && !(is.symmetric.glist(get("listw", envir = env)$neighbours, 
            get("listw", envir = env)$weights))) stop("Chebyshev method requires symmetric weights")
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("sparse matrix Chebyshev approximation\n")
        cheb_setup(env, q = con$cheb_q, which = which)
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
    }, MC = {
        if (!get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% c("W")) stop("MC method requires row-standardised weights")
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("sparse matrix Monte Carlo approximation\n")
        mcdet_setup(env, p = con$MC_p, m = con$MC_m, which = which)
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
    }, LU = {
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("sparse matrix LU decomposition\n")
        LU_setup(env, which = which)
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
    }, LU_prepermutate = {
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("sparse matrix LU decomposition\n")
        LU_prepermutate_setup(env, coef = con$in_coef, order = con$LU_order, 
            which = which)
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
    }, moments = {
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("Smirnov/Anselin (2009) trace approximation\n")
        moments_setup(env, trs = trs, m = con$MC_m, p = con$MC_p, 
            type = con$type, correct = con$correct, trunc = con$trunc, 
            which = which)
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
    }, SE_classic = {
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("SE toolbox classic grid\n")
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
        if (con$SE_method == "MC" && !get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% 
            c("W")) stop("MC method requires row-standardised weights")
        SE_classic_setup(env, SE_method = con$SE_method, p = con$MC_p, 
            m = con$MC_m, nrho = con$nrho, interpn = con$interpn, 
            interval = interval, SElndet = con$SElndet, which = which)
    }, SE_whichMin = {
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("SE toolbox which.min grid\n")
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
        if (con$SE_method == "MC" && !get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% 
            c("W")) stop("MC method requires row-standardised weights")
        SE_whichMin_setup(env, SE_method = con$SE_method, p = con$MC_p, 
            m = con$MC_m, nrho = con$nrho, interpn = con$interpn, 
            interval = interval, SElndet = con$SElndet, which = which)
    }, SE_interp = {
        if (get("verbose", envir = env)) cat("SE toolbox which.min grid\n")
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 0.999)
        if (con$SE_method == "MC" && !get("listw", envir = env)$style %in% 
            c("W")) stop("MC method requires row-standardised weights")
        SE_interp_setup(env, SE_method = con$SE_method, p = con$MC_p, 
            m = con$MC_m, nrho = con$nrho, interval = interval, 
            which = which)
    }, stop("...\n\nUnknown method\n"))

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