
Defines functions cani_color_league_features cani_plot_sport cani_plot_league

Documented in cani_color_league_features cani_plot_league cani_plot_sport

#' Check to see if a league can be plotted, and alert as to which function(s)
#' that league will work for
#' @param league_code The case-insensitive league code to be plotted
#' @return Nothing, but a message is sent to the console
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cani_plot_league("MLB")
cani_plot_league <- function(league_code) {
  # Force the league code to be lower cased, as that is how it appears in the
  # JSON file
  league_code <- tolower(league_code)

  # Get the sports that sportyR currently supports
  supported_sports <- names(surface_dimensions)

  # Iterate over the sports and get the supported leagues
  for (i in seq_along(supported_sports)) {
    sport <- supported_sports[i]
    if (!exists("sport_league_pairs")) {
      sport_league_pairs <- paste(
        sep = " - "
    } else {
      sport_league_pairs <- c(
          sep = " - "

  # Split the sport-league pairs into a data frame
  sport_league_pairs <- data.frame(
        strsplit(sport_league_pairs, " - "),

  # Rename to make easier to work with
  names(sport_league_pairs) <- c("sport", "league")

  # Drop custom
  sport_league_pairs <- sport_league_pairs[
    sport_league_pairs$league != "custom",

  # Get the number of sports the league should be able to plot. NOTE: this
  # should only be greater than 1 for NCAA/college
  n_sports <- nrow(
    sport_league_pairs[sport_league_pairs$league == league_code, ]

  # If the league code is not in the JSON file, notify user to create an issue
  # on GitHub to add the league to the package
  if (n_sports < 1) {
        "Sorry, {toupper(league_code)} is not a viable league to plot ",
        "at this time. Please create an issue on GitHub with the league's ",
        "playing surface specifications for the league to be added to the ",
  } else if (n_sports == 1) {
    # If the league code is only associated with 1 sport, notify user that the
    # league can be plotted with geom_{sport}()
    league_sport <- sport_league_pairs[
      sport_league_pairs$league == league_code,
        "A plot for {toupper(league_code)} can be created via the ",
        "() function"
  } else {
    # If the league code is associated with more than 1 sport (i.e. NCAA),
    # notify user of sports available for plotting

    # Initialize empty string for message
    functions_string <- ""

    # Get the sports available for plotting (in alphabetical order)
    league_sports <- sport_league_pairs[
      sport_league_pairs$league == league_code,

    # Initialize indexer for while loop
    i <- 1
    while (i < n_sports) {
      # Append the geom_{sport}s to the string
      functions_string <- glue::glue(
        "{functions_string}geom_{tolower(league_sports[i])}(), "
      i <- i + 1

    # Notify user of viable functions
        "{toupper(league_code)} can be used in the following functions: ",
        "{functions_string}or geom_{tolower(league_sports[i])}()"

#' Check to see if a sport can be plotted, and alert as to which league(s) are
#' plottable for the sport
#' @param sport_code The case-insensitive sport name
#' @return Nothing, but a message is sent to the console
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cani_plot_sport("basketball")
cani_plot_sport <- function(sport_code) {
  # Force the sport to be lower case, as that is how it appears in the JSON file
  sport_code <- tolower(sport_code)

  # Get the sports that sportyR currently supports
  supported_sports <- names(surface_dimensions)

  # If the sport is not in the JSON file, notify user to create an issue on
  # GitHub to add the sport to the package
  if (!(sport_code %in% supported_sports)) {
        "Sorry, {tolower(sport_code)} is not a viable sport to plot at this ",
        "time. Please create an issue on GitHub with the sport's playing ",
        "surface specifications for the league to be added to the package"
  } else {
    # Iterate over the sports and get the supported leagues
    for (i in seq_along(supported_sports)) {
      sport <- supported_sports[i]
      if (!exists("sport_league_pairs")) {
        sport_league_pairs <- paste(
          sep = " - "
      } else {
        sport_league_pairs <- c(
            sep = " - "

    # Split the sport-league pairs into a data frame
    sport_league_pairs <- data.frame(
          strsplit(sport_league_pairs, " - "),

    # Rename to make easier to work with
    names(sport_league_pairs) <- c("sport", "league")

    # Drop custom
    sport_league_pairs <- sport_league_pairs[
      sport_league_pairs$league != "custom",

    # Get the number of leagues the sport should be able to plot
    n_leagues <- nrow(
      sport_league_pairs[sport_league_pairs$sport == sport_code, ]

    if (n_leagues == 1) {
      # If the sport is only associated with 1 league, notify user that the
      # league can be plotted with geom_{sport}()
      league <- sport_league_pairs[
        sport_league_pairs$sport == sport_code,

          "A plot for {sport_code} can be created via the ",
          "geom_{tolower(sport_code)}() function for the following league: ",
    } else {
      # If the sport is associated with more than 1 league, notify the user of
      # all leagues available for plotting

      # Get the leagues available for plotting (in alphabetical order)
      leagues <- sort(
          sport_league_pairs$sport == sport_code,

      # Notify user of viable functions
      message_str <- glue::glue(
        "geom_{tolower(sport_code)}() can be used to plot for the following ",
        "leagues: "

      # Initialize indexer for while loop
      i <- 1
      while (i <= n_leagues) {
        # Append the leagues to the string
        leagues_str <- paste(toupper(leagues), collapse = ", ")
        i <- i + 1


#' Check to see what features of a surface can be colored
#' @param league_code The case-insensitive league code to be plotted
#' @param sport_name The name of a sport to use in the event that the
#'   \code{league_code} supplied has more than one sport associated with it.
#'   Default: \code{NULL}
#' @return Nothing, but a message is sent to the console
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cani_color_league_features("NCAA", "basketball")
cani_color_league_features <- function(league_code, sport_name = NULL) {
  # Force the league code to be lower cased, as that is how it appears in the
  # JSON file
  league_code <- tolower(league_code)

  # Get the sports that sportyR currently supports
  supported_sports <- names(surface_dimensions)

  # Iterate over the sports and get the supported leagues
  for (i in seq_along(supported_sports)) {
    sport <- supported_sports[i]
    if (!exists("sport_league_pairs")) {
      sport_league_pairs <- paste(
        sep = " - "
    } else {
      sport_league_pairs <- c(
          sep = " - "

  # Split the sport-league pairs into a data frame
  sport_league_pairs <- data.frame(
        strsplit(sport_league_pairs, " - "),

  # Rename to make easier to work with
  names(sport_league_pairs) <- c("sport", "league")

  # Drop custom
  sport_league_pairs <- sport_league_pairs[
    sport_league_pairs$league != "custom",

  # Get the number of sports the league should be able to plot. NOTE: this
  # should only be greater than 1 for NCAA/college
  n_sports <- nrow(
    sport_league_pairs[sport_league_pairs$league == league_code, ]

  # If the league code is not in the JSON file, notify user to create an issue
  # on GitHub to add the league to the package
  if (n_sports < 1) {
        "Sorry, {toupper(league_code)} is not a viable league to plot ",
        "at this time. Please create an issue on GitHub with the league's ",
        "playing surface specifications for the league to be added to the ",
  } else if (n_sports == 1) {
    # If the league code is only associated with 1 sport, notify user that the
    # league can be plotted with geom_{sport}()
    sport_name <- sport_league_pairs[
      sport_league_pairs$league == league_code,

    # Get the features
    feature_names <- switch(
      "baseball" = baseball_features_set_colors(),
      "basketball" = basketball_features_set_colors(),
      "football" = football_features_set_colors(),
      "hockey" = hockey_features_set_colors(),
      "lacrosse" = lacrosse_features_set_colors(),
      "soccer" = soccer_features_set_colors(),
      "tennis" = tennis_features_set_colors(),
          "Sorry, {toupper(league_code)} is not a viable league to plot ",
          "at this time. Please create an issue on GitHub with the league's ",
          "playing surface specifications for the league to be added to the ",

    # Get the names of the features
    feature_names <- names(feature_names)
  } else {
    if (is.null(sport_name)) {
          "Sorry, to get the feature names you can color for ",
          "{toupper(league_code)}, you must specify the sport_name parameter ",
          "as there are multiple sports that correspond to this league"
    } else {
      league_sports <- sport_league_pairs[
        sport_league_pairs$league == league_code,
      if (tolower(sport_name) %in% league_sports) {
        # Get the features
        feature_names <- switch(
          "baseball" = baseball_features_set_colors(),
          "basketball" = basketball_features_set_colors(),
          "football" = football_features_set_colors(),
          "hockey" = hockey_features_set_colors(),
          "lacrosse" = lacrosse_features_set_colors(),
          "soccer" = soccer_features_set_colors(),
          "tennis" = tennis_features_set_colors(),
              "Sorry, {tolower(sport_name)} is not a viable sport to plot ",
              "for {toupper(league_code)} at this time. Please create an ",
              "issue on GitHub with the league's playing surface ",
              "specifications for the sport-league combination to be added to ",
              "the package"

        # Get the names of the features
        feature_names <- names(feature_names)

  # Finally, display the feature names
  feature_names_string <- ""
  for (feature_name in feature_names) {
    feature_names_string <- glue::glue("{feature_names_string}\n{feature_name}")

      "Here are the viable plotting features to color for ",
      "{toupper(league_code)} {tolower(sport_name)}:\n{feature_names_string}"

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sportyR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:33 a.m.