#' Add Current User as Follower Artists or Other Users
#' Add the current user as a follower of one or more artists or other Spotify users.
#' @param type Required. The ID type: either \code{"artist"} or \code{"user"}.
#' @param ids Optional. A character vector of the artist or the user
#' \href{}{Spotify IDs}. For example: \code{ids = c("74ASZWbe4lXaubB36ztrGX", "08td7MxkoHQkXnWAYD8d6Q")}. A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
#' See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_authorization_code()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. Modifying the list of artists or users the current user follows requires authorization of the \code{user-follow-modify} scope. See \href{}{Using Scopes}.
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{PUT} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
follow_artists_or_users <- function(type,
ids = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
validate_parameters ( artist_or_user = type )
base_url <- ''
if ( is.null(ids)) {
query_params <- list(
type = type
} else {
query_params <- list(
type = type,
ids = paste0(ids, collapse = ',')
res <- RETRY('PUT', base_url,
config(token = authorization),
query = query_params,
encode = 'json')
#' Add Current User to Followers of Playlist.
#' @param playlist_id Required.
#' The \href{}{Spotify ID} of the playlist. Any playlist can be followed, regardless of its \href{}{public/private status}, as long as you know its playlist ID.
#' @param public Optional. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' If \code{TRUE} the playlist will be included in the user's public playlists,
#' if \code{FALSE} it will remain private. o be able to follow playlists privately, the user must have granted the \code{playlist-modify-private} \href{}{scope}.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_authorization_code()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' Following a publicly followed playlist for a user requires authorization of the
#' \code{playlist-modify-public} scope; following a privately followed playlist requires the
#' \code{playlist-modify-private} scope. See
#' \href{}{Using Scopes}. \cr
#' Note that the scopes you provide relate only to whether the current user is following the playlist publicly or privately (i.e. showing others what they are following), not whether the playlist itself is public or private.
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{PUT} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @export
follow_playlist <- function(playlist_id,
public = FALSE,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
url <- str_glue('{base_url}/{playlist_id}/followers')
params <- list(
public = public
res <- RETRY('PUT', url,
config(token = authorization),
body = params,
encode = 'json')
#' Remove Current User from Followers of Playlist.
#' @param playlist_id Required. The \href{}{Spotify ID} of the playlist that is to be no longer followed.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_authorization_code()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' Unfollowing a publicly followed playlist for a user requires authorization of the
#' \code{playlist-modify-public} scope; unfollowing a privately followed playlist requires the
#' \code{playlist-modify-private} scope. See
#' \href{}{Using Scopes}. \cr
#' Note that the scopes you provide relate only to whether the current user is following the
#' playlist publicly or privately (i.e. showing others what they are following),
#' not whether the playlist itself is public or private.
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{DELETE} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @export
unfollow_playlist <- function(playlist_id,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
url <- str_glue('{base_url}/{playlist_id}/followers')
res <- RETRY('DELETE', url,
config(token = authorization), encode = 'json')
#' Get My Followed Artists
#' Get the current user’s followed artists.
#' @param limit Optional. The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.
#' @param after Optional. The last artist ID retrieved from the previous request.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_authorization_code()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. Getting details of the artists or users the current user follows requires authorization of the \code{user-follow-read} scope. See \href{}{Using Scopes}.
#' @param include_meta_info Optional. Boolean indicating whether to include full result,
#' with meta information such as \code{"total"}, and \code{"limit"}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @family artist functions
#' @return A data frame containing my followed artists with some of full information about
#' the followed artists.
#' @export
get_my_followed_artists <- function(limit = 20,
after = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code(),
include_meta_info = FALSE) {
validate_parameters ( limit = limit,
include_meta_info = include_meta_info)
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
type = 'artist',
limit = limit,
after = after
res <- RETRY('GET', base_url, query = params,
config(token = authorization),
encode = 'json')
res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'), flatten = TRUE)
res <- res$artists
if (!include_meta_info) {
res <- res$items
#' Check Me Following
#' Check if the current user is following specific artists or users.
#' @param type Required. String of the ID type: either \code{"artist"} or \code{"user"}.
#' @param ids Required. A character vector of the artist or the user
#' \href{}{Spotify IDs} to check. For example: \code{ids = c("74ASZWbe4lXaubB36ztrGX", "08td7MxkoHQkXnWAYD8d6Q")}. A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_authorization_code()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. Getting details of the artists or users the current user follows requires authorization of the \code{user-follow-read} scope. See \href{}{Using Scopes}.
#' @return A data frame containing three columns, \code{"type"}, the \code{"id"} of the
#' artist or users and \code{"is_following"} as a logical, boolean variable.
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom httr RETRY
#' @export
check_me_following <- function(type,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()) {
validate_parameters ( artist_or_user = type )
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
type = type,
ids = paste0(ids, collapse = ',')
res <- RETRY('GET', base_url,
query = params,
config(token = authorization),
encode = 'json')
res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'),
flatten = TRUE)
tibble(type = type,
id = ids,
is_following = res)
#' Check if Users Follow a Playlist
#' Check if particular users are following a particular playlist.
#' @param playlist_id Required. The \href{}{Spotify ID} of the playlist.
#' @param ids Required. \href{}{Spotify User IDs}; the ids of the users that you want to check to see if they follow the playlist. Maximum: 5 ids.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. \cr
#' Following a playlist can be done publicly or privately. Checking if a user publicly follows a playlist doesn’t require any scopes; if the user is publicly following the playlist, this endpoint returns \code{TRUE}. \cr
#' Checking if the user is privately following a playlist is only possible for the current user when that user has granted access to the \code{playlist-read-private} scope. See \href{}{Using Scopes}.
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @family playlist functions
#' @return A data frame containing three columns,\cr
#' \code{"user_id"} for the particular users, \cr
#' \code{"playlist_id"} for the particular playlists, \cr
#' \code{"is_following"} as a logical, boolean variable.
#' @export
check_users_following <- function(playlist_id,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
playlist_id = playlist_id,
ids = paste0(ids, collapse = ',')
url <- str_glue('{base_url}/{playlist_id}/followers/contains')
res <- RETRY('GET', url, query = params,
config(token = authorization), encode = 'json')
res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'), flatten = TRUE)
tibble(user_id = ids,
playlist_id = playlist_id,
is_following = res)
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