#' @title Get the object currently being played on the user’s Spotify account.
#' @param market An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string \code{"from_token"}.
#' Provide this parameter if you want to apply
#' \href{}{Track Relinking}
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{}{Web API authorization guide} for more details.
#' Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the
#' \code{user-read-currently-playing} and/or \code{user-read-playback-state} scope authorized in order to read information.
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame of results containing user profile information.
#' See \url{} for more information.
#' @family player functions
#' @export
get_my_currently_playing <- function(market = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
params <- list(market = market)
res <- RETRY('GET', base_url,
config(token = authorization),
query = params,
encode = 'json')
res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'), flatten = TRUE)
#' Get Current User's Recently Played Tracks
#' @param limit Optional. The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1.
#' Maximum: 50.
#' @param after Optional. A Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Returns all items after
#' (but not including) this cursor position.
#' If \code{after} is specified, \code{before} must not
#' be specified.
#' @param before Optional. A Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Returns all items before
#' (but not including) this cursor position. If \code{before} is specified, \code{after} must not
#' be specified.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the
#' \href{}{Web API authorization guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' @param include_meta_info Optional. Boolean indicating whether to include full result,
#' with meta information such as \code{"before"}, \code{"after"}, and \code{"limit"}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' The access token must have the \code{user-read-recently-played} scope authorized in order to
#' read the user's recently played tracks.
#' @return
#' Returns a list or data frame of results containing the most recently played tracks for the
#' current user.
#' @family player functions
#' @export
get_my_recently_played <- function(limit = 20,
after = NULL,
before = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code(),
include_meta_info = FALSE) {
is.null(after) | is.null(before),
msg = "Either the 'after' or the 'before' parameter must be set to NULL."
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
limit = limit,
after = after,
before = before
res <- RETRY('GET', base_url,
config(token = authorization),
query = params,
encode = 'json')
res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'), flatten = TRUE)
if (!include_meta_info) {
res <- res$items
#' Get information about a user’s available devices.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the \code{user-read-playback-state} scope authorized in order to read information.
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame of results containing user device information. \cr
#' See the official Spotify Web API
#' \href{}{documentation} for more information.
#' @family player functions
#' @export
get_my_devices <- function(authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()) {
base_url <- ''
res <- RETRY('GET', base_url, config(token = authorization), encode = 'json')
res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'), flatten = TRUE)
#' Get information about the user’s current playback state, including track, track progress, and active device.
#' @param market An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string \code{"from_token"}.
#' Provide this parameter if you want to apply
#' \href{}{Track Relinking}.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
#' See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide}
#' for more details.
#' Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}.
#' The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the \code{user-read-playback-state} scope authorized in order to read information.
#' @return
#' Returns a list containing user playback information. See the official Spotify Web API
#' \href{}{documentation} for more information.
#' @family player functions
#' @export
get_my_current_playback <- function(market = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
params <- list(market = market)
res <- RETRY('GET', base_url,
config(token = authorization),
query = params, encode = 'json')
res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'), flatten = TRUE)
#' @title Pause Playback
#' @description Pause playback on the user’s device.
#' @param device_id Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting.
#' If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
#' See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the \code{user-modify-playback-state} scope authorized in order
#' to control playback.
#' @family player functions
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{PUT} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @export
pause_my_playback <- function(device_id = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
params <- list(device_id = device_id)
res <- RETRY('PUT', base_url,
config(token = authorization),
query = params,
encode = 'json')
#' @title Toggle shuffle on or off for user’s playback.
#' @param state Required. \cr
#' \code{TRUE}: Shuffle user's playback \cr
#' \code{FALSE} Do not shuffle user's playback
#' @param device_id Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting.
#' If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
#' See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the \code{user-modify-playback-state} scope authorized
#' in order to control playback.
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{PUT} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @family player functions
#' @export
toggle_my_shuffle <- function(state,
device_id = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
## This is different form validate_state(state=state) assertions!
msg = "The parameter 'state' must be a logical TRUE or FALSE value."
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
state = state,
device_id = device_id
res <- RETRY('PUT', base_url,
config(token = authorization),
query = params,
encode = 'json')
#' @title Set User Playback Mode
#' @description Set the repeat mode for the user’s playback.
#' Options are repeat-track, repeat-context, and off.
#' @param state Required. \cr
#' \code{"track"}, \code{"context"}, or \code{"off"}
#' \code{"track"} will repeat the current track. \cr
#' \code{"context"} will repeat the current context. \cr
#' \code{"off"} will turn repeat off
#' @param device_id Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the \code{user-modify-playback-state} scope authorized
#' in order to control playback.
#' @family player functions
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{PUT} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @export
set_my_repeat_mode <- function(state,
device_id = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
state = state,
device_id = device_id
res <- RETRY('PUT', base_url,
config(token = authorization),
query = params,
encode = 'json')
#' @title Set User Device Volume
#' @description Set the volume for the user’s current playback device.
#' @param volume_percent Required integer value. The volume to set.
#' Must be a value from 0 to 100 inclusive. Defaults to \code{50}.
#' @param device_id Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting.
#' If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
#' See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide}
#' for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}.
#' The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the \code{user-modify-playback-state} scope authorized in order
#' to control playback.
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{PUT} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @export
set_my_volume <- function(volume_percent = 50,
device_id = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
volume_percent = volume_percent,
device_id = device_id
res <- RETRY('PUT', base_url,
config(token = authorization),
query = params,
encode = 'json')
#' @title Skips to Next Track
#' @description Skips to next track in the user’s queue.
#' @param device_id Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied,
#' the user’s currently active device is the target.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
#' See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the \code{user-modify-playback-state} scope authorized in order
#' to control playback.
#' @family player functions
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{POST} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @export
skip_my_playback <- function(device_id = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
device_id = device_id
res <- RETRY('POST', base_url, config(token = authorization),
query = params,
encode = 'json')
#' @title Skips to previous track in the user’s queue.
#' @param device_id Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the \code{user-modify-playback-state} scope authorized in order to control playback.
#' @family player functions
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{POST} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @export
skip_my_playback_previous <- function(device_id = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
device_id = device_id
res <- RETRY('POST', base_url,
config(token = authorization), query = params, encode = 'json')
#' @title Skips to previous track in the user’s queue.
#' @param device_id Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target.
#' @param context_uri Optional. String of the Spotify URI of the context to play. Valid contexts are albums, artists, playlists. Example \code{context_uri = "spotify:album:1Je1IMUlBXcx1Fz0WE7oPT"}.
#' @param uris Optional. A character vector of the Spotify track URIs to play.
#' For example: \code{"uris": c("spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh", "spotify:track:1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M")}.
#' @param offset Optional. A named list indicating from where the context playback should start. Only available when \code{context_uri} corresponds to an album or playlist object, or when the \code{uris} parameter is used. \cr
#' \code{"position"} is zero based and can't be negative. Example:
#' \code{"offset" = list("position" = 5)}. \cr
#' \code{"uri"} is a string representing the uri of the item to start at.
#' Example: \code{"offset" = list("uri" = "spotify:track:1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M")}.
#' @param position_ms Optional. Integer indicating from what position to start playback. Must be a positive number. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next song.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the \code{user-modify-playback-state} scope authorized
#' in order to control playback.
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{POST} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @family player functions
#' @export
start_my_playback <- function(device_id = NULL,
context_uri = NULL,
uris = NULL,
offset = NULL,
position_ms = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
validate_parameters ( offset = offset,
position_ms = position_ms )
base_url <- ''
query_params = list(
device_id = device_id
body_params <- list(
context_uri = context_uri,
uris = I(uris),
offset = offset,
position_ms = position_ms
res <- RETRY('PUT', base_url, query = query_params,
config(token = authorization),
body = body_params, encode = 'json')
#' @title Transfer playback to a new device and determine if it should start playing.
#' @param device_ids Required. A character vector containing the ID of the device this on which playback should be started/transferred. Note: only a single device_id is currently supported.
#' @param play Optional. \cr
#' \code{TRUE}: Ensure playback happens on new device \cr
#' \code{FALSE} (default): keep the current playback state \cr
#' Note that a value of \code{FALSE} for the \code{play} parameter when also
#' transferring to another \code{device_id} will not pause playback. To ensure that playback is paused on the new device you should send a pause command to the currently active device before transferring to the new \code{device_id}.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
#' See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the \code{user-modify-playback-state} scope authorized in order to control playback.
#' @family player functions
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{PUT} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @export
transfer_my_playback <- function(device_ids,
play = FALSE,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
device_ids = list(device_ids),
play = play
res <- RETRY('PUT', base_url,
config(token = authorization),
body = params, encode = 'json')
#' Seeks to the given position in the user’s currently playing track.
#' @param position_ms Required. Integer indicating the position in milliseconds to seek to.
#' Must be a positive number. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the
#' track will cause the player to start playing the next song.
#' @param device_id Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied,
#' the user’s currently active device is the target.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
#' See the \href{}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}. The access token must have been issued on behalf of the current user. \cr
#' The access token must have the
#' \code{user-modify-playback-state} scope authorized in order to control playback.
#' @family player functions
#' @return The response from the Spotify Web API on the \code{POST} request, with a meaningful
#' error message if the operation was not successful.
#' @export
seek_to_position <- function(position_ms,
device_id = NULL,
authorization = get_spotify_authorization_code()
) {
base_url <- ''
params <- list(
position_ms = position_ms,
device_id = device_id
res <- RETRY('PUT', base_url,
config(token = authorization),
query = params, encode = 'json')
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