
Defines functions hexPanel hexLogo renderDesc hrefTable hrefTab gallery

Documented in gallery hexLogo hexPanel hrefTab hrefTable renderDesc

################## A Collections of HTML components#############################
# can be used outside SPS framework, like other shiny projects
## use on top of shiny

#' A shiny gallery component
#' @description Create a gallery to display images or photos
#' `texts`, `hrefs`, `images` Must have the same length
#' If there is any image that you do not want to add links, use `""` to occupy the space, e.g
#' `hrefs = c("https://xxx.com", "", "https://xxx.com")`
#' If the link is empty, there will be no hover effect on that image, and you cannot click it.
#' Similar to `hrefs`, for the `texts`, use `""` to  occupy space
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @param Id ID of this gallery
#' @param title Title of gallery
#' @param title_color Title color
#' @param texts vector of labels under each image
#' @param hrefs vector of links when each image is clicked
#' @param image_frame_size integer, 1-12, this controls width. How large is each
#' image. 12 is the whole width of the parent container and 1 is 1/12 of the container. Consider
#' numbers that can be fully divided by 12, like 1 (12 per row), 2 (6 per row),
#' 3 (4 per row), 4 (3 per row), 6 (1 per row)or 12 (if you want only 1 image per row).
#' @param images a vector of image sources, can be online URLs or local resource paths.
#' @param enlarge bool,  when click on the image, enlarge
#' it? If enlarge is enabled, click the photo will enlarge instead of jump to the link.
#' Only the title below contains the link if enlarge is enabled.
#' @param enlarge_method  how the photo is enlarged on click,
#' one of "inline" -- within the gallery change the size of photo to 12, "modal" --
#' display photo in a pop-up modal.
#' @param target_blank bool, whether to add `target="_blank"` to the link?
#' @param style additional CSS style you want to add to the most outside component "div"
#' @details
#' #### `modal` enlarge
#' When view the `modal` enlarged images, click the "X" button or anywhere outside the
#' image to close the full screen view.
#' @export
#' @return a gallery component
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'   texts <- c("p1", "p2", "", "p4", "p5")
#'   hrefs <- c("https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/img/1.jpg?raw=true",
#'              "https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/img/2.jpg?raw=true",
#'              "",
#'              "https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/img/4.jpg?raw=true",
#'              "https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/img/5.jpg?raw=true")
#'   images <- c("https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/img/1.jpg?raw=true",
#'               "https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/img/2.jpg?raw=true",
#'               "https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/img/3.jpg?raw=true",
#'               "https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/img/4.jpg?raw=true",
#'               "https://github.com/lz100/spsComps/blob/master/img/5.jpg?raw=true")
#'   library(shiny)
#'   ui <- fluidPage(
#'     column(
#'       6,
#'       gallery(texts = texts, hrefs = hrefs, images = images, title = "Default gallery"),
#'       spsHr(),
#'       gallery(texts = texts, hrefs = hrefs, images = images,
#'               image_frame_size = 2, title = "Photo size"),
#'       spsHr(),
#'       gallery(texts = texts, hrefs = hrefs, images = images,
#'               enlarge = TRUE, title = "Inline enlarge"),
#'       spsHr(),
#'       gallery(
#'         texts = texts, hrefs = hrefs, images = images,
#'         enlarge = TRUE, title = "Modal enlarge",
#'         enlarge_method = "modal"
#'       )
#'     )
#'   )
#'   server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   }
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
gallery <- function(texts,
                    Id = NULL,
                    title = "Gallery",
                    title_color = "#0275d8",
                    image_frame_size = 4,
                    enlarge = FALSE,
                    enlarge_method = c("inline", "modal"),
                    target_blank = FALSE,
                    style = ""){

    if (is.null(Id)) Id <- glue("gallery{sample(1000000:9999999, 1)}")
    stopifnot(is.logical(target_blank) && length(target_blank) == 1)
    image_frame_size <- as.integer(image_frame_size)
    stopifnot(image_frame_size > 0 && image_frame_size <=12)
        length(texts) == length(hrefs) & length(hrefs) == length(images),
        msg = "texts, hrefs and images must have the same length")
    enlarge_method <- match.arg(enlarge_method, c("inline", "modal"))

    texts[texts == ""] <- "&nbsp;"
    hrefs_clean <- hrefs
    img_ids <- paste0(Id, "-", seq_len(length(hrefs)))
    hrefs[hrefs != ""] <- glue('href="{hrefs[hrefs != ""]}"')
    href_hover <- rep("", length(hrefs))
    href_hover[hrefs == ""] <- "gallery-nohover"

    target_text <- if (target_blank) 'target="_blank"' else ''

    gallery_div <- if(enlarge && enlarge_method == "inline") {
      <div class="col-sm-{image_frame_size} sps-tab-link inline-enlarge" style="right: 1px;">
        <img src="{images}" class="img-gallery" height=300 width=400 style="width: 100%;">
        <a {hrefs} {target_text}><p class="text-center h4 {href_hover}">{texts}</p></a>
    } else if (enlarge) {
      <div  id={img_ids} class="col-sm-{image_frame_size} sps-tab-link" style="right: 1px;">
          src="{images}" class="img-gallery"
          height=300 width=400
          style="width: 100%;"
        <a {hrefs} {target_text}><p class="text-center h4 {href_hover}">{texts}</p></a>
    } else {
      <a {hrefs} {target_text} class="col-sm-{image_frame_size} sps-tab-link" style="right: 1px;">
        <img src="{images}" class="img-gallery {href_hover}" height=300 width=400 style="width: 100%;">
        <p class="text-center h4 {href_hover}">{texts}</p>

        id = Id, class = "col sps-gallery",
        style = style,
        p(class = "text-center h2",
          style = glue("color: {title_color};"),
            class = "row", style = "  margin: 10px;",
        if(enlarge && enlarge_method == "modal") {
            if ($('#sps-gallery-modal').length) return ;
            const gal_modal  =
            `<div id='sps-gallery-modal' class='gallery-modal' onclick='galModalClose()' style='display: none;'>
              <span class='gallery-modal-close'>X</span>
              <img id='sps-gallery-modal-content' class='gallery-modal-content'/>
              <div class='gallery-caption'></div>
        } else "",

#' Display a list of links in a row of buttons
#' @description `hrefTab` creates a small section of link buttons
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @param Id optional element ID
#' @param title element title
#' @param title_color title color
#' @param label_texts individual tab labels
#' @param hrefs individual tab links
#' @param bg_colors individual tab button background color, either 1 value  to apply for all of
#' them or specify for each of them in a vector
#' @param text_colors individual tab button text color, either 1 value to apply for all of
#' them or specify for each of them in a vector
#' @param target_blank bool, whether to add `target="_blank"` to the link?
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to the html element
#' @return a Shiny component
#' @details
#' 1. `label_texts`, `hrefs` must be the same length
#' 2. If more than one value is provided for `bg_colors` or/and `text_colors`,
#' the length of these 2 vectors must be the same as `label_texts`
#' 3.  Use `""` to occupy the space if you do not want a label contains a link,
#' e.g `hrefs = c("https://google.com/", "", "")`
#' 4. If a label does not have a link, you cannot click it and there is no hovering
#' effects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'     ui <- fluidPage(
#'         hrefTab(
#'             title = "Default",
#'             label_texts = c("Bar Plot", "PCA Plot", "Scatter Plot"),
#'             hrefs = c("https://google.com/", "", "")
#'         ),
#'         hrefTab(
#'             title = "Different background",
#'             label_texts = c("Bar Plot", "PCA Plot", "Scatter Plot"),
#'             hrefs = c("https://google.com/", "", ""),
#'             bg_colors = c("#eee", "orange", "green")
#'         ),
#'         hrefTab(
#'             title = "Different background and text colors",
#'             label_texts = c("Bar Plot", "Disabled", "Scatter Plot"),
#'             hrefs = c("https://google.com/", "", ""),
#'             bg_colors = c("green", "#eee", "orange"),
#'             text_colors = c("#caffc1", "black", "blue")
#'         )
#'     )
#'     server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     }
#'     shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
hrefTab <- function(label_texts,
                    Id = NULL,
                    title = "A list of tabs",
                    title_color = "#0275d8",
                    bg_colors = "#337ab7",
                    text_colors = "white",
                    target_blank = FALSE,
    if (is.null(Id)) Id <- glue("list-tab{sample(1000000:9999999, 1)}")
    assert_that(is.character(bg_colors) && length(bg_colors) > 0)
    assert_that(is.character(text_colors) && length(text_colors) > 0)
    assert_that(length(label_texts) == length(hrefs),
                msg = "texts and hrefs must have the same length")
    if (length(bg_colors) > 1) assert_that(length(label_texts) == length(bg_colors))
    if (length(text_colors) > 1) assert_that(length(label_texts) == length(text_colors))
    stopifnot(is.logical(target_blank) && length(target_blank) == 1)

    href_hover <- rep("", length(hrefs))
    href_hover[hrefs == ""] <- "nohover"
    hrefs[hrefs == ""] <- "javascript:null;"

    target_text <- if (target_blank) 'target="_blank"' else ''

        id = Id, class = "col", ... ,
        p(class = "h4",
          style = glue("color: {title_color}; text-align: left;"),
              href="{hrefs}" {target_text}
              class="href-button sps-tab-link {href_hover}"
              style="background-color: {bg_colors}; color: {text_colors};"

#' A table of hyper reference buttons
#' @description creates a table in Shiny which the cells are hyper reference (links)
#' buttons. This function is similar to [hrefTab], but that function only creates
#' a single row of link buttons, and this function creates a table of rows.
#' The table has two columns, the first column is row names, second column is different
#' link buttons.
#' @details
#' 1. `item_titles`, `item_labels`, `item_hrefs` must have the same
#' length. Each vector in `item_labels`, `item_hrefs` must also have the same
#' length. For example, if we want to make a table of two rows, the first row
#' has 1 cell and the second row has 2 cells:
#' ```
#'  hrefTable(
#'      item_titles = c("row 1", "row 2"),
#'      item_labels = list(c("cell 1"), c("cell 1", "cell 2")),
#'      item_hrefs = list(c("link1"), c("link1", "link2")
#'  )
#' ```
#' 2. If `item_title_colors`, `item_text_colors` are given more than one value,
#' the list must have the same length as `item_titles`, and length of each vector
#' in the list must match the vector in `item_labels` in the same order.
#' 3. If  `item_title_colors` is given more than one value, the vector must have
#' the same length as `item_titles`.
#' 4.  Use `""` to occupy the space if you do not want a label contains a link,
#' e.g `item_hrefs = list(c("https://www.google.com/"), c("", ""))`
#' 5. If a label does not have a link, you cannot click it and there is no hovering
#' effects.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @param Id optional ID
#' @param title title of this table
#' @param item_titles vector of strings, a vector of titles for table row names
#' @param item_labels list, a list of character vectors to specify button
#' labels in each table row, one vector per row
#' @param item_hrefs list, a list  of character vectors to specify button hrefs
#' links in each table row, one vector per row
#' @param item_bg_colors a single character value or a list, a list  of character
#' vectors to specify button background colors in each table row, one vector per row
#' @param item_text_colors  a single character value or a list, a list  of character
#' vectors to specify button text colors in each table row, one vector per row
#' @param first_col_name first column name
#' @param second_col_name second column name
#' @param title_color table title color
#' @param item_title_colors  a single character value or a character vector to
#' specify button title text colors of each row name
#' @param target_blank bool, whether to add `target="_blank"` to the link?
#' @param ... other HTML param you want to pass to the table
#' @export
#' @return HTML elements
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'     ui <- fluidPage(
#'         hrefTable(
#'             title = "default",
#'             item_titles = c("workflow 1", "unclickable"),
#'             item_labels = list(c("tab 1"), c("tab 3", "tab 4")),
#'             item_hrefs = list(c("https://www.google.com/"), c("", ""))
#'         ),
#'         hrefTable(
#'             title = "Change button color and text color",
#'             item_titles = c("workflow 1", "No links"),
#'             item_labels = list(c("tab 1"), c("tab 3", "tab 4")),
#'             item_hrefs = list(c("https://www.google.com/"), c("", "")),
#'             item_bg_colors =  list(c("blue"), c("red", "orange")),
#'             item_text_colors =  list(c("black"), c("yellow", "green"))
#'         ),
#'         hrefTable(
#'             title = "Change row name colors and width",
#'             item_titles = c("Green", "Red", "Orange"),
#'             item_labels = list(c("tab 1"), c("tab 3", "tab 4"), c("tab 5", "tab 6", "tab 7")),
#'             item_hrefs = list(
#'                 c("https://www.google.com/"),
#'                 c("", ""),
#'                 c("https://www.google.com/", "https://www.google.com/", "")
#'             ),
#'             item_title_colors = c("green", "red", "orange"),
#'             style = "width: 50%"
#'         )
#'     )
#'     server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     }
#'     shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
hrefTable <- function(item_titles,
                      item_title_colors = "#0275d8",
                      item_bg_colors = "#337ab7",
                      item_text_colors = "white",
                      Id = NULL,
                      first_col_name = "Category",
                      second_col_name = "Options",
                      title = "A Table buttons with links",
                      title_color = "#0275d8",
                      target_blank = FALSE,
                      ...) {

    if (is.null(Id)) Id <- glue("list-table{sample(1000000:9999999, 1)}")
    assert_that(is.character(item_title_colors) && length(item_title_colors) > 0)
    if(length(item_title_colors) > 1) assert_that(length(item_title_colors) == length(item_titles))
    assert_that(length(item_bg_colors) > 0)
    stopifnot(is.logical(target_blank) && length(target_blank) == 1)

    item_length <- lapply(item_labels, length)
    if(length(item_bg_colors) > 1) {
        mapply(function(len, color){
                length(color) == len,
                msg = "vectors in item_bg_colors has different length than vectors in  item_labels"
        item_length, item_bg_colors
    assert_that(length(item_text_colors) > 0)
    if(length(item_text_colors) > 1) {
        mapply(function(len, color){
                length(color) == len,
                msg = "vectors in item_text_colors has different length than vectors in  item_labels"
        item_length, item_text_colors

    assert_that(is.list(item_labels)); assert_that(is.list(item_hrefs))
    assert_that(length(item_titles) == length(item_labels) &
                    length(item_labels) == length(item_hrefs),
                msg = glue("item_titles, item_labels and ",
                            "item_hrefs must have the same length"))

        function(label, href) {
            assert_that(length(href) == length(label),
                        msg = paste0("'", paste0(label, collapse = ", "),
                                     "' must have the same length as '",
                                     paste0(href, collapse = ", "), "'")
        item_labels, item_hrefs

    target_text <- if (target_blank) 'target="_blank"' else ''

    btns <- mapply(
        function(label, href, bg_color, text_color) {
            href_hover <- rep("", length(href))
            href_hover[href == ""] <- "nohover"
            href[href == ""] <- "javascript:null;"
              href="{href}" {target_text}
              class="href-button {href_hover} sps-tab-link"
              style="background-color: {bg_color}; color: {text_color};"
            ) %>% glue::glue_collapse()
        item_labels, item_hrefs, item_bg_colors,item_text_colors
        id = Id, class = "table table-hover table-href table-striped",
        tags$caption(class = "text-center h2",
                     style = glue("color: {title_color};"),
                <tr class="info">
            <td class="h4" style="color: {item_title_colors};">{item_titles}</td>

#' Render some collapsible markdown text
#' @description write some text in markdown format and it will help you
#' render to markdown, use [shiny::markdown] but it is collapsible.
#' @param desc one character string in markdown format
#' @param id element ID
#' @export
#' @return HTML elements
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'     desc <-
#'         "
#'     # Some desc
#'     - xxxx
#'     - bbbb
#'     This is a [link](https://www.google.com/).
#'     `Some other things`
#'     > other markdown things
#'     1. aaa
#'     2. bbb
#'     3. ccc
#'     "
#'     ui <- fluidPage(
#'         renderDesc(id = "desc", desc),
#'     )
#'     server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     }
#'     shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
renderDesc <- function(id, desc) {
        <div class="desc">
          <div class="collapse desc-body" id="{id}" aria-expanded="false">
           {HTML(markdown(glue(desc, .open = "@{", .close = "}@")))}

          <a role="button" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse"
             href="#{id}" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="{id}">

#' @rdname hexPanel
#' @param hex_img single value of `hex_imgs`
#' @param hex_link single value of `hex_links`
#' @param footer single value of `footers`
#' @param footer_link single value of `footer_links`
#' @param x number, X offset, e.g. "-10" instead of -10L
#' @param y number, Y offset
#' @param target_blank bool, whether to add `target="_blank"` to the link?
#' @export
 <- function(
  title = "",
  hex_link = "" ,
  footer = "",
  footer_link = "",
  x = "-10",
  y = "-20",
  target_blank = FALSE
) {
  stopifnot(is.logical(target_blank) && length(target_blank) == 1)
  target_text <- if (target_blank) 'target="_blank"' else ''

  title_text <- if(!emptyIsFalse(title)) ''
  else glue('<span class="text-info">{title}</span><br>')
  hex <-  if(!emptyIsFalse(hex_link)) {
    glue('<polygon points="50 1 95 25 95 75 50 99 5 75 5 25"',
         'fill="url(#{id}-hex)" stroke="var(--primary)"',
  } else {
    glue('<a href="{hex_link}" {target_text}>',
         '<polygon class="hex" points="50 1 95 25 95 75 50 99 5 75 5 25"',
         'fill="url(#{id}-hex)" stroke="var(--primary)"',
  footer_link <- if(!emptyIsFalse(footer_link)) '' else glue('href="{footer_link}"')
  footer_class <- if(emptyIsFalse(footer_link)) 'powerby-link' else 'powerby-link nohover'
  footer_text <- if(!emptyIsFalse(footer)) ''
  else glue('<text x=10 y=115><a class="{footer_class}"',
            '{footer_link} target="_blank">{footer}</a></text>')
        <div id="{id}" class="hex-container">
          <svg class="hex-box" viewBox="0 0 100 115" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
              <pattern id="{id}-hex" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" height="100%" width="100%">
                <image href="{hex_img}" x="{x}" y="{y}" height="125%" width="125%" />


#' Hexagon logo and logo panel
#' @description Shiny UI widgets to generate hexagon logo(s).
#' [hexLogo()] generates a single hexagon, and [hexPanel()]
#' generates a panel of hex logos
#' @param id input ID
#' @param title title of the logo, display on top of logo or title of logo panel
#' displayed on the left
#' @param hex_imgs a character vector of logo image source, can be online or
#' local, see details
#' @param hex_links a character vector of links attached to each logo, if not
#' `NULL`, must be the same length as `hex_imgs`
#' @param hex_titles similar to `hex_links`, titles of each logo
#' @param footers a character vector of footer attached to each logo
#' @param footer_links a character vector of footer links, if not `NULL`,
#' must be the same length as `footers`
#' @param xs a character vector X coordinate offset value for each logo image,
#' default -10, mist be the same length as `hex_imgs`
#' @param ys Y coordinates offset, must be the same length as `xs`, default -20
#' @param target_blank bool, whether to add `target="_blank"` to the link?
#' @details
#' The image in each hexagon is resized to the same size as the hex border
#' and then enlarged 125%. You may want to use x, y offset value to change
#' the image position.
#' If your image source is local, you need to add your local directory to the
#' shiny server, e.g. `addResourcePath("sps", "www")`. This example add `www`
#' folder under my current working directory as `sps` to the server. Then you
#' can access my images by `hex_imgs = "sps/my_img.png"`.
#' some args in `hexPanel` are character vectors, use `NULL` for the default
#' value. If you want to change value but not all of your logos, use `""` to
#' occupy space in the vector. e.g. I have 3 logos, but I only want to add
#' 2 footer and only 1 footer has a link:
#' `footers = c("footer1", "footer2", "")`,
#' `footer_links = c("", "https://mylink", "")`. By doing so  `footers` and
#' `footer_links` has the same required length.
#' @export
#' @return HTML elements, tagList
#' @importFrom assertthat not_empty assert_that
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'     ui <- fluidPage(
#'         hexLogo(
#'             "logo", "Logo",
#'             hex_img = "https://live.staticflickr.com/7875/46106952034_954b8775fa_b.jpg",
#'             hex_link = "https://www.google.com",
#'             footer = "Footer",
#'             footer_link = "https://www.google.com"
#'         ),
#'         hexLogo(
#'             "x", "Change X offset",
#'             hex_img = "https://live.staticflickr.com/7875/46106952034_954b8775fa_b.jpg",
#'             x = "40"
#'         ),
#'         hexLogo(
#'             "y", "Change Y offset",
#'             hex_img = "https://live.staticflickr.com/7875/46106952034_954b8775fa_b.jpg",
#'             y = "-60"
#'         ),
#'         hexPanel(
#'             "demo1", "basic panel:" ,
#'             rep("https://live.staticflickr.com/7875/46106952034_954b8775fa_b.jpg", 2)
#'         ),
#'         hexPanel(
#'             "demo2", "panel with links:" ,
#'             c(paste0("https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/",
#'               "2c6239d311be6d037c251c71c3902792f8c4ddd2/12f67/css/images/hex/ggplot2.png"),
#'               paste0("https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/",
#'               "621a9c8c5d7b47c4b6d72e8f01f28d14310e8370/193fc/css/images/hex/dplyr.png")
#'             ),
#'             c("https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/", "https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/"),
#'             c("ggplot2", "dplyr")
#'         ),
#'         hexPanel(
#'             "demo3", "footer with links:" ,
#'             rep("https://live.staticflickr.com/7875/46106952034_954b8775fa_b.jpg", 2),
#'             footers = c("hex1", "hex2"),
#'             footer_links = rep("https://www.google.com", 2)
#'         ),
#'         hexPanel(
#'             "demo4", "panel offsets" ,
#'             hex_imgs = rep("https://live.staticflickr.com/7875/46106952034_954b8775fa_b.jpg", 4),
#'             footers = paste0("hex", 1:4),
#'             ys = seq(-20, -50, by = -10),
#'             xs = seq(20, 50, by = 10)
#'         )
#'     )
#'     server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     }
#'     shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
hexPanel <-function(
  hex_links = NULL,
  hex_titles = NULL,
  footers = NULL,
  footer_links = NULL,
  xs = NULL,
  ys = NULL,
  target_blank = FALSE) {

  if(not_empty(hex_titles)) assert_that(length(hex_titles) == length(hex_imgs))
  if(not_empty(hex_links)) assert_that(length(hex_imgs) == length(hex_links))
  if(not_empty(footers)) assert_that(length(footers) == length(hex_imgs))
  if(not_empty(footer_links)) assert_that(length(footers) == length(footer_links))
  if(not_empty(xs)) assert_that(length(hex_imgs) == length(xs))
  if(not_empty(ys)) assert_that(length(hex_imgs) == length(ys))
  stopifnot(is.logical(target_blank) && length(target_blank) == 1)

  if(is.null(xs)) xs <- rep("-10", length(hex_imgs))
  if(is.null(ys)) ys <- rep("-20", length(hex_imgs))

  lapply(seq_along(hex_imgs), function(i){
        (id = paste0(id, i), title = hex_titles[i],
                hex_img = hex_imgs[i], hex_link = hex_links[i],
                footer = footers[i], footer_link = footer_links[i],
                x = xs[i], y=ys[i], target_blank = target_blank)
  }) %>% {
    fluidRow(class = "hex-panel",
             h5(class = "text-primary", title),

#' Match height of one element to the other element
#' @description Match the height of one element to the second element.
#' If the height of second element change, the height of first element will change
#' automatically
#' @param div1 element ID, or jquery selector if `isID = FALSE`. The first element
#' that you want to match the height to the other element
#' @param div2 matched element ID or selector, the other element
#' @param isID bool, if `TRUE`, `div1` and `div2` will be treated as ID, otherwise
#' you can use complex jquery selector
#' @return tagList containing javascript
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'     library(shiny)
#'     library(shinyjqui)
#'     ui <- fluidPage(
#'         column(
#'             3, id = "a",
#'             style = "border: 1px black solid; background-color: gray;",
#'             p("This block's height is matched with orange one")
#'         ),
#'         shinyjqui::jqui_resizable(column(
#'             2, id ="b",
#'             style = "border: 1px black solid; background-color: orange;",
#'             p("drag the bottom-right corner")
#'         )),
#'         column(
#'             3, id = "c",
#'             style = "border: 1px black solid; background-color: red;",
#'             p("This block's is not matched with others")
#'         ),
#'         heightMatcher("a", "b")
#'     )
#'     server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     }
#'     # Try to drag `b` from bottom right corner and see what happens to `a`
#'     shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
heightMatcher <- function(div1, div2, isID=TRUE){
    if(isID) {
        div1 <- paste0("#", div1)
        div2 <- paste0("#", div2)
            'heightMatcher("', div1, '",', ' "', div2, '")'
        spsDepend("basic", css = FALSE)


#' Go top button
#' @description add a go top button on your shiny app. When the user clicks the
#' button, scroll the window all the way to the top. Just add this function anywhere
#' in you UI.
#' @details The button hides if you are on very top of the page. If you scroll
#' down 50px, this button will appear.
#' @param id element ID
#' @param icon [shiny::icon] if you do not want to use the default rocket image
#' @param right character string, css style, the button's position to window right
#' @param bottom character string, css style, the button's position to window bottom
#' @param color color of the icon.
#' @return a shiny component
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'     library(shiny)
#'     ui <- fluidPage(
#'         h1("Scroll the page..."),
#'         lapply(1: 100, function(x) br()),
#'         spsGoTop("default"),
#'         spsGoTop("mid", right = "50%",  bottom= "50%", icon = icon("house"), color = "red"),
#'         spsGoTop("up", right = "95%",  bottom= "95%", icon = icon("arrow-up"), color = "green")
#'     )
#'     server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     }
#'     shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
spsGoTop <- function(
    id = "gotop",
    icon = NULL,
    right = "1rem",
    bottom = "10rem",
    color = "#337ab7"
    inner <-
        if (inherits(icon, "shiny.tag")) icon
        else HTML('
          <svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
            <path d="M526.60727968 10.90185116
              a27.675 27.675 0 0 0-29.21455937 0
              c-131.36607665 82.28402758-218.69155461 228.01873535-218.69155402
              394.07834331a462.20625001 462.20625001 0 0 0 5.36959153 69.94390903
              c1.00431239 6.55289093-0.34802892 13.13561351-3.76865779 18.80351572-32.63518765
              54.11355614-51.75690182 118.55860487-51.7569018 187.94566865a371.06718723 371.06718723 0 0 0 11.50484808 91.98906777
              c6.53300375 25.50556257 41.68394495 28.14064038 52.69160883 4.22606766 17.37162448-37.73630017
              42.14135425-72.50938081 72.80769204-103.21549295 2.18761121 3.04276886 4.15646224 6.24463696
              6.40373557 9.22774369a1871.4375 1871.4375 0 0 0 140.04691725 5.34970492 1866.36093723 1866.36093723 0 0 0 140.04691723-5.34970492
              c2.24727335-2.98310674 4.21612437-6.18497483 6.3937923-9.2178004 30.66633723 30.70611158
              55.4360664 65.4791928 72.80769147 103.21549355 11.00766384 23.91457269 46.15860503 21.27949489
              52.69160879-4.22606768a371.15156223 371.15156223 0 0 0
              462.20625001 0 0 0 5.36959269-69.943909c-0.00994388-166.08943902-87.32547796-311.81420293-218.6915546-394.09823051zM605.93803103
              357.87693858a93.93749974 93.93749974 0 1 1-187.89594924 6.1e-7 93.93749974 93.93749974 0 0 1 187.89594924-6.1e-7z">
            <path d="M429.50777625 765.63860547C429.50777625 803.39355007 466.44236686
              1000.39046097 512.00932183 1000.39046097c45.56695499 0 82.4922232-197.00623328
              82.5015456-234.7518555 0-37.75494459-36.9345906-68.35043303-82.4922232-68.34111062-45.57627738-0.00932239-82.52019037
              30.59548842-82.51086798 68.34111062z">
        style = glue(
            .open = "@{", .close = "}@",
        right: @{right}@;
        bottom: @{bottom}@;
        @{if(inherits(icon, "shiny.tag")) "color:" else "fill:"}@ @{color}@;
        title="Go Top",
        spsDepend("basic", js = FALSE),

#' Display your code in a bootstrap modal or collapse
#' @description Developers often wants to show their code in a shiny app.
#' This function creates a button that when clicked, a modal or collapse
#' hidden element will show up to display your code.
#' @param id element ID
#' @param code code you want to display, in a character string or vector.
#' @param label string, label to display on the button
#' @param title string, title of the modal or collapse
#' @param tool_tip string, what tooltip to display when hover on the button
#' @param show_span bool, use the `<span>` tag to show a little label of the
#' left of the button? The span text will use text from `tool_tip`
#' @param placement string, where to display the tooltip
#' @param btn_icon icon, [shiny::icon()], icon of the button
#' @param size string, one of "large", "medium", "small", only works for modal
#' @param language string, what programming language is the code, use [shinyAce::getAceModes()]
#' to see options
#' @param display string, one of "modal", "collapse"
#' @param color string, color of the button
#' @param shape string, shape of the button, one of "rect", "circular",
#' @param ... other args pass to the [shiny::actionButton]
#' @details
#' 1. The modal or collapse has an ID, the ID is your button ID + "-modal" or "-collapse",
#' like "my_button-modal"
#' 2. You could update the code inside the collapse use [shinyAce::updateAceEditor]
#' on server, the code block ID is button ID + "-ace", like "my_button-ace" . See
#' examples.
#' @return a shiny tagList
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'   library(shiny)
#'   my_code <-
#'     '
#'     # load package and data
#'     library(ggplot2)
#'     data(mpg, package="ggplot2")
#'     # mpg <- read.csv("http://goo.gl/uEeRGu")
#'     # Scatterplot
#'     theme_set(theme_bw())  # pre-set the bw theme.
#'     g <- ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy))
#'     g + geom_jitter(width = .5, size=1) +
#'       labs(subtitle="mpg: city vs highway mileage",
#'            y="hwy",
#'            x="cty",
#'            title="Jittered Points")
#'     '
#'   html_code <-
#'     '
#'     <!DOCTYPE html>
#'     <html>
#'     <body>
#'     <h2>ABC</h2>
#'     <p id="demo">Some HTML</p>
#'     </body>
#'     </html>
#'     '
#'   ui <- fluidPage(
#'     fluidRow(
#'       column(
#'         6,
#'         h3("Display by modal"),
#'         column(
#'           6, h4("default"),
#'           spsCodeBtn(id = "a", my_code)
#'         ),
#'         column(
#'           6, h4("change color and shape"),
#'           spsCodeBtn(
#'             id = "b", c(my_code, my_code),
#'             color = "red", shape = "circular")
#'         )
#'       ),
#'       column(
#'         6,
#'         h3("Display by collapse"),
#'         column(
#'           6, h4("collapse"),
#'           spsCodeBtn(id = "c", my_code, display = "collapse")
#'         ),
#'         column(
#'           6, h4("different programming language"),
#'           spsCodeBtn(
#'             id = "d", html_code,
#'             language = "html", display = "collapse")
#'         )
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     fluidRow(
#'       column(
#'         6,
#'         h3("Update code"),
#'         spsCodeBtn(
#'           "update-code",
#'           "# No code here",
#'           display = "collapse"
#'         ),
#'         actionButton("update", "change code in the left `spsCodeBtn`"),
#'         actionButton("changeback", "change it back")
#'       )
#'     )
#'   )
#'   server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     observeEvent(input$update, {
#'       shinyAce::updateAceEditor(
#'         session, editorId = "update-code-ace",
#'         value = "# code has changed!\n 1+1"
#'       )
#'     })
#'     observeEvent(input$changeback, {
#'       shinyAce::updateAceEditor(
#'         session, editorId = "update-code-ace",
#'         value = "# No code here"
#'       )
#'     })
#'   }
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
spsCodeBtn <- function(
    language = "r",
    label = "",
    title="Code to Reproduce",
    show_span = FALSE,
    tool_tip = "Show Code",
    placement = "bottom",
    btn_icon = icon("code"),
    display = c("modal", "collapse"),
    size = c("large", "medium", "small"),
    color = "black",
    shape = c("rect", "circular"),
    shape <- match.arg(shape, c("rect", "circular"))
    size <- match.arg(size, c("large", "medium", "small"))
    display <- match.arg(display, c("modal", "collapse"))

    b_radius <- if (shape == "rect"){
        btn_style <- glue(
            .open = '@{', .close = '}@',
            color: @{color}@;
    } else {
        btn_style <- glue(
            .open = '@{', .close = '}@',
            border-radius: 50%;
            width: 35px;
            height: 35px;
            padding: 0;
            color: @{color}@;
    btn <- div(
        style = "display: inline-block",
        if (show_span) tags$span(tool_tip, class = "text-bold", style = "padding-right: 5px;") else "",
            inputId = id,
            label = label,
            icon = btn_icon,
            style = btn_style,
    ) %>% bsTooltip(title = tool_tip, placement = placement)
    if (display == "modal") {
        display_el <- bsModal(
            id = id,
            title = title,
            size = size,
                outputId = paste0(id, "-ace"),
                value = glue(.open = '@{', .close = '}@', glue_collapse(code)),
                mode = language,
                readOnly = TRUE,
                fontSize = "14"
        btn <- btn %>% htmltools::tagAppendAttributes(
          `data-target`= paste0('#', id, '-modal')
    } else {
        display_el <- bsCollapse(
            id = id,
                h4(class="modal-title", title),
                    outputId = paste0(id, "-ace"),
                    value = glue(.open = '@{', .close = '}@', glue_collapse(code)),
                    mode = language,
                    readOnly = TRUE,
                    fontSize = "14"
        btn <- btn %>% htmltools::tagAppendAttributes(
          `aria-controls`= paste0(id, '-collapse'),
          `data-target`= paste0('#', id, '-collapse')

bsModal <- function(id, ..., title="title",
                    size=c('normal', 'large', 'small'),
                    confirmbtn = FALSE,
                    confirmbtn_id = paste0(id, "-confirm"),
                    confirmbtn_text = "confirm"
  size <- switch(size[1],
                 'large' = 'modal-lg',
                 'small' = 'modal-sm',
    class="modal fade", id= paste0(id, "-modal"), tabindex="-1", role="dialog",
    `aria-labelledby`=paste0(id, "-modal-title"),
      class=paste("modal-dialog", size), role="document",
          HTML('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
                  <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
          h4(class="modal-title", id=paste0(id, "-modal-title"), title)
          class="modal-body", ...
          tags$button(type="button", class="btn btn-default", `data-dismiss`="modal", "Close"),
              class = "btn btn-default action-button btn-primary",
              id = confirmbtn_id,
              type = "button",
          } else

bsCollapse <- function(id, ..., collapsed = FALSE) {
    class = if (collapsed) "collapse in" else "collapse",
    id = paste0(id, "-collapse"),
    `aria-expanded` = if (collapsed) "true" else "false",

Try the spsComps package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

spsComps documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:39 p.m.