
Defines functions insideLinearGridCell

# Function: insideLinearGridCell (not exported)
# Programmer: Tom Kincaid
# Date: July 8, 2019
#' Calculate Clipped Feature Lengths in a Set of Grid Cells
#' For each grid cell, this function calculates the clipped length of each
#' linestring feature contained in the cell.
#' @inheritParams insideAreaGridCell
#' @return Data frame containing the following variables: \code{cellID}, \code{featureArea},
#'   and \code{featureID}.
#' @author Tom Kincaid \email{Kincaid.Tom@@epa.gov}
#' @keywords survey
#' @noRd

insideLinearGridCell <- function(sfobject, rdx.u, xc, yc, dx, dy) {

  # Create a data frame for results

  cell.df <- data.frame()

  # Calculate clipped feature lengths for each cell

  for (i in 1:length(xc)) {
    temp <- rbind(
      c(xc[i] - dx, yc[i] - dy), c(xc[i], yc[i] - dy),
      c(xc[i], yc[i]), c(xc[i] - dx, yc[i]),
      c(xc[i] - dx, yc[i] - dy)
    sfcell <- st_sf(st_sfc(st_polygon(list(temp)), crs = st_crs(sfobject)))
    tempsf <- st_intersection(sfobject, sfcell)
    cell.df <- rbind(cell.df, cbind(
      cellID = rdx.u[i],
      featureLength = as.numeric(st_length(tempsf)),
      featureID = tempsf$id

  # Return the data frame containing results


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