
Defines functions survey_design

# Function: survey_design (not exported)
# Programmer: Tom Kincaid
# Date: December 16, 2020
# Revised: May 14 2021 to rename the popcorrect argument to fpcfactor_ind
#' Create a Survey Design Object
#' This function creates a survey design object.  The function organizes input
#' and then calls the svydesign function in the survey package to create an
#' object of class survey.design2.
#' @param dframe Data frame containing survey design variables, response
#'   variables, and subpopulation (domain) variables.
#' @param siteID Character value providing name of the site ID variable in the
#'   \code{dframe} data frame.  For a two-stage sample, the site ID variable
#'   identifies stage two site IDs.
#' @param weight Character value providing name of the survey design weight
#'   variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.  For a two-stage sample, the
#'   weight variable identifies stage two weights.
#' @param stratum_ind Logical value that indicates whether the sample is
#'   stratified, where \code{TRUE} = a stratified sample and \code{FALSE} = an
#'   unstratified sample.
#' @param stratumID Character value providing name of the stratum ID variable in
#'   the \code{dframe} data frame.
#' @param cluster_ind Logical value that indicates whether the sample contains
#'   two stages, where \code{TRUE} = a two-stage sample and \code{FALSE} = a
#'   single stage sample.
#' @param clusterID Character value providing name of the cluster (stage one) ID
#'   variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.  Note that cluster IDs are
#'   required for a two-stage sample.
#' @param weight1 Character value providing name of the stage one weight
#'   variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.
#' @param sizeweight Logical value that indicates whether size weights should be
#'   used during estimation, where \code{TRUE} = use size weights and
#'   \code{FALSE} = do not use size weights.
#' @param sweight Character value providing name of the size weight variable in
#'   the \code{dframe} data frame.  For a two-stage sample, the size weight
#'   variable identifies stage two size weights.
#' @param sweight1 Character value providing name of the stage one size weight
#'   variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.
#' @param fpcfactor_ind Logical value that indicates whether the finite
#'   population correction factor is used during variance estimation.
#' @param fpcsize Character value providing name of the variable in the
#'   \code{dframe} data frame that identifies size of the resource, which is
#'   required for calculation of the finite population correction factor for a
#'   single-stage sample.
#' @param Ncluster Character value providing name of the variable in the
#'   \code{dframe} data frame that identifies the number of clusters (stage one
#'   sampling units) in the resource, which is required for calculation of the
#'   finite population correction factor for a two-stage sample.  This argument
#'   is also required for a two-stage sample when the popsize argument is not
#'   equal to \code{NULL} and the \code{vartype} argument equals \code{"Local"}.
#' @param stage1size Character value providing name of the variable in the
#'   \code{dframe} data frame that identifies cluster size, i.e. the number of
#'   the stage two sampling units in the resource for a cluster.  Note that
#'   cluster size is required for calculation of the finite population
#'   correction factor for a two-stage sample.
#' @param vartype Character value providing choice of the variance estimator,
#'   where \code{"Local"} = the local mean estimator, \code{"SRS"} = the simple
#'   random sampling estimator, \code{"HT"} = the Horvitz-Thompson estimator,
#'   and \code{"YG"} = the Yates-Grundy estimator.
#' @param jointprob Character value providing choice of joint inclusion
#'   probability approximation for use with Horvitz-Thompson and Yates-Grundy
#'   variance estimators, where \code{"overton"} indicates the Overton
#'   approximation, \code{"hr"} indicates the Hartley_Rao approximation, and
#'   \code{"brewer"} equals the Brewer approximation.
#' @return An object of class \code{survey.design2}.
#' @author Tom Kincaid \email{Kincaid.Tom@@epa.gov}
#' @keywords survey
#' @noRd

survey_design <- function(dframe, siteID, weight, stratum_ind, stratumID,
                          cluster_ind, clusterID, weight1, sizeweight, sweight,
                          sweight1, fpcfactor_ind, fpcsize, Ncluster,
                          stage1size, vartype, jointprob) {
  if (vartype %in% c("Local", "SRS")) {
    if (stratum_ind) {
      if (cluster_ind) {
        if (sizeweight) {
          dframe$wgt1 <- dframe[, weight1] * dframe[, sweight1]
          dframe$wgt2 <- dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight]
          if (fpcfactor_ind) {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              weights = ~ wgt1 + wgt2,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              nest = TRUE,
              fpc = make.formula(paste(Ncluster, stage1size, sep = " + ")),
              data = dframe
          } else {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              weights = ~ wgt1 + wgt2,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              nest = TRUE,
              data = dframe
        } else {
          dframe$wgt1 <- dframe[, weight1]
          dframe$wgt2 <- dframe[, weight]
          if (fpcfactor_ind) {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              weights = ~ wgt1 + wgt2,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              nest = TRUE,
              fpc = make.formula(paste(Ncluster, stage1size, sep = " + ")),
              data = dframe
          } else {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              weights = ~ wgt1 + wgt2,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              nest = TRUE,
              data = dframe
      } else {
        if (sizeweight) {
          dframe$wgt <- dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight]
          if (fpcfactor_ind) {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              weights = ~wgt,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              fpc = make.formula(fpcsize),
              data = dframe
          } else {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              weights = ~wgt,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              data = dframe
        } else {
          dframe$wgt <- dframe[, weight]
          if (fpcfactor_ind) {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              weights = ~wgt,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              fpc = make.formula(fpcsize),
              data = dframe
          } else {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              weights = ~wgt,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              data = dframe
    } else {
      if (cluster_ind) {
        if (sizeweight) {
          dframe$wgt1 <- dframe[, weight1] * dframe[, sweight1]
          dframe$wgt2 <- dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight]
          if (fpcfactor_ind) {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              weights = ~ wgt1 + wgt2,
              fpc = make.formula(paste(Ncluster, stage1size, sep = " + ")),
              data = dframe
          } else {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              weights = ~ wgt1 + wgt2,
              data = dframe
        } else {
          dframe$wgt1 <- dframe[, weight1]
          dframe$wgt2 <- dframe[, weight]
          if (fpcfactor_ind) {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              weights = ~ wgt1 + wgt2,
              fpc = make.formula(paste(Ncluster, stage1size, sep = " + ")),
              data = dframe
          } else {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              weights = ~ wgt1 + wgt2,
              data = dframe
      } else {
        if (sizeweight) {
          dframe$wgt <- dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight]
          if (fpcfactor_ind) {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              weights = ~wgt,
              fpc = make.formula(fpcsize),
              data = dframe
          } else {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              weights = ~wgt,
              data = dframe
        } else {
          dframe$wgt <- dframe[, weight]
          if (fpcfactor_ind) {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              weights = ~wgt,
              fpc = make.formula(fpcsize),
              data = dframe
          } else {
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              weights = ~wgt,
              data = dframe
  } else {
    if (jointprob %in% c("overton", "hr")) {
      if (stratum_ind) {
        if (cluster_ind) {
          if (sizeweight) {
            dframe$prb1 <- 1 / (dframe[, weight1] * dframe[, sweight1])
            dframe$prb2 <- 1 / (dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight])
            if (jointprob == "overton") {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
                probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
                strata = make.formula(stratumID),
                nest = TRUE,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = jointprob,
                data = dframe
            } else {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
                probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
                strata = make.formula(stratumID),
                nest = TRUE,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = HR(),
                data = dframe
          } else {
            dframe$prb1 <- 1 / dframe[, weight1]
            dframe$prb2 <- 1 / dframe[, weight]
            if (jointprob == "overton") {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
                probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
                strata = make.formula(stratumID),
                nest = TRUE,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = jointprob,
                data = dframe
            } else {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
                probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
                strata = make.formula(stratumID),
                nest = TRUE,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = HR(),
                data = dframe
        } else {
          if (sizeweight) {
            dframe$prb <- 1 / (dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight])
            if (jointprob == "overton") {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(siteID),
                probs = ~prb,
                strata = make.formula(stratumID),
                variance = vartype,
                pps = jointprob,
                data = dframe
            } else {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(siteID),
                probs = ~prb,
                strata = make.formula(stratumID),
                variance = vartype,
                pps = HR(),
                data = dframe
          } else {
            dframe$prb <- 1 / dframe[, weight]
            if (jointprob == "overton") {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(siteID),
                probs = ~prb,
                strata = make.formula(stratumID),
                variance = vartype,
                pps = jointprob,
                data = dframe
            } else {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(siteID),
                probs = ~prb,
                strata = make.formula(stratumID),
                variance = vartype,
                pps = HR(),
                data = dframe
      } else {
        if (cluster_ind) {
          if (sizeweight) {
            dframe$prb1 <- 1 / (dframe[, weight1] * dframe[, sweight1])
            dframe$prb2 <- 1 / (dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight])
            if (jointprob == "overton") {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
                probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = jointprob,
                data = dframe
            } else {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
                probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = HR(),
                data = dframe
          } else {
            dframe$prb1 <- 1 / dframe[, weight1]
            dframe$prb2 <- 1 / dframe[, weight]
            if (jointprob == "overton") {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
                probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = jointprob,
                data = dframe
            } else {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
                probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = HR(),
                data = dframe
        } else {
          if (sizeweight) {
            dframe$prb <- 1 / (dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight])
            if (jointprob == "overton") {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(siteID),
                probs = ~prb,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = jointprob,
                data = dframe
            } else {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(siteID),
                probs = ~prb,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = HR(),
                data = dframe
          } else {
            dframe$prb <- 1 / dframe[, weight]
            if (jointprob == "overton") {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(siteID),
                probs = ~prb,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = jointprob,
                data = dframe
            } else {
              design <- svydesign(
                ids = make.formula(siteID),
                probs = ~prb,
                variance = vartype,
                pps = HR(),
                data = dframe
    } else {
      if (stratum_ind) {
        if (cluster_ind) {
          if (sizeweight) {
            dframe$prb1 <- 1 / (dframe[, weight1] * dframe[, sweight1])
            dframe$prb2 <- 1 / (dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight])
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              nest = TRUE,
              variance = vartype,
              pps = jointprob,
              data = dframe
          } else {
            dframe$prb1 <- 1 / dframe[, weight1]
            dframe$prb2 <- 1 / dframe[, weight]
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              nest = TRUE,
              variance = vartype,
              pps = jointprob,
              data = dframe
        } else {
          if (sizeweight) {
            dframe$prb <- 1 / (dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight])
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              probs = ~prb,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              variance = vartype,
              pps = jointprob,
              data = dframe
          } else {
            dframe$prb <- 1 / dframe[, weight]
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              probs = ~prb,
              strata = make.formula(stratumID),
              variance = vartype,
              pps = jointprob,
              data = dframe
      } else {
        if (cluster_ind) {
          if (sizeweight) {
            dframe$prb1 <- 1 / (dframe[, weight1] * dframe[, sweight1])
            dframe$prb2 <- 1 / (dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight])
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
              variance = vartype,
              pps = jointprob,
              data = dframe
          } else {
            dframe$prb1 <- 1 / dframe[, weight1]
            dframe$prb2 <- 1 / dframe[, weight]
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(paste(clusterID, siteID, sep = " + ")),
              probs = ~ prb1 + prb2,
              variance = vartype,
              pps = jointprob,
              data = dframe
        } else {
          if (sizeweight) {
            dframe$prb <- 1 / (dframe[, weight] * dframe[, sweight])
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              probs = ~prb,
              variance = vartype,
              pps = jointprob,
              data = dframe
          } else {
            dframe$prb <- 1 / dframe[, weight]
            design <- svydesign(
              ids = make.formula(siteID),
              probs = ~prb,
              variance = vartype,
              pps = jointprob,
              data = dframe


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