
# The response function for the cloglog link
# Return the passed expression x wrapped in the cloglog response.
# @param x An expression to apply the response function to
# @return The wrapped expression
link_cloglog <-
    e1 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("exp"), x))
    e2 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("-"), e1))
    e3 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("exp"), e2))
    e4 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("-"), 1, e3))


# The response function for the logit link
# Return the passed expression x wrapped in the logit response.
# @param x An expression to apply the response function to
# @return The wrapped expression
link_logit <-
    e1 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("("), x))
    e2 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("*"), -1, e1))
    e3 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("exp"), e2))
    e4 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("+"), 1, e3))
    e5 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("("), e4))
    e6 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("/"), 1, e5))


# The response function for the inverse link
# Return the passed expression x wrapped in the inverse response.
# @param x An expression to apply the response function to
# @return The wrapped expression
link_inverse <-
    return(as.call(list(as.symbol("/"), 1, x)))

# The response function for the 1/mu^2 link
# Return the passed expression x wrapped in the 1/mu^2 response.
# @param x An expression to apply the response function to
# @return The wrapped expression
link_sqrteta <-
    e1 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("sqrt"), x))
    e2 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("/"), 1, e1))


# The response function for the sqrt link
# Return the passed expression x wrapped in the sqrt response.
# @param x An expression to apply the response function to
# @return The wrapped expression
link_sqrt <-
    return(as.call(list(as.symbol("^"), x, 2)))

# The response function for the identity link
# Return the passed expression x wrapped in the identity response.
# @param x An expression to apply the response function to
# @return The wrapped expression
link_identity <-

# The response function for the log link
# Return the passed expression x wrapped in the log response.
# @param x An expression to apply the response function to
# @return The wrapped expression
link_log <-
    return(as.call(list(as.symbol("exp"), x)))

# The response function for the cauchit link
# Return the passed expression x wrapped in the cauchit response.
# @param x An expression to apply the response function to
# @return The wrapped expression
link_cauchit <-
    # L(eta) = tan(pi * (eta - 1/2))
    e0 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("acos"), -1)) # = pi

    e1 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("("), x))
    e2 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("-"), e1, 1/2))
    e3 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("("), e2))
    e4 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("*"), e0, e3))
    e5 <- as.call(list(as.symbol("tan"), e4))


# Get the link function for a model object
# Return a function which takes an expression and wraps it in the link function
# (in the mathematical sense of "function") of the passed model object. For
# example, the returned R function for a model with a log link would take x and
# return exp(x).
# @param obj The object whose link function to use.
# @return The link-wrapping function for the passed model.
linkfun <-

#' @export
linkfun.default <-
    stop(paste0("Unrecognized object type for linkfun. Hint: try the response ",
                "argument to score_expression to specify the name of a custom or ",
                "DB-specific SQL function."))

#' @export
linkfun.glm <-
    lnk <- obj$family$link

    # The comments give L(eta), the response / inverse of the link function,
    # in clearer notation.
    if(lnk == "probit")
        # L(eta) does not exist in closed form
        stop(paste0("Response function does not exist in closed form. Consider ",
                    "using the response argument to score_expression to use a ",
                    "custom sql function."))
    } else if(lnk == "cauchit")
        # L(eta) = tan(pi * (eta - 1/2))
        fn <- link_cauchit
    } else if(lnk == "identity")
        # L(eta) = eta
        fn <- link_identity
    } else if(lnk == "log")
        # L(eta) = exp(eta)
        fn <- link_log
    } else if(lnk == "sqrt")
        # L(eta) = eta^2
        fn <- link_sqrt
    } else if(lnk == "1/mu^2")
        # L(eta) = 1/sqrt(eta)
        fn <-link_sqrteta
    } else if(lnk == "inverse")
        # L(eta) = 1/eta
        fn <- link_inverse
    } else if(lnk == "logit")
        # L(eta) = 1/(1+exp(-eta))
        fn <- link_logit
    } else if(lnk == "cloglog")
        # L(eta) = 1 - exp(-exp(eta))
        fn <- link_cloglog
    } else
        NextMethod() # raise default error

    return(structure(fn, link=lnk))

#' @export
linkfun.lm <-
    return(structure(link_identity, link="identity"))

#' @export
linkfun.bayesglm <-
    #These are also GLM objects; the fit is regularized but the
    #prediction step is the same


#' @export
linkfun.glmboost <-
    #mboost's family objects are hard to work with, so this is fragile: if mboost
    #changes its names by even one character, things break
    if(obj$family@name == "Squared Error (Regression)")
        # L(eta) = eta
        lnk <- "identity"
        fn <- link_identity
    } else if(obj$family@name == "Poisson Likelihood")
        # L(eta) = exp(eta)
        lnk <- 'log'
        fn <- link_log
    } else if(obj$family@name == "Negative Gamma Likelihood")
        # L(eta) = exp(eta)
        lnk <- 'log'
        fn <- link_log
    } else if(obj$family@name == "Negative Binomial Likelihood -- probit Link")
        # L(eta) does not exist in closed form
        stop(paste0("Response function does not exist in closed form. Consider ",
                    "using the response argument to score_expression to use a ",
                    "custom sql function."))
    } else if(obj$family@name == "Negative Binomial Likelihood (logit link)")
        # L(eta) = 1/(1+exp(-eta))
        lnk <- "logit"
        fn <- link_logit
    }  else if(obj$family@name == "Negative Binomial Likelihood -- logit link")
        # L(eta) = 1/(1+exp(-eta))
        lnk <- "logit"
        fn <- link_logit
    }  else if(obj$family@name == "Negative Binomial Likelihood -- cloglog link")
        # L(eta) = 1 - exp(-exp(eta))
        lnk <- "cloglog"
        fn <- link_cloglog
    }  else if(obj$family@name == "Negative Binomial Likelihood -- cauchit link")
        # L(eta) = tan(pi * (eta - 1/2))
        lnk <- "cauchit"
        fn <- link_cauchit
    }  else if(obj$family@name == "Negative Binomial Likelihood -- log link")
        # L(eta) = exp(eta)
        lnk <- "log"
        fn <- link_log
    } else if(obj$family@name == "Binomial Distribution (similar to glm)") # => logit
        # This is especially fragile, but...
        lnk <- get("link", envir=environment(obj$family@response))$name

        if(lnk == "probit")
            # L(eta) does not exist in closed form
            stop(paste0("Response function does not exist in closed form. Consider ",
                        "using the response argument to score_expression to use a ",
                        "custom sql function."))
        } else if(lnk == "logit")
            # L(eta) = 1/(1+exp(-eta))
            fn <- link_logit
        } else if(lnk == "log")
            # L(eta) = exp(eta)
            fn <- link_log
        } else if(lnk == "cauchit")
            # L(eta) = tan(pi * (eta - 1/2))
            fn <- link_cauchit
        } else if(lnk == "cloglog")
            # L(eta) = 1 - exp(-exp(eta))
            fn <- link_cloglog
    } else
        stop("Unsupported link family ", sQuote(obj$family@name), " for glmboost")

    return(structure(fn, link=lnk))

#' @export
linkfun.cv.glmnet <-
    cls <- setdiff(class(obj$glmnet.fit), c("glmnet"))

    if(cls == "elnet") # family = gaussian
        # L(eta) = eta
        lnk <- "identity"
        fn <- link_identity
    } else if(cls == "fishnet") # family = poisson
        # L(eta) = exp(eta)
        lnk <- "log"
        fn <- link_log
    } else if(cls == "lognet") # family = binomial
        # L(eta) = 1/(1+exp(-eta))
        lnk <- "logit"
        fn <- link_logit
    } else
        stop("Unsupported model family for cv.glmnet")

    return(structure(fn, link=lnk))

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