# Model variables
Modules_VAR <- list(
# Plot
"Plot" = list( "width" = "600px"
# Run Button
"Run" = list( "label" = "RUN",
"icon" = icon("refresh"),
"style" = "primary",
"invalidStyle" = "inverse"
# Refresh Button
"Refresh" = list( "label" = "Refresh",
"icon" = icon("refresh"),
"style" = "default",
"invalidStyle" = "inverse"
# Step links
"StepLink" = list( "iconR" = icon("angle-double-right"),
"iconL" = icon("angle-double-left"),
"sep" = "......",
"style" = "link"
# Number of individual
"NI" = list( "label" = "Number of individuals:",
"infoTxt" = "Number of individuals sampled within the population.",
"value" = 10,
"min" = 2,
"max" = 100,
"step" = 1,
"errorTxt" = "Number of individuals must be an integer between 2 and 100."
# Among-individual variance (Vi)
"Vi" = list("label" = paste0("Among-individual variance in intercept ($V_",NOT$devI,"$):"),
"infoTxt" = "Among-individual variance (random intercepts).",
"value" = 0.7,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = "Among-individual variance ($V_",NOT$devI,"$) must be a number between 0 and 1."
# Among-individual variance of the trait 1 (Vi)
"Vi1" = list("label" = paste0("Among-individual variance in intercept for trait $",NOT$trait.1,"$ ($V_{",NOT$devI,"_",NOT$trait.1,"}$):"),
"infoTxt" = "Among-individual variance (random intercepts).",
"value" = 0.7,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Among-individual variance of the trait 2 (Vi)
"Vi2" = list("label" = paste0("Among-individual variance in intercept for trait $",NOT$trait.2,"$ ($V_{",NOT$devI,"_",NOT$trait.2,"}$):"),
"infoTxt" = "Among-individual variance (random intercepts).",
"value" = 0.7,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Among-individual Correlation in the intercept
"Corr_I" = list("label" = paste0("Among-individual correlation."),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Individual-specific response to an environmental effect (random slopes) variance (VS)
"Vsx" = list( "label" = paste0("Among-individual variance in slope to $",NOT$env,"$ ($V_{",NOT$devS,"}$): "),
"infoTxt" = "Variance due to individual-specific responses to an environmental factor (random slopes)",
"value" = 0.2,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Individual-specific response to an environmental effect (random slopes) variance (VS)
"Vsx.1" = list( "label" = paste0("Among-individual variance in slope to $",EQ2$env1,"$ ($V_{",EQ3$dev1,"}$): "),
"infoTxt" = "Variance due to individual-specific responses to an environmental factor (random slopes)",
"value" = 0.2,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Individual-specific response to an environmental effect (random slopes) variance (VS)
"Vsx.2" = list( "label" = paste0("Among-individual variance in slope to $",EQ2$env2,"$ ($V_{",EQ3$dev2,"}$): "),
"infoTxt" = "Variance due to individual-specific responses to an environmental factor (random slopes)",
"value" = 0.2,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Individual-specific response to an environmental effect (random slopes) variance (VS)
"Vsx.12" = list("label" = paste0("Among-individual variance in slope to $",EQ2$env12,"$ ($V_{",EQ3$dev12,"}$): "),
"infoTxt" = "Variance due to individual-specific responses to an environmental factor (random slopes)",
"value" = 0.2,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Random intercept and slope correlation
"CorIS" = list( "label" = paste0("Correlation between $",NOT$devI,"$ and $",NOT$devS,"$ ($Cor_{",NOT$devI,NOT$devS,"}$):"),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Random intercept and slope correlation
"CorIS1" = list("label" = paste0("Correlation between $",NOT$devI,"$ and $",EQ3$dev1,"$ ($Cor_{",NOT$devI,EQ3$dev1,"}$):"),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Random intercept and slope correlation
"CorIS2" = list("label" = paste0("Correlation between $",NOT$devI,"$ and $",EQ3$dev2,"$ ($Cor_{",NOT$devI,EQ3$dev2,"}$):"),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Random intercept and slope correlation
"CorIS12" = list("label" = paste0("Correlation between $",NOT$devI,"$ and $",EQ3$dev12,"$ ($Cor_{",NOT$devI,EQ3$dev12,"}$):"),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Random slope correlation
"CorS1S2" = list("label" = paste0("Correlation between $",EQ3$dev1,"$ and $",EQ3$dev2,"$ ($Cor_{",EQ3$dev1,EQ3$dev2,"}$):"),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Random slope correlation
"CorS1S12" = list("label" = paste0("Correlation between $",EQ3$dev1,"$ and $",EQ3$dev12,"$ ($Cor_{",EQ3$dev1,EQ3$dev12,"}$):"),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Random slope correlation
"CorS2S12" = list("label" = paste0("Correlation between $",EQ3$dev2,"$ and $",EQ3$dev12,"$ ($Cor_{",EQ3$dev2,EQ3$dev12,"}$):"),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Residual variance (Ve)
"Ve" = list("label" = paste("Residual variance ($V_",NOT$residualUpper,"$):",sep=""),
"infoTxt" = "Variance of unaccounted effect on the phenotype.
Residual variance could include measurement error variance and/or unknown environmental effect variance.",
"value" = 0.05,
"min" = 0.01,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = "Residual variance ($V_",NOT$mError,"$) must be a number between 0 and 1."
# Residual variance (Ve)
"Ve1" = list("label" = paste0("Within-individual variance trait $",NOT$trait.1,"$"),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0.05,
"min" = 0.01,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Residual variance (Ve)
"Ve2" = list("label" = paste0("Within-individual variance trait $",NOT$trait.2,"$"),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0.05,
"min" = 0.01,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Residual Correlation
"Corr_e" = list("label" = paste0("Within-individual correlation."),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# measurement error variance
"Vm" = list("label" = paste("Measurement error variance ($V_",NOT$mError,"$):",sep=""),
"infoTxt" = "Measurement error variance.",
"value" = 0.05,
"min" = 0.01,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = "Measurement error variance ($V_",NOT$mError,"$) must be a number between 0 and 1."
# Number of trait expressions (NR)
"NR" = list( "label" = "Number of trait expressions:",
"infoTxt" = "Number of measurements per individual.",
"value" = 5,
"min" = 1,
"max" = 100,
"step" = 1,
"errorTxt" = "Number of trait expressions must be an integer between 1 and 100."
# Simulation time (Tmax)
"Tmax" = list( "label" = "Number of trait expressions:",
"infoTxt" = "Number of trait expressions.",
"value" = 2,
"min" = 2,
"max" = 100,
"step" = 1,
"errorTxt" = "Number of trait expressions must be an integer between 1 and 100."
# Environmental effect variance
"VE" = list( "label" = paste0("Environmental effect variance $(V_",NOT$envEffect,")$:"),
"infoTxt" = "Environmental effect variance",
"value" = 0.5,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = "Environmental effect variance must be a positive number."
# Variance of population mean response to an environmental effect x
"Vbx" = list( "label" = paste0("Variance due to population mean effect of an environmental factor $(V_{",NOT$mean,"})$:"),
"infoTxt" = "Variance due to population mean effect of an environmental factor.",
"value" = 0.5,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = paste("Variance due to population mean effect of an environmental factor $(V_{",NOT$mean," ",NOT$env,"})$
must be a number between 0 and 1.
Try to decrease other variances.",sep="")
# Variance of population mean response to an environmental effect x1
"Vb1x1" = list( "label" = paste("Variance of population mean response to an environmental effect $(V_{",EQ3$mean1," ",EQ2$env1,"})$:",sep=""),
"infoTxt" = "Variance of population mean response to an environmental effect",
"value" = 0.5,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = paste("Variance of population mean response to an environmental effect ($V_{",EQ3$mean1," ",EQ2$env1,"}$)
must be a number between 0 and 1.
Try to decrease other variances.",sep="")
# Specific and known Environmental effect variance
"Vesk" = list( "label" = paste("Specific and known environmental effect variance ($",general_VAR$EnvSpecKno,"$): ",sep=""),
"infoTxt" = "Specific (unshared among individuals) and known (measured) environmental effect variance",
"value" = "",
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = paste("Specific and known environmental effect variance ($",general_VAR$EnvSpecKno,"$) must be a number between 0 and 1.
Try to decrease other variances.",sep="")
# General and unknown environmental effect variance
"Vegu" = list( "label" = paste("General and unknown environmental effect variance ($",general_VAR$EnvGenUnk,"$): ",sep=""),
"infoTxt" = "General (unshared among individuals) and unknown (unmeasured) environmental effect variance",
"value" = "",
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = paste("General and unknown environmental effect variance ($",general_VAR$EnvGenUnk,"$) must be a number between 0 and 1.
Try to decrease other variances.",sep="")
# Environmental effect variance
"Vx" = list( "label" = paste("Environmental effect variance ($V_",NOT$env,"$): ",sep=""),
"infoTxt" = "Environmental effect variance",
"value" = "",
"min" = 0,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = paste("General and unknown environmental effect variance ($V_",NOT$env,"$) must be a number between 0 and 1.
Try to decrease other variances.",sep="")
# Mean Environmental effect
"B0" = list( "label" = paste0("Population mean effect ($",EQ3$mean0,"$):"),
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Mean Environmental effect
"B1" = list( "label" = paste0("Population mean response to the environment $",NOT$env,"$ ($",NOT$mean,"$):"),
"infoTxt" = "Population mean response to the environment.",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = paste0("Population mean response to the environment ($",NOT$mean,"$) must be a number.")
# Mean Environemental effect
"B1.1" = list( "label" = paste0("Mean environmental effect ($",EQ3$mean1,"$):"),
"infoTxt" = "Population mean response to the environment.",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
"B2.1" = list( "label" = paste0("Mean environmental effect ($",EQ3$mean2,"$):"),
"infoTxt" = "Population mean response to the environment.",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
"B1122" = list( "label" = paste0("Mean environmental effect ($",EQ3$mean12,"$):"),
"infoTxt" = "Population mean response to the environment.",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
"B11" = list( "label" = paste0("Population-level slope trait $",NOT$trait.1,"$ ($",EQ$mean1.1,"$):"),
"infoTxt" = "Population mean response to the environment.",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
"B12" = list( "label" = paste0("Population-level slope $",NOT$trait.2,"$ ($",EQ$mean1.2,"$):"),
"infoTxt" = "Population mean response to the environment.",
"value" = 0,
"min" = -1,
"max" = 1,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = ""
# Among-individual variance in timing of sampling
"Vhsi" = list( "label" = "Among-individual variance in timing of sampling:",
"infoTxt" = "Among-individual variance in timing of sampling.",
"value" = 0.5,
"min" = 0,
"max" = 0.95,
"step" = 0.01,
"errorTxt" = "Among-individual variance in timing of sampling must be a number between 0 and 0.95."
"share" = list("label" = "Shared environment",
"infoTxt" = "(Shared) Individuals experience the same environment.",
"value" = TRUE
# Number of trait per individual
"Env_types" = list( "label" = "Environment types",
"infoTxt" = "",
"value" = c("Stochastic" = "sto",
"Autocorrelated" = "auto",
"Linear" = "lin",
"Cyclic" = "cyc")
Module_titles <- list(
"mod1" = "Basic Lessons about Variance",
"mod2" = "Non-Gaussian traits",
"mod3" = "Non-stochastic environments",
"mod4" = "Multiple traits",
"mod5" = "Multi-dimensional phenotypic plasticity",
"mod6" = "Random regressions",
"mod7" = "",
"mod8" = "MDPP and random slopes",
"mod10" = ""
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