Man pages for ssMRCD
Spatially Smoothed MRCD Estimator

align_PCAlign Loadings of Principal Components
biplot.PCAlocBiplot for PCAloc
contamination_randomContamination Through Swapping
eval_objectiveObjective function value for local sparse PCA
explained_varExplained Variance summarized over Groups
geo_weightsInverse Geographic Weight Matrix
groups_gridbasedCreates Grid-Based Neighborhood Structure
local_outliers_ssMRCDLocal Outlier Detection Technique based on ssMRCD
objective_matrixCalculation of Objective Function
parameter_tuningOptimal Smoothing Parameter for ssMRCD based on Local...
plot_loadingsPlots of loadings of PCAloc object
plot.locOutsDiagnostic Plots for Local Outlier Detection
plot.PCAlocPlotting method PCAloc object
plot_score_distancesDistance-distance plot of scores of PCA
plot_scoresPlots of score distribution
plot.ssMRCDPlot Method for ssMRCD Object
rescale_weightsRescale Weight Matrix
residuals.ssMRCDExtracting Residuals from Local Fit
restructure_as_listRestructure Data Matrix as List
scale_ssMRCDScale Data Locally
scoresCalculate Scores for local sparse PCA
scores.ODOrthogonal Distances for PCAloc
scores.SDScore Distances for PCAloc
screeplot.PCAlocScreeplot for PCAloc
select_smoothingOptimal Smoothing Parameter for ssMRCD based on Residuals
select_sparsityOptimal Sparsity Parameter Selection for PCA
sparsePCAlocCalculate Sparse Principle Components
sparsity_entriesEntry-wise Sparsity in the Loadings
sparsity_groupGroup-wise Sparsity in the Loadings
sparsity_mixedMixed Sparsity of the Loadings
sparsity_summaryEntry-wise Sparsity in the Loadings per Group
ssMRCDSpatially Smoothed MRCD Estimator
summary.locOutsSummary of Local Outlier Detection
summary.PCAlocSummary method for PCAloc
summary.ssMRCDSummary Method for ssMRCD Object
time_weightsBand weight matrix for time series groupings
weatherAUT2021Austrian Weather Data 2021
weatherHoheWarteVienna Weather Time Series (1960-2023)
ssMRCD documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:14 p.m.