
Defines functions make_eta validate_R2_location validate_parameter_value R2 dirichlet lkj decov exponential product_normal lasso laplace hs_plus hs cauchy student_t normal

# Part of the rstanarm package for estimating model parameters
# Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 Trustees of Columbia University
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#' Prior distributions and options
#' @name priors
#' @description The functions described on this page are used to specify the
#'   prior-related arguments of the various modeling functions in the
#'   \pkg{rstanarm} package (to view the priors used for an existing model see
#'   \code{\link{prior_summary}}). 
#'   The default priors used in the various \pkg{rstanarm} modeling functions
#'   are intended to be \emph{weakly informative} in that they provide moderate
#'   regularlization and help stabilize computation. For many applications the
#'   defaults will perform well, but prudent use of more informative priors is
#'   encouraged. Uniform prior distributions are possible (e.g. by setting
#'   \code{\link{stan_glm}}'s \code{prior} argument to \code{NULL}) but, unless
#'   the data is very strong, they are not recommended and are \emph{not}
#'   non-informative, giving the same probability mass to implausible values as
#'   plausible ones.
#'   More information on priors is available in the vignette
#'   \href{http://mc-stan.org/rstanarm/articles/priors.html}{\emph{Prior
#'   Distributions for rstanarm Models}} as well as the vignettes for the
#'   various modeling functions. In particular, for details on the 
#'   priors used for multilevel models see the vignette
#'   \href{http://mc-stan.org/rstanarm/articles/glmer.html}{\emph{Estimating
#'   Generalized (Non-)Linear Models with Group-Specific Terms with rstanarm}}.
#' @param location Prior location. In most cases, this is the prior mean, but
#'   for \code{cauchy} (which is equivalent to \code{student_t} with
#'   \code{df=1}), the mean does not exist and \code{location} is the prior
#'   median. The default value is \eqn{0}, except for \code{R2} which has no
#'   default value for \code{location}. For \code{R2}, \code{location} pertains
#'   to the prior location of the \eqn{R^2} under a Beta distribution, but the
#'   interpretation of the \code{location} parameter depends on the specified
#'   value of the \code{what} argument (see the \emph{R2 family} section in
#'   \strong{Details}).
#' @param scale Prior scale. The default depends on the family (see
#'   \strong{Details}).
#' @param df,df1,df2 Prior degrees of freedom. The default is \eqn{1} for 
#'   \code{student_t}, in which case it is equivalent to \code{cauchy}. For the 
#'   hierarchical shrinkage priors (\code{hs} and \code{hs_plus}) the degrees of
#'   freedom parameter(s) default to \eqn{1}. For the \code{product_normal}
#'   prior, the degrees of freedom parameter must be an integer (vector) that is
#'   at least \eqn{2} (the default).
#' @param global_df,global_scale,slab_df,slab_scale Optional arguments for the
#'   hierarchical shrinkage priors. See the \emph{Hierarchical shrinkage family}
#'   section below.
#' @param what A character string among \code{'mode'} (the default),
#'   \code{'mean'}, \code{'median'}, or \code{'log'} indicating how the
#'   \code{location} parameter is interpreted in the \code{LKJ} case. If
#'   \code{'log'}, then \code{location} is interpreted as the expected
#'   logarithm of the \eqn{R^2} under a Beta distribution. Otherwise,
#'   \code{location} is interpreted as the \code{what} of the \eqn{R^2}
#'   under a Beta distribution. If the number of predictors is less than
#'   or equal to two, the mode of this Beta distribution does not exist
#'   and an error will prompt the user to specify another choice for
#'   \code{what}.
#' @param autoscale A logical scalar, defaulting to \code{TRUE}. If \code{TRUE} 
#'   then the scales of the priors on the intercept and regression coefficients 
#'   may be additionally modified internally by \pkg{rstanarm} in the following 
#'   cases. First, for Gaussian models only, the prior scales for the intercept, 
#'   coefficients, and the auxiliary parameter \code{sigma} (error standard 
#'   deviation) are multiplied by \code{sd(y)}. Additionally --- not only for 
#'   Gaussian models --- if the \code{QR} argument to the model fitting function
#'   (e.g. \code{stan_glm}) is \code{FALSE} then: for a predictor with only one 
#'   value nothing is changed; for a predictor \code{x} with exactly two unique 
#'   values, we take the user-specified (or default) scale(s) for the selected 
#'   priors and divide by the range of \code{x}; for a predictor \code{x} with 
#'   more than two unique values, we divide the prior scale(s) by \code{sd(x)}.
#' @details The details depend on the family of the prior being used:
#' \subsection{Student t family}{
#'   Family members:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{normal(location, scale)}
#'   \item \code{student_t(df, location, scale)}
#'   \item \code{cauchy(location, scale)}
#'   }
#'   Each of these functions also takes an argument \code{autoscale}.
#'   For the prior distribution for the intercept, \code{location}, 
#'   \code{scale}, and \code{df} should be scalars. For the prior for the other
#'   coefficients they can either be vectors of length equal to the number of
#'   coefficients (not including the intercept), or they can be scalars, in 
#'   which case they will be recycled to the appropriate length. As the 
#'   degrees of freedom approaches infinity, the Student t distribution 
#'   approaches the normal distribution and if the degrees of freedom are one,
#'   then the Student t distribution is the Cauchy distribution.
#'   If \code{scale} is not specified it will default to \eqn{10} for the
#'   intercept and \eqn{2.5} for the other coefficients, unless the probit link
#'   function is used, in which case these defaults are scaled by a factor of 
#'   \code{dnorm(0)/dlogis(0)}, which is roughly \eqn{1.6}.
#'   If the \code{autoscale} argument is \code{TRUE} (the default), then the 
#'   scales will be further adjusted as described above in the documentation of 
#'   the \code{autoscale} argument in the \strong{Arguments} section.
#' }
#' \subsection{Hierarchical shrinkage family}{
#'   Family members:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{hs(df, global_df, global_scale, slab_df, slab_scale)}
#'   \item \code{hs_plus(df1, df2, global_df, global_scale, slab_df, slab_scale)}
#'   }
#'   The hierarchical shrinkage priors are normal with a mean of zero and a 
#'   standard deviation that is also a random variable. The traditional 
#'   hierarchical shrinkage prior utilizes a standard deviation that is 
#'   distributed half Cauchy with a median of zero and a scale parameter that is
#'   also half Cauchy. This is called the "horseshoe prior". The hierarchical 
#'   shrinkage (\code{hs}) prior in the \pkg{rstanarm} package instead utilizes 
#'   a regularized horseshoe prior, as described by Piironen and Vehtari (2017),
#'   which recommends setting the \code{global_scale} argument equal to the ratio
#'   of the expected number of non-zero coefficients to the expected number of
#'   zero coefficients, divided by the square root of the number of observations.
#'   The hierarhical shrinkpage plus (\code{hs_plus}) prior is similar except 
#'   that the standard deviation that is distributed as the product of two 
#'   independent half Cauchy parameters that are each scaled in a similar way
#'   to the \code{hs} prior.
#'   The hierarchical shrinkage priors have very tall modes and very fat tails.
#'   Consequently, they tend to produce posterior distributions that are very
#'   concentrated near zero, unless the predictor has a strong influence on the
#'   outcome, in which case the prior has little influence. Hierarchical 
#'   shrinkage priors often require you to increase the 
#'   \code{\link{adapt_delta}} tuning parameter in order to diminish the number 
#'   of divergent transitions. For more details on tuning parameters and 
#'   divergent transitions see the Troubleshooting section of the \emph{How to
#'   Use the rstanarm Package} vignette.
#' }
#' \subsection{Laplace family}{
#'   Family members:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{laplace(location, scale)}
#'   \item \code{lasso(df, location, scale)}
#'   }
#'   Each of these functions also takes an argument \code{autoscale}.
#'   The Laplace distribution is also known as the double-exponential 
#'   distribution. It is a symmetric distribution with a sharp peak at its mean 
#'   / median / mode and fairly long tails. This distribution can be motivated 
#'   as a scale mixture of normal distributions and the remarks above about the 
#'   normal distribution apply here as well.
#'   The lasso approach to supervised learning can be expressed as finding the
#'   posterior mode when the likelihood is Gaussian and the priors on the 
#'   coefficients have independent Laplace distributions. It is commonplace in
#'   supervised learning to choose the tuning parameter by cross-validation,
#'   whereas a more Bayesian approach would be to place a prior on \dQuote{it},
#'   or rather its reciprocal in our case (i.e. \emph{smaller} values correspond
#'   to more shrinkage toward the prior location vector). We use a chi-square
#'   prior with degrees of freedom equal to that specified in the call to
#'   \code{lasso} or, by default, 1. The expectation of a chi-square random
#'   variable is equal to this degrees of freedom and the mode is equal to the
#'   degrees of freedom minus 2, if this difference is positive.
#'   It is also common in supervised learning to standardize the predictors 
#'   before training the model. We do not recommend doing so. Instead, it is
#'   better to specify \code{autoscale = TRUE} (the default value), which 
#'   will adjust the scales of the priors according to the dispersion in the
#'   variables. See the documentation of the \code{autoscale} argument above 
#'   and also the \code{\link{prior_summary}} page for more information.
#' }
#' \subsection{Product-normal family}{
#'   Family members:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{product_normal(df, location, scale)}
#'   }
#'   The product-normal distribution is the product of at least two independent 
#'   normal variates each with mean zero, shifted by the \code{location}
#'   parameter. It can be shown that the density of a product-normal variate is
#'   symmetric and infinite at \code{location}, so this prior resembles a
#'   \dQuote{spike-and-slab} prior for sufficiently large values of the
#'   \code{scale} parameter. For better or for worse, this prior may be
#'   appropriate when it is strongly believed (by someone) that a regression
#'   coefficient \dQuote{is} equal to the \code{location}, parameter even though
#'   no true Bayesian would specify such a prior.
#'   Each element of \code{df} must be an integer of at least \eqn{2} because
#'   these \dQuote{degrees of freedom} are interpreted as the number of normal
#'   variates being multiplied and then shifted by \code{location} to yield the
#'   regression coefficient. Higher degrees of freedom produce a sharper
#'   spike at \code{location}.
#'   Each element of \code{scale} must be a non-negative real number that is
#'   interpreted as the standard deviation of the normal variates being
#'   multiplied and then shifted by \code{location} to yield the regression
#'   coefficient. In other words, the elements of \code{scale} may differ, but
#'   the k-th standard deviation is presumed to hold for all the normal deviates
#'   that are multiplied together and shifted by the k-th element of
#'   \code{location} to yield the k-th regression coefficient. The elements of 
#'   \code{scale} are not the prior standard deviations of the regression
#'   coefficients. The prior variance of the regression coefficients is equal to
#'   the scale raised to the power of \eqn{2} times the corresponding element of
#'   \code{df}. Thus, larger values of \code{scale} put more prior volume on
#'   values of the regression coefficient that are far from zero.
#' }
#' \subsection{Dirichlet family}{
#'   Family members:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{dirichlet(concentration)}
#'   }
#'   The Dirichlet distribution is a multivariate generalization of the beta
#'   distribution. It is perhaps the easiest prior distribution to specify
#'   because the concentration parameters can be interpreted as prior counts
#'   (although they need not be integers) of a multinomial random variable.
#'   The Dirichlet distribution is used in \code{\link{stan_polr}} for an 
#'   implicit prior on the cutpoints in an ordinal regression model. More
#'   specifically, the Dirichlet prior pertains to the prior probability of
#'   observing each category of the ordinal outcome when the predictors are at
#'   their sample means. Given these prior probabilities, it is straightforward
#'   to add them to form cumulative probabilities and then use an inverse CDF
#'   transformation of the cumulative probabilities to define the cutpoints.
#'   If a scalar is passed to the \code{concentration} argument of the 
#'   \code{dirichlet} function, then it is replicated to the appropriate length 
#'   and the Dirichlet distribution is symmetric. If \code{concentration} is a
#'   vector and all elements are \eqn{1}, then the Dirichlet distribution is
#'   jointly uniform. If all concentration parameters are equal but greater than
#'   \eqn{1} then the prior mode is that the categories are equiprobable, and
#'   the larger the value of the identical concentration parameters, the more
#'   sharply peaked the distribution is at the mode. The elements in 
#'   \code{concentration} can also be given different values to represent that 
#'   not all outcome categories are a priori equiprobable.
#' }
#' \subsection{Covariance matrices}{
#'   Family members:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{decov(regularization, concentration, shape, scale)}
#'   \item \code{lkj(regularization, scale, df)}
#'   }
#'   (Also see vignette for \code{stan_glmer}, 
#'   \href{http://mc-stan.org/rstanarm/articles/glmer.html}{\emph{Estimating
#'   Generalized (Non-)Linear Models with Group-Specific Terms with rstanarm}})
#'   Covariance matrices are decomposed into correlation matrices and 
#'   variances. The variances are in turn decomposed into the product of a
#'   simplex vector and the trace of the matrix. Finally, the trace is the
#'   product of the order of the matrix and the square of a scale parameter.
#'   This prior on a covariance matrix is represented by the \code{decov} 
#'   function.
#'   The prior for a correlation matrix is called LKJ whose density is 
#'   proportional to the determinant of the correlation matrix raised to the 
#'   power of a positive regularization parameter minus one. If
#'   \code{regularization = 1} (the default), then this prior is jointly 
#'   uniform over all correlation matrices of that size. If 
#'   \code{regularization > 1}, then the identity matrix is the mode and in the
#'   unlikely case that \code{regularization < 1}, the identity matrix is the
#'   trough.
#'   The trace of a covariance matrix is equal to the sum of the variances. We
#'   set the trace equal to the product of the order of the covariance matrix
#'   and the \emph{square} of a positive scale parameter. The particular
#'   variances are set equal to the product of a simplex vector --- which is
#'   non-negative and sums to \eqn{1} --- and the scalar trace. In other words,
#'   each element of the simplex vector represents the proportion of the trace
#'   attributable to the corresponding variable.
#'   A symmetric Dirichlet prior is used for the simplex vector, which has a 
#'   single (positive) \code{concentration} parameter, which defaults to
#'   \eqn{1} and implies that the prior is jointly uniform over the space of
#'   simplex vectors of that size. If \code{concentration > 1}, then the prior
#'   mode corresponds to all variables having the same (proportion of total)
#'   variance, which can be used to ensure the the posterior variances are not
#'   zero. As the \code{concentration} parameter approaches infinity, this
#'   mode becomes more pronounced. In the unlikely case that 
#'   \code{concentration < 1}, the variances are more polarized.
#'   If all the variables were multiplied by a number, the trace of their 
#'   covariance matrix would increase by that number squared. Thus, it is 
#'   reasonable to use a scale-invariant prior distribution for the positive
#'   scale parameter, and in this case we utilize a Gamma distribution, whose
#'   \code{shape} and \code{scale} are both \eqn{1} by default, implying a
#'   unit-exponential distribution. Set the \code{shape} hyperparameter to some
#'   value greater than \eqn{1} to ensure that the posterior trace is not zero.
#'   If \code{regularization}, \code{concentration}, \code{shape} and / or 
#'   \code{scale} are positive scalars, then they are recycled to the 
#'   appropriate length. Otherwise, each can be a positive vector of the 
#'   appropriate length, but the appropriate length depends on the number of 
#'   covariance matrices in the model and their sizes. A one-by-one covariance 
#'   matrix is just a variance and thus does not have \code{regularization} or 
#'   \code{concentration} parameters, but does have \code{shape} and 
#'   \code{scale} parameters for the prior standard deviation of that 
#'   variable.
#'   Note that for \code{\link{stan_mvmer}} and \code{\link{stan_jm}} models an
#'   additional prior distribution is provided through the \code{lkj} function.
#'   This prior is in fact currently used as the default for those modelling
#'   functions (although \code{decov} is still available as an option if the user
#'   wishes to specify it through the \code{prior_covariance} argument). The
#'   \code{lkj} prior uses the same decomposition of the covariance matrices
#'   into correlation matrices and variances, however, the variances are not
#'   further decomposed into a simplex vector and the trace; instead the 
#'   standard deviations (square root of the variances) for each of the group
#'   specific parameters are given a half Student t distribution with the 
#'   scale and df parameters specified through the \code{scale} and \code{df}
#'   arguments to the \code{lkj} function. The scale parameter default is 10
#'   which is then autoscaled, whilst the df parameter default is 1 
#'   (therefore equivalent to a half Cauchy prior distribution for the 
#'   standard deviation of each group specific parameter). This prior generally
#'   leads to similar results as the \code{decov} prior, but it is also likely
#'   to be **less** diffuse compared with the \code{decov} prior; therefore it 
#'   sometimes seems to lead to faster estimation times, hence why it has
#'   been chosen as the default prior for \code{\link{stan_mvmer}} and 
#'   \code{\link{stan_jm}} where estimation times can be long.
#' }
#' \subsection{R2 family}{
#'   Family members:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{R2(location, what)}
#'   }
#'   The \code{\link{stan_lm}}, \code{\link{stan_aov}}, and 
#'   \code{\link{stan_polr}} functions allow the user to utilize a function 
#'   called \code{R2} to convey prior information about all the parameters. 
#'   This prior hinges on prior beliefs about the location of \eqn{R^2}, the 
#'   proportion of variance in the outcome attributable to the predictors, 
#'   which has a \code{\link[stats]{Beta}} prior with first shape 
#'   hyperparameter equal to half the number of predictors and second shape 
#'   hyperparameter free. By specifying \code{what} to be the prior mode (the
#'   default), mean, median, or expected log of \eqn{R^2}, the second shape
#'   parameter for this Beta distribution is determined internally. If
#'   \code{what = 'log'}, location should be a negative scalar; otherwise it
#'   should be a scalar on the \eqn{(0,1)} interval.
#'   For example, if \eqn{R^2 = 0.5}, then the mode, mean, and median of
#'   the \code{\link[stats]{Beta}} distribution are all the same and thus the
#'   second shape parameter is also equal to half the number of predictors.
#'   The second shape parameter of the \code{\link[stats]{Beta}} distribution
#'   is actually the same as the shape parameter in the LKJ prior for a
#'   correlation matrix described in the previous subsection. Thus, the smaller 
#'   is \eqn{R^2}, the larger is the shape parameter, the smaller are the
#'   prior correlations among the outcome and predictor variables, and the more
#'   concentrated near zero is the prior density for the regression 
#'   coefficients. Hence, the prior on the coefficients is regularizing and 
#'   should yield a posterior distribution with good out-of-sample predictions 
#'   \emph{if} the prior location of \eqn{R^2} is specified in a reasonable 
#'   fashion.
#' }
#' @return A named list to be used internally by the \pkg{rstanarm} model
#'   fitting functions.
#' @seealso The various vignettes for the \pkg{rstanarm} package also discuss 
#'   and demonstrate the use of some of the supported prior distributions.
#' @templateVar bdaRef \url{http://stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/book/}
#' @template reference-bda
#' @references
#' Gelman, A., Jakulin, A., Pittau, M. G., and Su, Y. (2008). A weakly
#' informative default prior distribution for logistic and other regression
#' models. \emph{Annals of Applied Statistics}. 2(4), 1360--1383.
#' @template reference-piironen-vehtari
#' @template reference-stan-manual
#' @examples
#' fmla <- mpg ~ wt + qsec + drat + am
#' # Draw from prior predictive distribution (by setting prior_PD = TRUE)
#' prior_pred_fit <- stan_glm(fmla, data = mtcars, prior_PD = TRUE,
#'                            chains = 1, seed = 12345, iter = 250, # for speed only
#'                            prior = student_t(df = 4, 0, 2.5), 
#'                            prior_intercept = cauchy(0,10), 
#'                            prior_aux = exponential(1/2))
#' plot(prior_pred_fit, "hist")
#' \donttest{
#' # Can assign priors to names
#' N05 <- normal(0, 5)
#' fit <- stan_glm(fmla, data = mtcars, prior = N05, prior_intercept = N05)
#' }
#' # Visually compare normal, student_t, cauchy, laplace, and product_normal
#' compare_priors <- function(scale = 1, df_t = 2, xlim = c(-10, 10)) {
#'   dt_loc_scale <- function(x, df, location, scale) { 
#'     1/scale * dt((x - location)/scale, df)  
#'   }
#'   dlaplace <- function(x, location, scale) {
#'     0.5 / scale * exp(-abs(x - location) / scale)
#'   }
#'   dproduct_normal <- function(x, scale) {
#'     besselK(abs(x) / scale ^ 2, nu = 0) / (scale ^ 2 * pi)
#'   }
#'   stat_dist <- function(dist, ...) {
#'     ggplot2::stat_function(ggplot2::aes_(color = dist), ...)
#'   }
#'   ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x = xlim), ggplot2::aes(x)) + 
#'     stat_dist("normal", size = .75, fun = dnorm, 
#'               args = list(mean = 0, sd = scale)) +
#'     stat_dist("student_t", size = .75, fun = dt_loc_scale, 
#'               args = list(df = df_t, location = 0, scale = scale)) +
#'     stat_dist("cauchy", size = .75, linetype = 2, fun = dcauchy, 
#'               args = list(location = 0, scale = scale)) + 
#'     stat_dist("laplace", size = .75, linetype = 2, fun = dlaplace,
#'               args = list(location = 0, scale = scale)) +
#'     stat_dist("product_normal", size = .75, linetype = 2, fun = dproduct_normal,
#'               args = list(scale = 1))            
#' }
#' # Cauchy has fattest tails, followed by student_t, laplace, and normal
#' compare_priors()
#' # The student_t with df = 1 is the same as the cauchy
#' compare_priors(df_t = 1) 
#' # Even a scale of 5 is somewhat large. It gives plausibility to rather 
#' # extreme values
#' compare_priors(scale = 5, xlim = c(-20,20)) 
#' # If you use a prior like normal(0, 1000) to be "non-informative" you are 
#' # actually saying that a coefficient value of e.g. -500 is quite plausible
#' compare_priors(scale = 1000, xlim = c(-1000,1000))

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
normal <- function(location = 0, scale = NULL, autoscale = TRUE) {
  nlist(dist = "normal", df = NA, location, scale, autoscale)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
student_t <- function(df = 1, location = 0, scale = NULL, autoscale = TRUE) {
  nlist(dist = "t", df, location, scale, autoscale)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
cauchy <- function(location = 0, scale = NULL, autoscale = TRUE) {
  student_t(df = 1, location = location, scale = scale, autoscale)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
hs <- function(df = 1, global_df = 1, global_scale = 0.01,
               slab_df = 4, slab_scale = 2.5) {
  nlist(dist = "hs", df, location = 0, scale = 1, 
        global_df, global_scale, slab_df, slab_scale)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
hs_plus <- function(df1 = 1, df2 = 1, global_df = 1, global_scale = 0.01,
                    slab_df = 4, slab_scale = 2.5) {
  # scale gets used as a second df hyperparameter
  nlist(dist = "hs_plus", df = df1, location = 0, scale = df2, global_df, 
        global_scale, slab_df, slab_scale)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
laplace <- function(location = 0, scale = NULL, autoscale = TRUE) {
  nlist(dist = "laplace", df = NA, location, scale, autoscale)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
lasso <- function(df = 1, location = 0, scale = NULL, autoscale = TRUE) {
  nlist(dist = "lasso", df, location, scale, autoscale)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
product_normal <- function(df = 2, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  stopifnot(all(df >= 1), all(df == as.integer(df)))
  nlist(dist = "product_normal", df, location, scale)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
#' @param rate Prior rate for the exponential distribution. Defaults to
#'   \code{1}. For the exponential distribution, the rate parameter is the
#'   \emph{reciprocal} of the mean.
exponential <- function(rate = 1, autoscale = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(length(rate) == 1)
  nlist(dist = "exponential", 
        df = NA, location = NA, scale = 1/rate, 

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
#' @param regularization Exponent for an LKJ prior on the correlation matrix in
#'   the \code{decov} or \code{lkj} prior. The default is \eqn{1}, implying a 
#'   joint uniform prior.
#' @param concentration Concentration parameter for a symmetric Dirichlet 
#'   distribution. The default is \eqn{1}, implying a joint uniform prior.
#' @param shape Shape parameter for a gamma prior on the scale parameter in the
#'   \code{decov} prior. If \code{shape} and \code{scale} are both \eqn{1} (the
#'   default) then the gamma prior simplifies to the unit-exponential
#'   distribution.
decov <- function(regularization = 1, concentration = 1, 
                  shape = 1, scale = 1) {
  nlist(dist = "decov", regularization, concentration, shape, scale)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
lkj <- function(regularization = 1, scale = 10, df = 1, autoscale = TRUE) {
  nlist(dist = "lkj", regularization, scale, df, autoscale)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
dirichlet <- function(concentration = 1) {
  nlist(dist = "dirichlet", concentration)

#' @rdname priors
#' @export
R2 <- function(location = NULL, what = c("mode", "mean", "median", "log")) {
  what <- match.arg(what)
  validate_R2_location(location, what)
  list(dist = "R2", location = location, what = what, df = 0, scale = 0)

# internal ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Check for positive scale or df parameter (NULL ok)
# @param x The value to check.
# @return Either an error is thrown or \code{TRUE} is returned invisibly.
validate_parameter_value <- function(x) {
  nm <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (!is.numeric(x)) 
      stop(nm, " should be NULL or numeric", call. = FALSE)
    if (any(x <= 0)) 
      stop(nm, " should be positive", call. = FALSE)

# Throw informative error if 'location' isn't valid for the particular 'what' 
# specified or isn't the right length.
# @param location,what User's location and what arguments to R2()
# @return Either an error is thrown or TRUE is returned invisibly.
validate_R2_location <- function(location = NULL, what) {
  if (length(location) > 1)
      "The 'R2' function only accepts a single value for 'location', ",
      "which applies to the prior R^2. ",
      "If you are trying to put different priors on different coefficients ", 
      "rather than specify a joint prior via 'R2', you can use stan_glm ",
      "which accepts a wider variety of priors, many of which allow ", 
      "specifying arguments as vectors.", 
      call. = FALSE
  if (what == "log") {
    if (location >= 0)
      stop("If 'what' is 'log' then location must be negative.", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (what == "mode") {
    if (location <= 0 || location > 1)
      stop("If 'what' is 'mode', location must be in (0,1].", 
           call. = FALSE)
  } else { # "mean", "median"
    if (location <= 0 || location >= 1)
      stop("If 'what' is 'mean' or 'median', location must be in (0,1).", 
           call. = FALSE)

# For the R2 prior, calculate LKJ shape eta
# @param location,what User's R2 prior arguments.
# @param K number of predictors.
# @return A positive scalar.
make_eta <- function(location, what = c("mode", "mean", "median", "log"), K) {
  stopifnot(length(location) == 1, is.numeric(location))
  stopifnot(is.numeric(K), K == as.integer(K))
  if (K == 0) 
    stop("R2 prior is not applicable when there are no covariates.", 
         call. = FALSE)
  what <- match.arg(what)
  half_K <- K / 2
  if (what == "mode") {
    stopifnot(location > 0, location <= 1)
    if (K <= 2)
      stop(paste("R2 prior error.", 
                 "The mode of the beta distribution does not exist",
                 "with fewer than three predictors.", 
                 "Specify 'what' as 'mean', 'median', or 'log' instead."),
           call. = FALSE)
    eta <- (half_K - 1  - location * half_K + location * 2) / location
  } else if (what == "mean") {
    stopifnot(location > 0, location < 1)
    eta <- (half_K - location * half_K) / location
  } else if (what == "median") {
    stopifnot(location > 0, location < 1)
    FUN <- function(eta) qbeta(0.5, half_K, qexp(eta)) - location
    eta <- qexp(uniroot(FUN, interval = 0:1)$root)
  } else { # what == "log"
    stopifnot(location < 0)
    FUN <- function(eta) digamma(half_K) - digamma(half_K + qexp(eta)) - location
    eta <- qexp(uniroot(FUN, interval = 0:1, 
                        f.lower = -location, 
                        f.upper = -.Machine$double.xmax)$root)

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stan4bart documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:39 a.m.