Man pages for statgenHTP
High Throughput Phenotyping (HTP) Data Analysis TP object to data.frame
countValidCount valid observations per time point for a given trait
countValidPlotCount valid observations per plotId for a given trait
createTimePointsCreate an object of class TP
detectSerieOutDetect outliers for series of observations
detectSingleOutDetect outliers for single observations
estimateSplineParametersExtract estimates from fitted splines.
fitModelsFit spatial models per time point
fitSplineFit Splines
fitSplineHDMFit P-Spline Hierarchical Curve Data Models
getCorrectedExtract corrected phenotypic values
getEffDimsExtract effective dimensions
getGenoPredExtract predicted genotypic values
getHeritExtract heritabilities
getTimePointsExtract time points
getVarExtract variances
noCorrectedRootRoot data corrected for outliers for single observations.
PhenoarchDat1Greenhouse data for a maize experiment in the PhenoArch...
PhenovatorDat1Growth chamber data for an Arabidopsis experiment in the...
plot.fitModPlot function for class fitMod
plot.HTPSplinePlot the results of a fitted spline.
plot.psHDMPlot function for class psHDM
plot.serieOutPlot outliers for series of observations
plot.singleOutPlot outliers for single observations
plot.splineEstPlot the results of estimated spline parameters.
plot.TPPlot function for class TP
predict.psHDMPredict the P-Splines Hierarchical Curve Data Model
removeSerieOutReplace outliers for series of observations by NA
removeSingleOutReplace outliers for single observations by NA
removeTimePointsRemove time points from an object of class TP
RootDat1Greenhouse data for an experiment in the RootPhAir platform.
spatCorrectedArchMaize data corrected for spatial trends.
spatCorrectedVatorArabidopsis data corrected for spatial trends.
spatPredArchMaize data, genotypic predictions.
statgenHTP-packagestatgenHTP: High Throughput Phenotyping (HTP) Data Analysis
summary.fitModSummary function for fitMod objects
summary.TPSummary function for TP objects
statgenHTP documentation built on April 14, 2023, 9:12 a.m.