logspace.utils: Utilities for performing calculations on logarithmic scale.

logspace.utilsR Documentation

Utilities for performing calculations on logarithmic scale.


A small suite of functions to compute sums, means, and weighted means on logarithmic scale, minimizing loss of precision.


log_sum_exp(logx, use_ldouble = FALSE)

log_mean_exp(logx, use_ldouble = FALSE)

lweighted.mean(x, logw)

lweighted.var(x, logw)

lweighted.cov(x, y, logw)



Numeric vector of \log(x), the natural logarithms of the values to be summed or averaged.


Whether to use long double precision in the calculation. If TRUE, 's C built-in logspace_sum() is used. If FALSE, the package's own implementation based on it is used, using double precision, which is (on most systems) several times faster, at the cost of precision.

x, y

Numeric vectors or matrices of x and y, the (raw) values to be summed, averaged, or whose variances and covariances are to be calculated.


Numeric vector of \log(w), the natural logarithms of the weights.


The functions return the equivalents of the R expressions given below, but faster and with less loss of precision.


  • log_sum_exp(): log(sum(exp(logx)))

  • log_mean_exp(): log(mean(exp(logx)))

  • lweighted.mean(): weighted mean of x: sum(x*exp(logw))/sum(exp(logw)) for x scalar and colSums(x*exp(logw))/sum(exp(logw)) for x matrix

  • lweighted.var(): weighted variance of x: crossprod(x-lweighted.mean(x,logw)*exp(logw/2))/sum(exp(logw))

  • lweighted.cov(): weighted covariance between x and y: crossprod(x-lweighted.mean(x,logw)*exp(logw/2), y-lweighted.mean(y,logw)*exp(logw/2))/sum(exp(logw))


Pavel N. Krivitsky


x <- rnorm(1000)
stopifnot(all.equal(log_sum_exp(x), log(sum(exp(x))), check.attributes=FALSE))
stopifnot(all.equal(log_mean_exp(x), log(mean(exp(x))), check.attributes=FALSE))

logw <- rnorm(1000)
stopifnot(all.equal(m <- sum(x*exp(logw))/sum(exp(logw)),lweighted.mean(x, logw)))
                    lweighted.var(x, logw), check.attributes=FALSE))

x <- cbind(x, rnorm(1000))
stopifnot(all.equal(mx <- colSums(x*exp(logw))/sum(exp(logw)),
                    lweighted.mean(x, logw), check.attributes=FALSE))
                    lweighted.var(x, logw), check.attributes=FALSE))

y <- cbind(x, rnorm(1000))
my <- colSums(y*exp(logw))/sum(exp(logw))
stopifnot(all.equal(crossprod(t(t(x)-mx)*exp(logw/2), t(t(y)-my)*exp(logw/2))/sum(exp(logw)),
                    lweighted.cov(x, y, logw), check.attributes=FALSE))
stopifnot(all.equal(crossprod(t(t(y)-my)*exp(logw/2), t(t(x)-mx)*exp(logw/2))/sum(exp(logw)),
                    lweighted.cov(y, x, logw), check.attributes=FALSE))

statnet.common documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:31 p.m.