
Defines functions statswales_get_dataset

Documented in statswales_get_dataset

#' Retrieves a dataset from the StatsWales OData API
#' \code{statswales_get_dataset} returns a dataframe from
#' \href{https://statswales.gov.wales}{StatsWales} using a dataset id. The
#' \code{print_progress} argument can be set to \code{TRUE} to keep track of
#' progress when extracting a large dataset.
#' @param id A dataset id. Must be a single string.
#' @param print_progress logical. Should progress be printed in the console?
#' @param language A string. Returns the dataset in either English ('english') or Welsh ('welsh').
#' The default is English.
#' @return If the dataset id is valid, the function will return the requested
#' dataset in a dataframe. If the id is not valid, the function will return
#' an error.
#' @examples
#' data <- statswales_get_dataset("hlth0515")
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export

statswales_get_dataset <- function(id, print_progress = FALSE, language='english') {

  # Check for a valid id string
  stopifnot('Dataset id must be a string'       = is.character(id),
            'Dataset id should be a single value' = length(id) == 1

  # Check for valid language setting
    'Please set the language parameter to "english" or "welsh"' = language %in% c("english", "welsh"),
    'Please choose one language per download.' = length(language) == 1

  # Check for internet connection --------------------------------------------

  if (!curl::has_internet()) {
    message("No internet connection found.")

  # Define dataset URL --------------------------------------------------------

  if (language == 'english') {

    url <- paste0("http://open.statswales.gov.wales/en-gb/dataset/", tolower(id))

  } else if(language == 'welsh') {

    url <- paste0("http://agored.statscymru.llyw.cymru/cy-gb/dataset/", tolower(id))

  } else {
    message('Invalid language specified. Please set the language parameter to "english" or "welsh".')

  # Define user agent ----------------------------------------------------

  ua <- httr::user_agent("https://github.com/jamie-ralph/statswalesr")

  # Check that dataset resource is available ------------------------------
  request <- tryCatch(
      httr::GET(url, ua, httr::timeout(10))
    error = function(cnd) {

  # Exit function if API didn't respond ------------------------------
  if(is.null(request)) {
    message("The StatsWales API did not respond in time and might be unavailable.")

  # Exit function if http error returned - else download data ----
  if (httr::http_error(request)) {
    message("Dataset was not found. Check your dataset id for typos. If your dataset id is correct, the API might be unavailable.")

  # Exit function if JSON data is not returned -----------------------------
  if (httr::http_type(request) != "application/json") {
    message("JSON data was not returned. Check your dataset id for typos. If your dataset id is correct, the API might be unavailable.")
  } else {
    message("Downloading StatsWales dataset...")

  # Extract first page of data and add to a list object --------------------

  json_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(request, "text"))

  json_list = list(json_data$value)

  # Loop through odata links to get all data --------------------------------
  i = 0

  while ("odata.nextLink" %in% names(json_data)) {

    # Print progress

    if(print_progress == TRUE) {

      i = i + nrow(json_data$value)

      message("Extracting data: ", i, " rows extracted")


    # Request data from next page and exit if API stops responding ----

    next_page_request <- tryCatch(
        httr::GET(json_data$odata.nextLink, ua, httr::timeout(10))
      error = function(cnd) {

    if (is.null(next_page_request)) {
      message("The StatsWales API did not respond in time and might be unavailable.")

    # If next page cannot be accessed, exit function ----

    if (httr::http_error(next_page_request)) {

      message("Could not download this dataset. The API might be unavailable.")



    # Extract data and append to main list object ----

    json_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(next_page_request, "text"))

    json_list <- c(json_list, list(json_data$value))


  # rbind dataframes together and tell user the data is extracted ----

  df <- do.call(rbind, json_list)

  if("RowKey" %in% colnames(df)) {

    df <- unique(
      dplyr::select(df, -.data$RowKey)

  message("Dataset extracted successfully with ", nrow(df), " rows and ",
          ncol(df), " columns.")

  # Return the dataframe ----



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statswalesr documentation built on April 4, 2022, 1:06 a.m.