
Defines functions templ_anonms anonms

Documented in anonms templ_anonms

#' Steve's Anonymous Manuscript Template
#' The R Markdown template Steve used once for an anonymous manuscript submission that needed to look an exact way. I've used this only once
#' for a manuscript submission to a particular journal. It was not published. I have not had the occasion to submit there again.
#' # About YAML header fields
#' This section documents some of the YAML fields to know
#' for this template. Honestly, this looks like a boilerplate R Markdown template. I think `runhead` is the only parameter
#' unique to this document. It's also mandatory. Other fields that you can see in the skeleton (e.g. `title`, `name`, `affiliation`)
#' are borrowed from other templates and explicated there.
#' | ------ | ----------- |
#' | `runhead` | A shortened version of `title` to treat as a running head |
#' @inheritParams rmarkdown::pdf_document
#' @param ... Arguments to [`rmarkdown::pdf_document`].
#' @md
#' @export
anonms <- function(...){
  templ <- system.file("rmarkdown", "templates", "anonms", "resources", "template.tex", package = "stevetemplates")
  rmarkdown::pdf_document(template = templ,
                          latex_engine = "xelatex",

#' @rdname anonms
#' @export
templ_anonms <- function(){
  print(system.file("rmarkdown", "templates", "anonms", "resources", "template.tex", package = "stevetemplates"))

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stevetemplates documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:09 a.m.