
Defines functions get_issues make_issue_table

Documented in get_issues make_issue_table

# make_issue_table and its helper function

#' Make Issue Table
#' Not meant to be called externally. Produce table of the number of treated and
#' control individuals in each stratum. Also checks for potential problems with
#' treat/control ratio or stratum size which might result in slow or poor
#' quality matching.
#' @param a_set \code{data.frame} with observations as rows, features as
#'   columns.  This should be the analysis set from the recently stratified
#'   data.
#' @param treat string name of treatment column
#' @return Returns a 3 by [number of strata] dataframe with Treat, Control,
#'   Total, Control Proportion, and Potential Issues
#' @keywords internal
make_issue_table <- function(a_set, treat) {
  df <- data.frame(
    treat = a_set[[treat]],
    stratum = a_set$stratum
  ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$stratum) %>%
      Treated = sum(.data$treat),
      Control = as.integer(sum(1 - .data$treat)),
      Total = dplyr::n(),
      .groups = "drop_last"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Control_Proportion = .data$Control / .data$Total)

  colnames(df) <- c(
    "Stratum", "Treat",
    "Control", "Total",
  df$Potential_Issues <- unname(apply(df, 1, get_issues))


#' Get Issues
#' Helper for make_issue_table to return issues string.  Given a row which
#' summarizes the Treat, Control, Total, and Control_Proportion of a stratum,
#' return a string of potential issues with the stratum.
#' @param row a row of the data.frame produced in make_issue_table
#' @return Returns a string of potential issues
#' @keywords internal
get_issues <- function(row) {
  row <- as.numeric(row[4:5])

  # set parameters
  CONTROL_MIN <- 0.2
  CONTROL_MAX <- 0.8
  SIZE_MIN <- 75
  SIZE_MAX <- 4000

  issues <- c(
    if (row[1] > SIZE_MAX) "Too many samples",
    if (row[1] < SIZE_MIN) "Too few samples",
    if (row[2] > CONTROL_MAX) "Small treat:control ratio",
    if (row[2] < CONTROL_MIN) "Small control:treat ratio"

  if (is.null(issues)) {
    issues <- c("none")

  return(paste(issues, collapse = "; "))

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stratamatch documentation built on March 31, 2022, 9:07 a.m.