
Defines functions check_pilot_set_options split_pilot_set

Documented in check_pilot_set_options split_pilot_set

# split_pilot_set and it's helper functions

#' Split data into pilot and analysis sets
#' Given a data set and some parameters about how to split the data, this
#' function partitions the data accordingly and returns the partitioned data as
#' a list containing the \code{analysis_set} and \code{pilot_set}.
#' @inheritParams auto_stratify
#' @return a list with analaysis_set and pilot_set
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat <- make_sample_data()
#' splt <- split_pilot_set(dat, "treat", 0.2)
#' # can be passed into auto_stratify if desired
#' a.strat <- auto_stratify(splt$analysis_set, "treat", outcome ~ X1,
#'   pilot_sample = splt$pilot_set
#' )
split_pilot_set <- function(data, treat,
                            pilot_fraction = 0.1,
                            pilot_size = NULL,
                            group_by_covariates = NULL) {

  # check inputs
  check_base_inputs_auto_stratify(data, treat, outcome = NULL)
  n_c <- sum(data[[treat]] == 0)
    pilot_fraction, pilot_size, group_by_covariates, data,

  # if input data is grouped, all sorts of strange things happen
  data <- data %>% dplyr::ungroup()

  pilot_set <- NULL

  # set up fraction of controls to subsample
  if (!is.null(pilot_size)) {
      "Constructing a pilot set by subsampling approximately ",
      pilot_size, " controls."
    pilot_fraction <- pilot_size / n_c
  } else {
      "Constructing a pilot set by subsampling ",
      pilot_fraction * 100, "% of controls."

  # Adds an id column
  data$stratamatch_id <- 1:nrow(data)

  # if group_by_covariates are provided, sample the pilot set
  # while stratifying for group_by_covariates
  if (!is.null(group_by_covariates)) {
    message("Subsampling while balancing on:")
    message(paste(group_by_covariates, collapse = ", "))
    data <- dplyr::group_by_at(data, group_by_covariates)

  pilot_set <- data[(data[[treat]] == 0), ] %>%
    dplyr::sample_frac(pilot_fraction, replace = FALSE) %>%

  data <- data %>% dplyr::ungroup()

  analysis_set <- dplyr::anti_join(data, pilot_set,
    by = "stratamatch_id"
  ) %>%

  pilot_set$stratamatch_id <- NULL

  return(list(analysis_set = analysis_set, pilot_set = pilot_set))

### Input Checkers

#' Check Pilot set options
#' @inheritParams split_pilot_set
#' @param n_c number of control observations in \code{data}
#' @return nothing
#' @keywords internal
check_pilot_set_options <- function(pilot_fraction, pilot_size,
                                    group_by_covariates, data, n_c) {
  n <- dim(data)[1]

  # check pilot size
  if (!is.null(pilot_size)) {
    if (!is.numeric(pilot_size)) stop("pilot_size must be numeric")
    if (pilot_size <= 1) {
      stop("pilot_size must be greater than 1")
    pilot_fraction <- pilot_size / n_c

    # checks and warnings for pilot fraction
    if (pilot_fraction >= 1) {
      stop("Requested pilot size outnumbers control sample")
    if (pilot_fraction >= 0.7) {
      warning("Requested pilot size requires more than 70% of all controls")

  # check pilot fraction
  if (!is.numeric(pilot_fraction)) stop("pilot_fraction must be numeric")
  if (pilot_fraction >= 1 | pilot_fraction <= 0) {
    stop("pilot_fraction must be between 0 and 1")

  # check group_by_covariates
  if (!is.null(group_by_covariates)) {
    if (!is.character(group_by_covariates)) {
      stop("group_by_covariates should be a character vector")
    if (!all(is.element(group_by_covariates, colnames(data)))) {
      stop("All covariates in group_by_covariates must be columns of the data")

    # Check that all covariates are discrete
    for (i in 1:length(group_by_covariates)) {
            group_by_covariates[i], TRUE, n
        warning = function(w) {
          message("All covariates in group_by_covariates should be discrete")

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stratamatch documentation built on March 31, 2022, 9:07 a.m.