
Defines functions new_auto_strata new_manual_strata

Documented in new_auto_strata new_manual_strata

# Low-level constructors for strata objects

#' New Manual Strata
#' Basic constructor for an \code{manual_strata} object. These objects hold all
#' the information associated with a dataset that has been stratified via
#' \code{\link{manual_stratify}}.  This object may be passed to
#' \code{\link{strata_match}} to be matched or it may be unpacked by the user to be
#' matched by other means.
#' @param treat a string giving the name of the column where treatment
#'   information is stored
#' @param covariates a character vector with the names of the categorical
#'   columns on which to stratify
#' @param analysis_set the data set which will be stratified
#' @param call the call to \code{manual_stratify} used to generate this object
#' @param issue_table a table of each stratum and potential issues of size and
#'   treat:control balance
#' @param strata_table a table of each stratum and the covariate bin this
#'   corresponds to
#' @return a basic \code{manual_strata} object
#' @keywords internal
new_manual_strata <- function(treat = character(),
                              covariates = character(),
                              analysis_set = data.frame(),
                              call = call(),
                              issue_table = data.frame(),
                              strata_table = data.frame()) {

  my_manualstrata <- structure(list(
    analysis_set = analysis_set,
    treat = treat,
    call = call,
    issue_table = issue_table,
    covariates = covariates,
    strata_table = strata_table
  class = c("manual_strata", "strata")


#' New Autostrata
#' Basic constructor for an \code{auto_strata} object. These objects hold all
#' the information associated with a dataset that has been stratified via
#' \code{\link{auto_stratify}}.  This object may be passed to
#' \code{\link{strata_match}} to be matched or it may be unpacked by the user to be
#' matched by other means.
#' @param outcome a string giving the name of the column where outcome
#'   information is stored
#' @param treat a string giving the name of the column where treatment
#'   information is stored
#' @param analysis_set the data set which will be stratified
#' @param call the call to \code{auto_stratify} used to generate this object
#' @param issue_table a table of each stratum and potential issues of size and
#'   treat:control balance
#' @param strata_table a table of each stratum and the prognostic score quantile
#'   bin this corresponds to
#' @param prognostic_scores a vector of prognostic scores.
#' @param prognostic_model a model for prognosis fit on a separate data set.
#' @param pilot_set the set of controls used to fit the prognostic model.
#'   These are excluded from subsequent analysis so that the prognostic score is
#'   not overfit to the data used to estimate the treatment effect.
#' @seealso \code{\link{auto_stratify}}, a function which calls this constructor
#'   to produce an \code{auto_strata} object.
#' @return a basic \code{auto_strata} object
#' @keywords internal
new_auto_strata <- function(outcome, treat,
                            analysis_set = NULL,
                            call = NULL,
                            issue_table = NULL,
                            strata_table = NULL,
                            prognostic_scores = NULL,
                            prognostic_model = NULL,
                            pilot_set = NULL) {

  my_autostrata <- structure(list(
    analysis_set = analysis_set,
    treat = treat,
    call = call,
    issue_table = issue_table,
    strata_table = strata_table,
    outcome = outcome,
    prognostic_scores = prognostic_scores,
    prognostic_model = prognostic_model,
    pilot_set = pilot_set
  class = c("auto_strata", "strata")

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stratamatch documentation built on March 31, 2022, 9:07 a.m.