DSD_Benchmark: Data Stream Generator for Dynamic Data Stream Benchmarks

View source: R/DSD_Benchmarks.R

DSD_BenchmarkR Documentation

Data Stream Generator for Dynamic Data Stream Benchmarks


A data stream generator that generates several dynamic streams indented to be benchmarks to compare data stream clustering algorithms. The benchmarks can be used to test if a clustering algorithm can follow moving clusters, and merging and separating clusters.


DSD_Benchmark(i = 1)



integer; the number of the benchmark.


Currently available benchmarks are:

  • 1: two tight clusters moving across the data space with noise and intersect in the middle.

  • 2: two clusters are located in two corners of the data space. A third cluster moves between the two clusters forth and back.

The benchmarks are created using DSD_MG.


Returns a DSD object.


Michael Hahsler

See Also

Other DSD: DSD(), DSD_BarsAndGaussians(), DSD_Cubes(), DSD_Gaussians(), DSD_MG(), DSD_Memory(), DSD_Mixture(), DSD_NULL(), DSD_ReadDB(), DSD_ReadStream(), DSD_Target(), DSD_UniformNoise(), DSD_mlbenchData(), DSD_mlbenchGenerator(), DSF(), animate_data(), close_stream(), get_points(), plot.DSD(), reset_stream()


stream <- DSD_Benchmark(i = 1)
get_points(stream, n = 5)

## Not run: 
stream <- DSD_Benchmark(i = 1)
animate_data(stream, n = 10000, horizon = 100, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))

stream <- DSD_Benchmark(i = 2)
animate_data(stream, n = 10000, horizon = 100, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))

## End(Not run)

stream documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:43 a.m.