global.summary <- function(G, which = "all", sink, mode = "in", inf.paths = FALSE){
if(length(V(G)$name) == 0) crit <- TRUE else crit <- FALSE
if(crit) names <- NA else names <- attributes(V(G))$name
varP <- function(x){
x <- na.omit(x)
sum((x - mean(x))^2)/length(x)
if(which == "all"| which == "size"){
if(crit){out <- size <- 0} else{
out <- size <- ecount(G)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "diameter"){
if(crit){out <- diameter <- 0} else{
out <- diameter <- diameter(G)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "graph.order"){
if(crit){out <- order <- 0} else{
out <- order <- vcount(G)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "n.sources"){
# if(all(names != sink)) stop("The sink node you defined is not a node in G")
if(crit | all(names != sink)){Sources <- out <- NA} else{
out <- Sources <- n.sources(G, sink = sink)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "n.paths.sink" | which == "sink.path.len.summary"){
# if(all(names != sink)) stop("The sink node you defined is not a node in G")
if(crit | all(names != sink)){out <- <- NA} else{
out <- <- n.tot.paths(G, mode = "in", sink = sink)}}
# if(which == "all"| which == "sink.path.len.summary"){
if(crit | all(names != sink)){p.lengths.sink <- NA} else{p.lengths.sink <- path.lengths.sink(G, sink = sink, inf.paths = inf.paths)}
if(which == "all"| which == "sink.path.len.summary"){
if(crit | all(names != sink)){path.length.mean <- NaN} else{
path.length.mean <- mean(p.lengths.sink)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "sink.path.len.summary"){
if(crit | all(names != sink)){path.length.var <- NaN} else{
path.length.var <- varP(p.lengths.sink)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "sink.path.len.summary"){
if(crit | all(names != sink)){path.length.skew <- NaN} else{
path.length.skew <- skew(p.lengths.sink)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "sink.path.len.summary"){
if(crit | all(names != sink)){path.length.kurt <- NaN} else{
path.length.kurt <- kurt(p.lengths.sink)}}
# }
if(crit) deg <- NA else deg <- degree(G, mode = mode)
if(which == "all"| which == "deg.summary"){
if(crit){deg.mean <- NaN} else{
deg.mean <- mean(deg)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "deg.summary"){
if(crit){deg.var <- NaN} else{
deg.var <- varP(deg)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "deg.summary"){
if(crit){deg.skew <- NaN} else{
deg.skew <- skew(deg)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "deg.summary"){
if(crit){deg.kurt <- NaN} else{
deg.kurt <- kurt(deg)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "avg.alpha.cent"){
if(crit){out <- mean.a.centrality <- NaN} else{
out <- mean.a.centrality <- mean(alpha_centrality(G))}}
if(which == "all"| which == "shreve.num"){
if(crit){out <- shreve.num <- 0} else{
out <- shreve.num <- max(stream.order(G, sink = sink, method = "shreve"))}}
if(which == "all"| which == "strahler.num"){
if(crit){out <- strahler.num <- 0} else{
out <- strahler.num <- max(stream.order(G, sink = sink, method = "strahler"))}}
if(which == "all"| which == "fst.zagreb"){
if(crit){out <- fst.zagreb <- NaN} else{
out <- fst.zagreb <- I.D(G, mode = "gen.sum.con", alpha = 1)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "scd.zagreb"){
if(crit){out <- scd.zagreb <- NaN} else{
out <- scd.zagreb <- I.D(G, mode = "gen.rand", alpha = 1)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "ABC"){
if(crit){out <- ABC <- NaN} else{
out <- ABC <- I.D(G, mode = "ABC")}}
if(which == "all"| which == "harary"){
if(crit){out <- Harary <- NaN} else{
out <- Harary <- harary(G)}}
if(which == "all"| which == "global.efficiency"){
if(crit){out <- Global.efficiency <- NaN} else{
out <- Global.efficiency <- global.efficiency(G)}}
if(which == "all"| which == ""){
if(crit){out <- <- NaN} else{
out <- <- assort(G, mode = "in.out")}}
if(which == "all"| which == ""){
if(crit){out <- <- NaN} else{
out <- <- assort(G, mode = "")}}
if(which == "all"){
out <- t(data.frame(Size = size,
Diameter = diameter,
Graph.order = order,
n.Sources = Sources,
Mean.a.centrality = mean.a.centrality, =,
Path.length.mean = path.length.mean,
Path.length.var = path.length.var,
Path.length.skew = path.length.skew,
Path.length.kurt = path.length.kurt,
Degree.mean = deg.mean,
Degree.var = deg.var,
Degree.skew = deg.skew,
Degree.kurt = deg.kurt,
Shreve.number = shreve.num,
Strahler.number = strahler.num,
First.Zagreb = fst.zagreb,
Second.Zagreb = scd.zagreb,
Harary = Harary,
Global.efficiency = global.efficiency(G), =, =
colnames(out) <- "Global.metrics"
if(which == "sink.path.len.summary"){
out <- t(data.frame( =,
Path.length.mean = path.length.mean,
Path.length.var = path.length.var,
Path.length.skew = path.length.skew,
Path.length.kurt = path.length.kurt))
colnames(out) <- "Global.metrics"
if(which == "deg.summary"){
out <- t(data.frame(Degree.mean = deg.mean,
Degree.var = deg.var,
Degree.skew = deg.skew,
Degree.kurt = deg.kurt))
colnames(out) <- "Global.metrics"
if(which != "sink.path.len.summary" & which != "deg.summary" & which != "all"){
out <- as.matrix(out)
colnames(out) <- which
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