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Streamlined analysis of longitudinal time-to-event or time-to-failure data. Estimates the counterfactual discrete survival curve under static, dynamic and stochastic interventions on treatment (exposure) and monitoring events over time. Estimators (IPW, GCOMP, TMLE) adjust for measured time-varying confounding and informative right-censoring. Model fitting can be performed either with glm or H2O-3machine learning libraries, including Ensemble Learning (SuperLearner).

Currently implemented estimators include: - Kaplan-Meier Estimator. No adjustment for time-varying confounding or informative right-censoring. - Inverse Probability Weighted (IPW) Kaplan-Meier. Also known as the Adjusted Kaplan Meier (AKME). Also known as the saturated (non-parametric) IPW-MSM estimator of the survival hazard. This estimator inverse weights each observation based on the exposure/censoring model fits (propensity scores). - Bounded Inverse Probability Weighted (B-IPW) Estimator of Survival. Estimates the survival directly (without hazard), also based on the exposure/censoring model fit (propensity scores). - Inverse Probability Weighted Marginal Structural Model (IPW-MSM) for the hazard function, mapped into survival. Currently only logistic regression is allowed where covariates are time-points and regime/rule indicators. This estimator is also based on the exposure/censoring model fit (propensity scores), but allows additional smoothing over multiple time-points and includes optional weight stabilization. - Sequential G-Computation (GCOMP). Also known as the recursive G-Computation formula or Q-learning. Directly estimates the outcome model while adjusting for time-varying confounding. Estimation can be stratified by rule/regime followed or pooled across all rules/regimes. - Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (TMLE) for longitudinal data. Also known as the Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimator. Doubly robust and semi-parametrically efficient estimator that targets the initial outcome model fits (GCOMP) with IPW. - Iterative Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (I-TMLE) for longitudinal data. Fits sequential G-Computation and then iteratively performs targeting for all pooled Q's until convergence.

Input data: - Time-to-event (possibly) right-censored data has to be in long format. - Each row must contain a subject identifier (ID) and the integer indicator of the current time (t), e.g., day, week, month, year. - The package assumes that the temporal ordering of covariates in each row is fixed according to (ID, t, L,C,A,N,Y), where * L -- Time-varying and baseline covariates. * C -- Indicators of right censoring events at time t; this can be either a single categorical or several binary columns. * A -- Exposure (treatment) at time t; this can be multivariate (more than one column) and each column can be binary, categorical or continuous. * N -- Indicator of being monitored at time point t+1 (binary). * Y -- Time-to-event outcome (binary). - Note that the follow-up is assumed to end when either the outcome of interest (Y[t]=1) or right-censoring events are observed. - Categorical censoring can be useful for representing all of the censoring events with a single column (variable).

Model fitting: - Separate models are fit for the observed censoring, exposure and monitoring mechanisms. - Each model can be stratified (separate model is fit) by time or any other user-specified stratification criteria. Each strata is defined with by a single logical expression that selects specific observations/rows in the observed data (strata). - By default, all models are fit using GLM with binomial family (logistic regression). - Alternatively, model fitting can be also performed with any machine learning algorithm implemented in H2O-3 (faster distributed penalized GLM, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machines and Deep Neural Network). - Finally, one can select the best model from an ensemble of H2O learners via cross-validation. Grid search (h2o.grid) allows for user-friendly model specification and fitting over multi-dimensional parameter space with various stopping criteria (random, discrete, max number of models, max time allocated, etc). - The ensemble of many models can be combined into a single (more powerful) model with SuperLearner (h2oEmsemble).

Overview: Installing stremr and Documentation Automated Reports Example with Simulated Data Sequential G-Computation (GCOMP) and Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE) for longitudinal survival data * Machine Learning Algorithms

Installation and Documentation

To install the development version (requires the devtools package):

devtools::install_github('osofr/stremr', build_vignettes = FALSE)

For optimal performance, we also recommend installing the development version of data.table:


For modeling with H2O-3 machine learning libraries we recommend directly installing the latest version of the h2o R package (can also see the instructions here):

if ("package:h2o" %in% search()) detach("package:h2o", unload=TRUE)
if ("h2o" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) remove.packages("h2o")
# Next, download H2O package dependencies:
pkgs <- c("methods","statmod","stats","graphics","RCurl","jsonlite","tools","utils")
new.pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, rownames(installed.packages()))
if (length(new.pkgs)) install.packages(new.pkgs)
# Download and install the H2O package for R:
install.packages("h2o", type="source", repos=(c("")))

Documentation with general overview of the package functions and datasets:


To obtain documentation for specific relevant functions in stremr package:


Automated Reports:

The following is an example of a function call that produces an automated html report shown below. For a pdf report just set the argument format = "pdf".

  make_report_rmd(OData, NPMSM = list(surv1, surv2), 
                  MSM = MSM.IPAW, 
                  GCOMP = list(gcomp_est1, gcomp_est2), 
                  TMLE = list(tmle_est_par1, tmle_est_par2),
                  AddFUPtables = TRUE, RDtables = get_MSM_RDs(MSM.IPAW, t.periods.RDs = c(12, 15), getSEs = TRUE),
                  WTtables = get_wtsummary(MSM.IPAW$wts_data, cutoffs = c(0, 0.5, 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150), by.rule = TRUE),
         = "", title = "Custom Report Title", author = "Author Name", y_legend = 0.99, x_legend = 9.5)


Example with Simulated Data

Load the data:

OdataDT <-, key=c(ID, t))

Define some summaries (lags):

OdataDT[, ("N.tminus1") := shift(get("N"), n = 1L, type = "lag", fill = 1L), by = ID]
OdataDT[, ("TI.tminus1") := shift(get("TI"), n = 1L, type = "lag", fill = 1L), by = ID]

Import input data into stremr object DataStorageClass and define relevant covariates:

OData <- importData(OdataDT, ID = "ID", t = "t", covars = c("highA1c", "lastNat1", "N.tminus1"), CENS = "C", TRT = "TI", MONITOR = "N", OUTCOME = "Y.tplus1")

Define counterfactual exposures. In this example we define one intervention as always treated and another as never treated. Such intervention can be defined conditionally on other variables (dynamic intervention). Similarly, one can define the intervention as a probability that the counterfactual exposure is 1 at each time-point t (for stochastic interventions).

OdataDT[, ("TI.set1") := 1L]
OdataDT[, ("TI.set0") := 0L]

Regressions for modeling the propensity scores for censoring (CENS), exposure (TRT) and monitoring (MONITOR). By default, each of these propensity scores is fit with a common model that pools across all available time points (smoothing over time).

gform_CENS <- "C + TI + N ~ highA1c + lastNat1"
gform_TRT <- "TI ~ CVD + highA1c + N.tminus1"
gform_MONITOR <- "N ~ 1"

Stratification, that is, fitting separate models for different time-points, is enabled with logical expressions in arguments stratify_... (see ?fitPropensity). For example, the logical expression below states that we want to fit the censoring mechanism with a separate model for time point 16, while pooling with a common model fit over time-points 0 to 15. Any logical expression can be used to define such stratified modeling. This can be similarly applied to modeling the exposure mechanism (stratify_TRT) and the monitoring mechanism (stratify_MONITOR).

stratify_CENS <- list(C=c("t < 16", "t == 16"))

Fit the propensity scores for censoring, exposure and monitoring:

OData <- fitPropensity(OData, gform_CENS = gform_CENS, gform_TRT = gform_TRT, gform_MONITOR = gform_MONITOR, stratify_CENS = stratify_CENS)

Estimate survival based on non-parametric MSM (IPTW-ADJUSTED KM):

AKME.St.1 <- getIPWeights(OData, intervened_TRT = "TI.set1") %>%
             survNPMSM(OData) %$%

Estimate survival with bounded IPW:

IPW.St.1 <- getIPWeights(OData, intervened_TRT = "TI.set1") %>%

Estimate hazard with IPW-MSM then map into survival estimate. Using two regimens and smoothing over two intervals of time-points:

wts.DT.1 <- getIPWeights(OData = OData, intervened_TRT = "TI.set1", rule_name = "TI1")
wts.DT.0 <- getIPWeights(OData = OData, intervened_TRT = "TI.set0", rule_name = "TI0")
survMSM_res <- survMSM(list(wts.DT.1, wts.DT.0), OData, t_breaks = c(1:8,12,16)-1,)

Sequential G-Computation (GCOMP) and Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE) for longitudinal time-to-event data.

Define time-points of interest, regression formulas and software to be used for fitting the sequential outcome models:

t.surv <- c(0:15)
Qforms <-"Q.kplus1 ~ CVD + highA1c + N + lastNat1 + TI + TI.tminus1", (max(t.surv)+1))
params = list(fit.package = "speedglm", fit.algorithm = "glm")

G-Computation (pooled):

gcomp_est <- fitSeqGcomp(OData, t_periods = t.surv, intervened_TRT = "TI.set1", Qforms = Qforms, params_Q = params, stratifyQ_by_rule = FALSE)

Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE) (stratified):

tmle_est <- fitTMLE(OData, t_periods = t.surv, intervened_TRT = "TI.set1", Qforms = Qforms, params_Q = params, stratifyQ_by_rule = TRUE)

To parallelize estimation over several time-points (t.surv) for either GCOMP or TMLE use argument parallel = TRUE:

registerDoParallel(cores = 40)
tmle_est <- fitTMLE(OData, t_periods = t.surv, intervened_TRT = "TI.set1", Qforms = Qforms, params_Q = params, stratifyQ_by_rule = TRUE, parallel = TRUE)

Machine Learning Algorithms

To perform all modeling with H2O-3 distributed Random Forest algorithm just set the global package options fit.package = "h2o" and fit.algorithm = "randomForest" prior to calling any fitting function:

set_all_stremr_options(fit.package = "h2o", fit.algorithm = "randomForest")

h2o::h2o.init(nthreads = -1)

OData <- fitPropensity(OData, gform_CENS = gform_CENS, gform_TRT = gform_TRT, gform_MONITOR = gform_MONITOR, stratify_CENS = stratify_CENS)

Other available algorithms are H2O-3 Gradient Boosting Machines (fit.algorithm = "gbm"), distributed GLM (including LASSO and Ridge) (fit.algorithm = "glm") and Deep Neural Nets (fit.algorithm = "deeplearning").

Use arguments params_... in fitPropensity() and params_Q in fitSeqGcomp() and fitTMLE() to pass various tuning parameters and select different algorithms for different models:

params_TRT = list(fit.package = "h2o", fit.algorithm = "gbm", ntrees = 50, learn_rate = 0.05, sample_rate = 0.8, col_sample_rate = 0.8, balance_classes = TRUE)
params_CENS = list(fit.package = "speedglm", fit.algorithm = "glm")
params_MONITOR = list(fit.package = "speedglm", fit.algorithm = "glm")
OData <- fitPropensity(OData,
          gform_CENS = gform_CENS, stratify_CENS = stratify_CENS, params_CENS = params_CENS,
          gform_TRT = gform_TRT, params_TRT = params_TRT,
          gform_MONITOR = gform_MONITOR, params_MONITOR = params_MONITOR)

Running TMLE based on the previous fit of the propensity scores. Also applying Random Forest to estimate the sequential outcome model:

params_Q = list(fit.package = "h2o", fit.algorithm = "randomForest", ntrees = 100, learn_rate = 0.05, sample_rate = 0.8, col_sample_rate = 0.8, balance_classes = TRUE)

tmle_est <- fitTMLE(OData, t_periods = t.surv, intervened_TRT = "TI.set1", Qforms = Qforms, params_Q = params_Q, stratifyQ_by_rule = TRUE)


... <!-- To cite stremr in publications, please use:

Sofrygin O, van der Laan MJ, Neugebauer R (2015). stremr: Simulating Longitudinal Data with Causal Inference Applications. R package version 0.1. -->




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stremr documentation built on May 30, 2017, 6:35 a.m.