Man pages for stremr
Streamlined Estimation of Survival for Static, Dynamic and Stochastic Treatment and Monitoring Regimes

BinaryOutcomeModelR6 class for fitting and making predictions for a single...
BinomialGLMR6 class for storing the design matrix and the binary outcome...
CategorModelR6 class for fitting and predicting joint probability for a...
ContinModelR6 class for fitting and predicting joint probability for a...
DataStorageClassR6 class for storing, managing, subsetting and manipulating...
defineIntervedTRTDefine counterfactual dynamic treatment
defineMONITORvarsHelper routine to define the monitoring indicator and time...
define_single_regressionDefine regression models
fitIterTMLEIterative TMLE wrapper for 'fitSeqGcomp'
fitPropensityDefine and fit propensity score models.
fitSeqGcompFit sequential GCOMP and TMLE for survival
fitTMLETMLE wrapper for 'fitSeqGcomp'
GenericModelGeneric R6 class for modeling (fitting and predicting)...
get_FUPtimesFollow-up times by regimen
getIPWeightsInverse Probability Weights.
get_MSM_RDsRisk Difference Estimates and SEs for IPW-MSM
get_TMLE_RDsRisk Difference Estimates and SEs for a list of TMLE outputs
get_wtsummaryIP-Weights Summary Tables
importDataImport data, define various nodes, define dummies for factor...
make_report_rmdGenerate report(s) with modeling stats and survival estimates...
OdataCatCENSAn example of a dataset in long format with categorical...
OdataNoCENSAn example of a dataset in long format with random monitoring...
OdatDT_10KAn example of a dataset in long format with random monitoring...
openFileInOSOpen file
pander.H2OBinomialMetricsPander method for H2OBinomialMetrics class
pander.H2ORegressionMetricsPander method for H2ORegressionMetrics class
print.GLMmodelS3 methods for printing model fit summary for glmfit class...
print.H2OensemblemodelS3 methods for printing model fit summary for H2Omodel class...
print.H2OmodelS3 methods for printing model fit summary for H2Omodel class...
print_stremr_optsPrint Current Option Settings for 'stremr'
QlearnModelR6 Class for Q-Learning
RegressionClassR6 class that defines regression models evaluating P(sA|sW),...
set_all_stremr_optionsSetting 'stremr' Options
StratifiedModelR6 class for fitting and predicting with several stratified...
stremrEstimate Survival with Interventions on Exposure and...
stremrOptionsQuerying/setting a single 'stremr' option
stremr-packageEstimate the Survival of Intervention on Exposures and...
summary.GLMmodelS3 methods for getting model fit summary for glmfit class...
summary.H2OensemblemodelS3 methods for getting model fit summary for H2Oensemblemodel...
summary.H2OmodelS3 methods for getting model fit summary for H2Omodel class...
survDirectIPWDirect (bounded) IPW estimator of discrete survival function.
survMSMEstimate Survival with a particular MSM for the...
survNPMSMNon-parametric (saturated) MSM for survival based on...
stremr documentation built on May 30, 2017, 6:35 a.m.