
Defines functions seq_ain seq_amatch ain amatch

Documented in ain amatch seq_ain seq_amatch

#' Approximate string matching
#' Approximate string matching equivalents of \code{R}'s native
#' \code{\link[base]{match}} and \code{\%in\%}.
#' \code{ain} is currently defined as 
#' \code{ain(x,table,...) <- function(x,table,...) amatch(x, table, nomatch=0,...) > 0}
#' @section Note on \code{NA} handling:
#' \code{R}'s native \code{\link[base]{match}} function matches \code{NA} with
#' \code{NA}. This may feel inconsistent with \code{R}'s usual \code{NA}
#' handling, since for example \code{NA==NA} yields
#' \code{NA} rather than \code{TRUE}. In most cases, one may reason about the
#' behaviour under \code{NA} along the lines of ``if one of the arguments is
#' \code{NA}, the result shall be \code{NA}'', simply because not all
#' information necessary to execute the function is available. One uses special 
#' functions such as \code{is.na}, \code{is.null} \emph{etc.} to handle special
#' values.
#' The \code{amatch} function mimics the behaviour of \code{\link[base]{match}}
#' by default: \code{NA} is matched with \code{NA} and with nothing else. Note
#' that this is inconsistent with the behaviour of \code{\link{stringdist}} 
#' since \code{stringdist} yields \code{NA} when at least one of the arguments
#' is \code{NA}. The same inconsistency exists between \code{\link[base]{match}}
#' and \code{\link[utils]{adist}}. In \code{amatch} this behaviour can be
#' controlled by setting \code{matchNA=FALSE}. In that case, if any of the
#' arguments in \code{x} is \code{NA}, the \code{nomatch} value is returned,
#' regardless of whether \code{NA} is present in \code{table}. In
#' \code{\link[base]{match}} the behaviour can be controlled by setting the
#' \code{incomparables} option.
#' @param x elements to be approximately matched: will be coerced to 
#'   \code{character} unless it is a list consisting of \code{integer} vectors.
#' @param table lookup table for matching. Will be coerced to \code{character}
#'   unless it is a list consting of \code{integer} vectors.
#' @param nomatch The value to be returned when no match is found. This is
#'   coerced to integer.
#' @param matchNA Should \code{NA}'s be matched? Default behaviour mimics the 
#'   behaviour of base \code{\link[base]{match}}, meaning that \code{NA} matches
#'   \code{NA} (see also the note on \code{NA} handling below).
#' @param method Matching algorithm to use. See \code{\link{stringdist-metrics}}.
#' @param useBytes Perform byte-wise comparison. See \code{\link{stringdist-encoding}}.
#' @param weight For \code{method='osa'} or \code{'dl'}, the penalty for
#'   deletion, insertion, substitution and transposition, in that order. When
#'   \code{method='lv'}, the penalty for transposition is ignored. When
#'   \code{method='jw'}, the weights associated with characters of \code{a},
#'   characters from \code{b} and the transposition weight, in that order. 
#'   Weights must be positive and not exceed 1. \code{weight} is ignored
#'   completely when \code{method='hamming'}, \code{'qgram'}, \code{'cosine'},
#'   \code{'Jaccard'}, \code{'lcs'}, or \code{'soundex'}.
#' @param maxDist Elements in \code{x} will not be matched with elements of 
#'   \code{table} if their distance is larger than \code{maxDist}. Note that the
#'   maximum distance between strings depends on the method: it should always be
#'   specified.
#' @param nthread Number of threads used by the underlying C-code. A sensible
#'   default is chosen, see \code{\link{stringdist-parallelization}}.
#' @param q q-gram size, only when method is \code{'qgram'}, \code{'jaccard'},
#'   or \code{'cosine'}.
#' @param p Winklers 'prefix' parameter for Jaro-Winkler distance, with
#'   \eqn{0\leq p\leq0.25}. Only when method is \code{'jw'}
#' @param bt Winkler's boost threshold. Winkler's prefix factor is
#'   only applied when the Jaro distance is larger than \code{bt}.
#'   Applies only to \code{method='jw'} and \code{p>0}.
#' @return \code{amatch} returns the position of the closest match of \code{x}
#'   in \code{table}. When multiple matches with the same smallest distance
#'   metric exist, the first one is returned. \code{ain} returns a
#'   \code{logical} vector of length \code{length(x)} indicating wether an
#'   element of \code{x} approximately matches an element in \code{table}.
#' @family matching
#' @example ../examples/amatch.R
#' @export
amatch <- function(x, table, nomatch=NA_integer_, matchNA=TRUE
  , method=c("osa","lv","dl","hamming","lcs","qgram","cosine","jaccard", "jw", "soundex") 
  , useBytes = FALSE
  , weight=c(d=1,i=1,s=1,t=1)
  , maxDist=0.1, q=1, p=0, bt=0
  , nthread = getOption("sd_num_thread")){

  x <- as.character(x)
  table <- as.character(table)

  if (!useBytes){
    x <- enc2utf8(x)
    table <- enc2utf8(table)

  method <- match.arg(method)
      , all(weight > 0)
      , all(weight <=1)
      , q >= 0
      , p <= 0.25
      , p >= 0
      , matchNA %in% c(TRUE,FALSE)
      , maxDist > 0
      , is.logical(useBytes)
      , ifelse(method %in% c('osa','dl'), length(weight) >= 4, TRUE)
      , ifelse(method %in% c('lv','jw') , length(weight) >= 3, TRUE)
      , nthread > 0
  if (method == 'jw') weight <- weight[c(2,1,3)]
  method <- METHODS[method]
  if ( is.na(method) ){
    stop(sprintf("method '%s' is not defined",method))

  .Call("R_amatch", x, table, method
    , as.integer(nomatch), as.integer(matchNA)
    , as.double(weight), as.double(p), as.double(bt)
    , as.integer(q) , as.double(maxDist), as.integer(useBytes)
    , as.integer(nthread)
    , PACKAGE="stringdist"


#' @param ... parameters to pass to \code{amatch} (except \code{nomatch})
#' @rdname amatch
#' @export 
ain <- function(x,table,...){
  amatch(x, table, nomatch=0, ...) > 0

#' Approximate matching for integer sequences.
#' For a \code{list} of integer vectors \code{x}, find the closest matches in a
#' \code{list} of integer or numeric vectors in \code{table.}
#' @section Notes:
#' \code{seq_ain} is currently defined as 
#' \code{seq_ain(x,table,...) <- function(x,table,...) amatch(x, table, nomatch=0,...) > 0}
#' All input vectors are converted with \code{as.integer}. This causes truncation for numeric
#' vectors (e.g. \code{pi} will be treated as \code{3L}).
#' @param x (\code{list} of) \code{integer} or \code{numeric} vector(s) to be
#'   approximately matched. Will be converted with \code{as.integer}.
#' @param table (\code{list} of) \code{integer} or \code{numeric} vector(s)
#'   serving as lookup table for matching. Will be converted with
#'   \code{as.integer}.
#' @param nomatch The value to be returned when no match is found. This is
#'   coerced to integer.
#' @param matchNA Should \code{NA}'s be matched? Default behaviour mimics the 
#'   behaviour of base \code{\link[base]{match}}, meaning that \code{NA} matches
#'   \code{NA}. With \code{NA}, we mean a missing entry in the \code{list}, represented as \code{NA_integer_}. 
#'   If one of the integer sequences stored in the list has an \code{NA} entry,
#'   this is just treated as another integer (the representation of
#'   \code{NA_integer_}).
#' @param method Matching algorithm to use. See \code{\link{stringdist-metrics}}.
#' @param weight For \code{method='osa'} or \code{'dl'}, the penalty for
#'   deletion, insertion, substitution and transposition, in that order. When
#'   \code{method='lv'}, the penalty for transposition is ignored. When
#'   \code{method='jw'}, the weights associated with integers in elements of \code{a},
#'   integers in elements of \code{b} and the transposition weight, in that order. 
#'   Weights must be positive and not exceed 1. \code{weight} is ignored
#'   completely when \code{method='hamming'}, \code{'qgram'}, \code{'cosine'},
#'   \code{'Jaccard'}, or \code{'lcs'}.
#' @param maxDist Elements in \code{x} will not be matched with elements of 
#'   \code{table} if their distance is larger than \code{maxDist}. Note that the
#'   maximum distance between strings depends on the method: it should always be
#'   specified.
#' @param nthread Number of threads used by the underlying C-code. A sensible
#'   default is chosen, see \code{\link{stringdist-parallelization}}.
#' @param q q-gram size, only when method is \code{'qgram'}, \code{'jaccard'},
#'   or \code{'cosine'}.
#' @param p Winkler's prefix parameter for Jaro-Winkler distance, with
#'   \eqn{0\leq p\leq0.25}. Only when method is \code{'jw'}
#' @param bt Winkler's boost threshold. Winkler's prefix factor is
#'   only applied when the Jaro distance is larger than \code{bt}.
#'   Applies only to \code{method='jw'} and \code{p>0}.
#' @return \code{seq_amatch} returns the position of the closest match of \code{x}
#'   in \code{table}. When multiple matches with the same minimal distance
#'   metric exist, the first one is returned. \code{seq_ain} returns a
#'   \code{logical} vector of length \code{length(x)} indicating wether an
#'   element of \code{x} approximately matches an element in \code{table}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{seq_dist}}, \code{\link{seq_sim}}, \code{\link{seq_qgrams}}
#' @example ../examples/seq_amatch.R
#' @export
seq_amatch <- function(x, table, nomatch=NA_integer_, matchNA=TRUE
  , method=c("osa","lv","dl","hamming","lcs","qgram","cosine","jaccard", "jw") 
  , weight=c(d=1,i=1,s=1,t=1)
  , maxDist=0.1, q=1, p=0, bt=0
  , nthread = getOption("sd_num_thread")){

  x <- ensure_int_list(x)
  table <- ensure_int_list(table)
  method <- match.arg(method)
      , all(weight > 0)
      , all(weight <=1)
      , q >= 0
      , p <= 0.25
      , p >= 0
      , matchNA %in% c(TRUE,FALSE)
      , ifelse(method %in% c('osa','dl'), length(weight) >= 4, TRUE)
      , ifelse(method %in% c('lv','jw') , length(weight) >= 3, TRUE)
      , nthread > 0
  if (method == 'jw') weight <- weight[c(2,1,3)]
  method <- METHODS[method]
  if ( is.na(method) ){
    stop(sprintf("method '%s' is not defined",method))

  .Call("R_amatch", x, table, method
    , as.integer(nomatch), as.integer(matchNA)
    , as.double(weight), as.double(p), as.double(bt)
    , as.integer(q) , as.double(maxDist), 0L
    , as.integer(nthread)
    , PACKAGE="stringdist"

#' @param ... parameters to pass to \code{seq_amatch} (except \code{nomatch})
#' @rdname seq_amatch
#' @export 
seq_ain <- function(x,table,...){
  seq_amatch(x, table, nomatch=0, ...) > 0

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