
#' Calculate C-statistics
#' Wrapper around the Inf.Cval function from the survC1 R package to calculate
#' C-statistics.
#' @param in.df data.frame containing all the input data.
#' @param endpoint Column name of endpoint.
#' @param endpoint.code Column name of endpoint code.
#' @param prog.factor Column name of the prognostic factor to test.
#' @param tau.val Vector of tau values to be used for C-statistics inference. 
#' @return data.frame containing the c-statistic, 95% CI, and standard error.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # Example taken from survC1
#' \dontrun{
#' library("survival")
#' in.df <- survC1::CompCase(pbc[1:200, c(2:4,10:14)])
#' in.df[, 2] <- as.numeric(in.df[,2]==2)
#' tau <- 365.25*8
#' prog.factor <- c("trt", "edema", "bili", "chol", "albumin", "copper")
#' get_c_stat(in.df, "time", "status", prog.factor, tau)
#' }
get_c_stat <- function(in.df, endpoint, endpoint.code, prog.factor, tau.val) {

  message(paste0("Endpoint: ", endpoint))
  message(paste0("Endpoint code: ", endpoint.code))
  message(paste0("Prognostic Factor: ", paste(prog.factor, collapse = ", ")))

  # Prepare input data.frame to be used with survC1::Inf.Cval
  col.select <- c(endpoint, endpoint.code, prog.factor)
  in.sub.df <- dplyr::select_(in.df, .dots = col.select)

  in.sub.df.col.classes <- sapply(in.sub.df, class)
  if ("character" %in% in.sub.df.col.classes) {
    stop(paste0("One of the columns is a character type. ",
                "All columns must be numeric."))

  in.sub.df <- survC1::CompCase(in.sub.df)
  in.sub.df <- data.frame(in.sub.df)

  out.df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = length(tau.val),
                              dimnames = list(NULL, c("tau", "c_stat", 
                                                      "low95", "upp95", 
  out.df[["tau"]] <- tau.val

  for (i in 1:nrow(out.df)) {
    cur.tau <- out.df[i, "tau"]
    c.stat.res <- survC1::Inf.Cval(in.sub.df, cur.tau, itr = nrow(in.sub.df))
    out.df[i, "c_stat"] <- c.stat.res$Dhat
    out.df[i, "low95"] <- c.stat.res$low95
    out.df[i, "upp95"] <- c.stat.res$upp95
    out.df[i, "se"] <- c.stat.res$se

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survutils documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:38 a.m.