
Defines functions font_fallback

Documented in font_fallback

#' Get the fallback font for a given string
#' A fallback font is a font to use as a substitute if the chosen font does not 
#' contain the requested characters. Using font fallbacks means that the user 
#' doesn't have to worry about mixing characters from different scripts or 
#' mixing text and emojies. Fallback is calculated for the full string and the
#' result is platform specific. If no font covers all the characters in the 
#' string an undefined "best match" is returned. The best approach is to figure
#' out which characters are not covered by your chosen font and figure out 
#' fallbacks for these, rather than just request a fallback for the full string.
#' @param string The strings to find fallbacks for
#' @inheritParams font_info
#' @return A data frame with a `path` and `index` column giving fallback for the
#' specified string and font combinations
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' font_fallback("\U0001f604") # Smile emoji
font_fallback <- function(string, family = '', italic = FALSE, bold = FALSE, 
                          path = NULL, index = 0) {
  full_length <- length(string)
  if (is.null(path)) {
    fonts <- match_fonts(
      rep_len(family, full_length), 
      rep_len(italic, full_length), 
      ifelse(rep_len(bold, full_length), "bold", "normal")
    path <- fonts$path
    index <- fonts$index
  } else {
    full_length <- max(length(path), length(index), full_length)
    if (!all(c(length(path), length(index)) == 1)) {
      path <- rep_len(path, full_length)
      index <- rep_len(index, full_length)
  if (length(string) != 1) string <- rep_len(string, full_length)
  if (!all(file.exists(path))) stop("path must point to a valid file", call. = FALSE)
  get_fallback_c(path, as.integer(index), as.character(string))

Try the systemfonts package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

systemfonts documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:20 a.m.