Paste: Generate terms to paste values together in table.

View source: R/Paste.R

PasteR Documentation

Generate terms to paste values together in table.


This function generates a component of a table formula to output multiple columns with punctuation between. It is designed only for LaTeX output.


Paste(..., head, digits=2, justify="c", prefix="", sep="", postfix="",
      character.only = FALSE)



Expressions to be displayed in the columns of the table. If they are named, they will get those names as headings, otherwise they will not be labelled.


If not missing, this will be used as a column heading for the combined columns.


Will be passed to the format function. If digits is length one, all expressions use a common format; otherwise they are formatted separately.


One or more justifications to use on the individual columns.


One or more separators to use between columns.

prefix, postfix

Additional text to insert before and after the group of columns.


If TRUE, the head argument will be interpreted as an expression evaluating to a character value.


An expression which will produce the requested output in LaTeX.


stderr <- function(x) sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))
lcl <- function(x) mean(x) - qt(0.975, df=length(x)-1)*stderr(x)
ucl <- function(x) mean(x) + qt(0.975, df=length(x)-1)*stderr(x)
toLatex( tabular( (Species+1) ~ All(iris)*
          Paste(lcl, ucl, digits = 2, 
                head="95\% CI", 
                prefix = "[", sep = ",", postfix = "]"), 
          data=iris ) )

tables documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 9:07 a.m.