PlusMinus: Generate 'x +/- y' terms in table.

View source: R/PlusMinus.R

PlusMinusR Documentation

Generate x +/- y terms in table.


This function generates a component of a table formula to output two columns separated by a +/- sign. It is designed only for LaTeX output.


PlusMinus(x, y, head, xhead, yhead, digits = 2, 
          character.only = FALSE, ...)


x, y

Expressions to be displayed in the columns on the left and right of the +/- sign, respectively.


If not missing, this will be used as a column heading for the two columns.

xhead, yhead

If not missing, these will be used as individual column headings.

digits, ...

Parameters to pass to the format function.


If TRUE, the head, xhead and yhead arguments will be interpreted as expressions evaluating to character values.


An expression which will produce the requested output in LaTeX.


stderr <- function(x) sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))
toLatex( tabular( (Species+1) ~ Sepal.Length*
          PlusMinus(mean, stderr, digits=1), data=iris ) )

tables documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 9:07 a.m.