latexTable: Create table in full table environment

View source: R/table.R

latexTableR Documentation

Create table in full table environment


The tabular function creates a table which usually renders as a ⁠tabular⁠ environment when displayed in LaTeX, not as a "float" with caption, label, etc. This function wraps the tabular result in the result of a call to the knitr::kable function.


latexTable(table, format = "latex", longtable = FALSE, ...)



Either a formula to be passed to tabular, or the result of a call to that function.


Currently only "latex" format output is supported.

longtable, ...

Additional arguments to be passed to the knitr::kable function. See details below.


Rather than redoing all the work of generating LaTeX code to wrap the tabular result, this function works by generating a dummy kable table, and replaces the ⁠tabular⁠ part with the tabular result.

Many of the arguments to kable deal with the content of the table, not the wrapper. These will be ignored with a warning. Currently the arguments that will not be ignored, with their defaults, are:

caption = NULL

The caption to use on the table.

label = NULL

Part of the LaTeX label to use on the table. The full label will have "tab:" prepended by kable.

escape = TRUE

Whether to escape special characters in the caption.

booktabs = FALSE, longtable = FALSE

Logical values to indicate that style of table. These must also be specified to tabular; see the main vignette for details.

position = ""

The instruction to LaTeX about how to position the float in the document.

centering = TRUE

Whether to center the table in the float.

caption.short = ""

Abbreviated caption to use in TOC.

table.envir = if (!is.null(caption)) "table"

Name of outer environment.

These arguments are all defined in the knitr package, and may change in the future.


An object of class "knitr_kable" suitable to include in a Sweave or knitr.Rnw’ document.


cat(latexTable(tabular((Species + 1) ~ (n=1) + Format(digits=2)*
         (Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width)*(mean + sd), data=iris ),
    caption = "Iris sepal data", label = "sepals"))

tables documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 9:07 a.m.