
s <- c("5 4 3 2 1", "654321 6 21 1 21", "6*2 1*4")
i <- c("8*4 1", "4. 8 8 8 4", "4- 4 8-. 8( 8)( 8)")
f <- c("1 3 3 3 1", "133211 355333 11 (13) (13)(13)", "111343 333565 1 1 0 1")
x <- c("5;1;8 4;3; 3;3; 2;3; 1;1;1",
       "6;133211;4. ;355333;8 2;11; 1;(13); 2;(13)(13);4",
       "6;111343;4- ;333565;4 1;1;8-. ;1;8( ;0;8)( ;1;8)")
n <- c("b_, f b_ d' f'", "a#, f a# d' f'", "b_2 f b_ c4 e_4",
       "f2cfac4f4 g,dgb_d'g' c'f' f'' c''f''",
       "d#,a#,d#a#d#'g' f,cfc'f'a' f' f' e' f'",
       "e_,b_,e_b_e_'g' f,cfc'f'a' f' f' e' f'")

sf_list <- list(
  sf_phrase(s[1], f[1], i[1], key = "b_"),
  sf_phrase(s[1], f[1], i[1], key = "sharp"),
  sf_phrase(s[1], f[1], i[1], tuning = "DADGAD", key = "flat", bar = "|"),
  sf_phrase(s[1], f[1], i[1], tuning = "DADGAD", key = "flat", bar = "|."),
  sf_phrase(s[1], f[1], i[1], tuning = "DADGAD", key = "flat", bar = TRUE),
  sf_phrase(s[2], f[2], i[2], key = "f"),
  sfp(s[3], f[3], i[3], tuning = "dropD", key = "d"),
  sfp(s[3], f[3], i[3], tuning = "dropD", key = "e_")
sf_list2 <- list(
  sf_phrase(x[1], key = "b_"),
  sf_phrase(x[1], key = "sharp"),
  sf_phrase(x[1], tuning = "DADGAD", key = "flat", bar = "|"),
  sf_phrase(x[1], tuning = "DADGAD", key = "flat", bar = "|."),
  sf_phrase(x[1], tuning = "DADGAD", key = "flat", bar = TRUE),
  sf_phrase(x[2], key = "f"),
  sfp(x[3], tuning = "dropD", key = "d"),
  sfp(x[3], tuning = "dropD", key = "e_")
p_list <- list(
  p(n[1], i[1], s[1]),
  p(n[2], i[1], s[1]),
  p(n[3], i[1], s[1], bar = "|"),
  p(n[3], i[1], s[1], bar = "|."),
  p(n[3], i[1], s[1], bar = TRUE),
  p(n[4], i[2], s[2]),
  p(n[5], i[3], s[3]),
  p(n[6], i[3], s[3])

test_that("sf_phrase and phrase calls are equivalanet", {
  err <- c("Number of strings and frets must match at each non-rest timestep.",
           "Rest mismatch.", "Tied note mismatch.",
           "Invalid string number < 1.")
  expect_is(sfp("6 6", "1", 1), "phrase")
  expect_error(sfp("66", "1", 1), err[1])
  expect_error(sfp("s", "r", 1), err[2])
  expect_error(sfp("6 r", "1", 1), err[2])
  expect_error(sfp("6 s 6 r", "1 s 1 s", 1), err[2])
  expect_error(sfp("6~ 6", "1", 1), err[3])
  expect_error(sfp("6~ 6", "1 1", 1), err[3])
  expect_error(sfp("r 6~ 6", "s 1 1", 1), err[2])
  expect_error(sfp("r 6~ 6 s", "r 1 1 s", 1), err[3])
  expect_error(sfp("1", "22", "4."), err[4])

  purrr::walk2(sf_list, p_list, ~expect_identical(.x, .y))
  purrr::walk2(sf_list2, p_list, ~expect_identical(.x, .y))

  expect_identical(sfp("r", "r", 1), p("r", 1))
  expect_identical(sfp("s", "s", 1), p("s", 1))
  expect_identical(sfp("r r", "r r", 1), p("r r", 1))
  expect_identical(sfp("s s", "s s", 1), p("s s", 1))

  expect_identical(sfp("r;r;1"), p("r", 1))
  expect_identical(sfp("s;s;1"), p("s", 1))
  expect_identical(sfp("r;r;1 r;r;1"), p("r r", 1))
  expect_identical(sfp("s;s;1 s"), p("s s", 1))

  info <- "2 1 1 2"
  expect_identical(sfp("s 6~ 6 r", "s 1~ 1 r", info), p("s f,~ f, r", info,
                                                        "x 6 6 x"))
  expect_identical(sfp("s 6~ 6 r", "s 133211~ 133211 r", info),
                   p("s f,cfac'f'~ f,cfac'f' r", info, "x 6 6 x"))

  expect_identical(sfp("s;s;2 6;1;1~ ;1;1 ;r;2"), p("s f,~ f, r", info,
                                                    "x 6 6 x"))
  expect_identical(sfp("s;s;2 6;133211;1~ ;133211;1 ;r;2"),
                   p("s f,cfac'f'~ f,cfac'f' r", info, "x 6 6 x"))

  strings <- "4~ 4 r 5 s 5"
  frets <- "1~ 1 r 02220 s 2"
  info <- "1 4. 8 2 16 2..."
  x <- "4;1;1~ ;1;4. ;r;8 5;02220;2 ;s;16 5;2;2..."
  expect_identical(sfp(strings, frets, info, key = "sharp"),
                   p("d#~ d# r a,eac#'e' s b,", info, "4 4 x 5 x 5"))
  expect_identical(sfp(x, key = "sharp"),
                   p("d#~ d# r a,eac#'e' s b,", info, "4 4 x 5 x 5"))

  p1 <- sf_phrase(strings, frets, info, key = "sharp", to_notes = TRUE)
  p2 <- sf_phrase(x, key = "sharp", to_notes = TRUE)
  expect_identical(p1, sfp(strings, frets, info, key = "sharp",
                           to_notes = TRUE))
  expect_identical(p1, sf_note(strings, frets, info, key = "sharp"))
  expect_identical(p1, sfn(strings, frets, info, key = "sharp"))
  expect_identical(p1, p2)

  s <- "3*5 53~*3 5*2 643"
  f <- "987*2 775 553 335 77~*3 545 325 210"
  i <- "2*3 4. 16 4.*3 4*3"
  p1 <- sfp(s, f, i)
  p2 <- sfp("3;987;2*2 775 ;553;4. ;335;16 5;7x7;4.~*3 ;545;4 325 6;2x10;")
  expect_identical(p1, p2)
  expect_error(sfp("1;1;1", "x"),
               "`fret` and `info` must both be provided or both be NULL.")
               "String number outside range inferred by tuning.")
    "Must have 2 or 0 `;` present for a timestep to avoid ambiguity.")
               "Fret values cannot be missing from `string;fret;info`")
  err <- "First timestep must include all three values as `string;fret;info`."
  expect_error(sfp(";0;1"), err)
  expect_error(sfp(";0;1"), err)

    sfp("6 6", c(1, 2, 3), 1),
    paste("`fret` must have the same number of timesteps as `string`",
          "or a single value to repeat.")
    sfp("6 6", 1, c(1, 2, 4)),
    paste("`info` must have the same number of timesteps as `string`",
          "or a single value to repeat.")

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