
p1 <- p("r a2 c3 f3 d3 a3 f3", "4 8 8 8 8 8 8", "x 5 5 4 4 3 4")
track1 <- track(p1)
song <- score(track1)

test_that("Simple phrase to score example works", {
  expect_is(p1, "phrase")
  expect_is(p1, "character")
  expect_is(track1, "track")
  expect_is(song, "score")
  expect_is(trackbind(track1), "track")
  expect_is(trackbind(track1, track1), "track")

p1 <- p("r a2 c3 f3 d3 a3 f3", "4 8 8 8 8 8 8")
x <- list(
  track(p1, tuning = "DADGAD"),
  track(p1, clef = "treble"),
  track(p1, voice = 2),
  track(p1, clef = NA),
  track(p1, tab = FALSE),
  track(p1, key = "b"),
  track(p1, key = "c#")

test_that("track arguments accepted and scores returned", {
  cl <- "track"
  purrr::walk(x, ~expect_is(.x, cl))
  x2 <- do.call(trackbind, x)
  x3 <- trackbind(x[[3]], x[[2]], x[[4]], x[[5]], id = c(1, 2, 2, 3))
  expect_is(x2, cl)
  expect_equal(nrow(x2), length(x))
  expect_is(score(x2), "score")
  expect_equal(nrow(score(x2)), nrow(x2))
  expect_is(x3, cl)
  expect_equal(nrow(x3), 4)
  expect_is(score(x3), "score")
  expect_equal(nrow(score(x3)), nrow(x3))
  expect_equal(ncol(x3), ncol(x[[1]]) + 1)

test_that("errors thrown as expected", {
  expect_error(track("a"), "`phrase` is not a phrase object.")
  expect_error(track(p("a", 1), clef = NA, tab = FALSE),
               "Cannot have both `clef = NA` and `tab = FALSE`.")
  expect_error(trackbind("a"), "All arguments must be `track` tables.")
  expect_error(trackbind(x[[1]], x[[1]], id = c(1, 1)),
               paste("track `voice` and `id` ID combination must be unique",
                     "across track rows."))
      track(p("a", 1), key = "f", voice = 1),
      track(p("a", 1), key = "g", voice = 2),
    id = c(1, 1)
    ), "A single track with two voices must have a common key.")

  expect_error(score("a"), "`track` is not a `track` table.")
  expect_error(tab("a", "a"), "`score` is not a score object.")

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tabr documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:07 a.m.