#' @title Target that downloads URLs.
#' @export
#' @family targets with custom invalidation rules
#' @description Create a target that downloads file from one or more URLs
#' and automatically reruns when the remote data changes
#' (according to the ETags or last-modified time stamps).
#' @details `tar_download()` creates a pair of targets, one upstream
#' and one downstream. The upstream target uses `format = "url"`
#' (see `targets::tar_target()`) to track files at one or more URLs,
#' and automatically invalidate the target if the ETags
#' or last-modified time stamps change. The downstream target
#' depends on the upstream one, downloads the files,
#' and tracks them using `format = "file"`.
#' @return A list of two target objects, one upstream and one downstream.
#' The upstream one watches a URL for changes, and the downstream one
#' downloads it.
#' See the "Target objects" section for background.
#' @inheritSection tar_map Target objects
#' @inheritParams targets::tar_target
#' @inheritParams tar_download_run
#' @examples
#' if (identical(Sys.getenv("TAR_LONG_EXAMPLES"), "true")) {
#' targets::tar_dir({ # tar_dir() runs code from a temporary directory.
#' targets::tar_script({
#' list(
#' tarchetypes::tar_download(
#' x,
#' urls = c("", ""),
#' paths = c("downloaded_file_1", "downloaded_file_2")
#' )
#' )
#' })
#' targets::tar_make()
#' targets::tar_read(x)
#' })
#' }
tar_download <- function(
method = NULL,
quiet = TRUE,
mode = "w",
cacheOK = TRUE,
extra = NULL,
headers = NULL,
iteration = targets::tar_option_get("iteration"),
error = targets::tar_option_get("error"),
memory = targets::tar_option_get("memory"),
garbage_collection = targets::tar_option_get("garbage_collection"),
deployment = targets::tar_option_get("deployment"),
priority = targets::tar_option_get("priority"),
resources = targets::tar_option_get("resources"),
storage = targets::tar_option_get("storage"),
retrieval = targets::tar_option_get("retrieval"),
cue = targets::tar_option_get("cue"),
description = targets::tar_option_get("description")
) {
name <- targets::tar_deparse_language(substitute(name))
name_url <- paste0(name, "_url")
targets::tar_assert_chr(urls, "urls must be a character vector.")
targets::tar_assert_chr(paths, "paths must be a character vector.")
targets::tar_assert_nonempty(urls, "urls must be nonempty")
targets::tar_assert_nonempty(paths, "paths must be nonempty.")
targets::tar_assert_nzchar(urls, "urls must all be nonempty.")
targets::tar_assert_nzchar(paths, "paths must all be nonempty.")
if (length(urls) != length(paths)) {
"'urls' has length ",
" but 'paths' has length ",
command_url <- substitute(as.character(x), env = list(x = urls))
command <- substitute(
urls = x,
paths = paths,
method = method,
quiet = quiet,
mode = mode,
cacheOK = cacheOK,
extra = extra,
headers = headers
env = list(
x = as.symbol(name_url),
paths = paths,
method = method,
quiet = quiet,
mode = mode,
cacheOK = cacheOK,
extra = extra,
headers = headers
target_url <- targets::tar_target_raw(
name = name_url,
command = command_url,
format = "url",
repository = "local",
iteration = iteration,
error = error,
memory = memory,
garbage_collection = garbage_collection,
deployment = deployment,
priority = priority,
resources = resources,
storage = storage,
retrieval = retrieval,
cue = cue,
description = description
target_download <- targets::tar_target_raw(
name = name,
command = command,
format = "file",
repository = "local",
iteration = iteration,
error = error,
memory = memory,
garbage_collection = garbage_collection,
deployment = deployment,
priority = priority,
resources = resources,
storage = storage,
retrieval = retrieval,
cue = cue,
description = description
list(target_url, target_download)
#' @title Download multiple URLs and return the local paths.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @description Not a user-side function. Do not invoke directly.
#' @return A character vector of file paths where the URLs
#' were downloaded.
#' @inheritParams utils::download.file
#' @param urls Character vector of URLs to track and download.
#' Must be known and declared before the pipeline runs.
#' @param paths Character vector of local file paths to
#' download each of the URLs.
#' Must be known and declared before the pipeline runs.
#' @examples
#' if (identical(Sys.getenv("TAR_LONG_EXAMPLES"), "true")) {
#' tarchetypes::tar_download_run(
#' urls = "",
#' paths = tempfile(),
#' method = NULL,
#' quiet = TRUE,
#' mode = "w",
#' cacheOK = NULL,
#' extra = NULL,
#' headers = NULL
#' )
#' }
# Cannot reliably test because it relies on the network.
# Semi-automated tests are in tests/interactive/test-tar_download.R.
# nocov start
tar_download_run <- function(
) {
for (index in seq_along(urls)) {
url = urls[index],
destfile = paths[index],
method = method,
quiet = quiet,
mode = mode,
extra = extra,
headers = headers
# nocov end
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.