tar_repository_cas: Define a custom content-addressable storage (CAS) repository...

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tar_repository_casR Documentation

Define a custom content-addressable storage (CAS) repository (an experimental feature).


Define a custom storage repository that uses content-addressable storage (CAS).


  consistent = FALSE,
  substitute = list()



A function with arguments key and path, in that order. This function should upload the file or directory from path to the CAS system. path is where the file is originally saved to disk outside the CAS system. It could be a staging area or a custom format = "file" location. key denotes the name of the destination data object in the CAS system.

To differentiate between format = "file" targets and non-"file" targets, the upload method can use tar_format_get(). For example, to make tar_repository_cas_local() efficient, upload moves the file if targets::tar_format_get() == "file" and copies it otherwise.

See the "Repository functions" section for more details.


A function with arguments key and path, in that order. This function should download the data object at key from the CAS system to the file or directory at path. key denotes the name of the data object in the CAS system. path is a temporary staging area and not the final destination.

Please be careful to avoid deleting the object at key from the CAS system. If the CAS system is a local file system, for example, download should copy the file and not simply move it (e.g. please avoid file.rename()).

See the "Repository functions" section for more details.


A function with a single argument key. This function should check if there is an object at key in the CAS system.

For efficiency, exists can maintain an in-memory cache of keys. New lookups can check the cache and potentially avoid expensive queries to the CAS system. See the source code of tar_cas_e() for an example of how this can work for a local file system CAS.

See the "Repository functions" section for more details.


Logical. Set to TRUE if the storage platform is strongly read-after-write consistent. Set to FALSE if the platform is not necessarily strongly read-after-write consistent.

A data storage system is said to have strong read-after-write consistency if a new object is fully available for reading as soon as the write operation finishes. Many modern cloud services like Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage have strong read-after-write consistency, meaning that if you upload an object with a PUT request, then a GET request immediately afterwards will retrieve the precise version of the object you just uploaded.

Some storage systems do not have strong read-after-write consistency. One example is network file systems (NFS). On a computing cluster, if one node creates a file on an NFS, then there is a delay before other nodes can access the new file. targets handles this situation by waiting for the new file to appear with the correct hash before attempting to use it in downstream computations. consistent = FALSE imposes a waiting period in which targets repeatedly calls the exists method until the file becomes available (at time intervals configurable with tar_resources_network()). These extra calls to exists may come with a little extra latency / computational burden, but on systems which are not strongly read-after-write consistent, it is the only way targets can safely use the current results for downstream computations.


Named list of values to be inserted into the body of each custom function in place of symbols in the body. For example, if upload = function(key, path) do_upload(key, path, bucket = X) and substitute = list(X = "my_aws_bucket"), then the upload function will actually end up being function(key, path) do_upload(key, path, bucket = "my_aws_bucket").

Please do not include temporary or sensitive information such as authentication credentials. If you do, then targets will write them to metadata on disk, and a malicious actor could steal and misuse them. Instead, pass sensitive information as environment variables using tar_resources_repository_cas(). These environment variables only exist in the transient memory spaces of the R sessions of the local and worker processes.

Content-addressable storage

Normally, targets organizes output data based on target names. For example, if a pipeline has a single target x with default settings, then tar_make() saves the output data to the file ⁠_targets/objects/x⁠. When the output of x changes, tar_make() overwrites ⁠_targets/objects/x⁠. In other words, no matter how many changes happen to x, the data store always looks like this:


By contrast, with content-addressable storage (CAS), targets organizes outputs based on the hashes of their contents. The name of each output file is its hash, and the metadata maps these hashes to target names. For example, suppose target x has repository = tar_repository_cas_local("my_cas"). When the output of x changes, tar_make() creates a new file inside ⁠my_cas/⁠ without overwriting or deleting any other files in that folder. If you run tar_make() three different times with three different values of x, then storage will look like this:


The next call to tar_read(x) uses tar_meta(x)$data to look up the current hash of x. If tar_meta(x)$data returns "1fffeb09ad36e84a", then tar_read(x) returns the data from ⁠my_cas/1fffeb09ad36e84a⁠. Files ⁠my_cas/68328d833e6361d3⁠ and and ⁠my_cas/798af464fb2f6b30⁠ are left over from previous values of x.

Because CAS accumulates historical data objects, it is ideal for data versioning and collaboration. If you commit the ⁠_targets/meta/meta⁠ file to version control alongside the source code, then you can revert to a previous state of your pipeline with all your targets up to date, and a colleague can leverage your hard-won results using a fork of your code and metadata.

The downside of CAS is the cost of accumulating many data objects over time. Most pipelines that use CAS should have a garbage collection system or retention policy to remove data objects when they no longer needed.

The tar_repository_cas() function lets you create your own CAS system for targets. You can supply arbitrary custom methods to upload, download, and check for the existence of data objects. Your custom CAS system can exist locally on a shared file system or remotely on the cloud (e.g. in an AWS S3 bucket). See the "Repository functions" section and the documentation of individual arguments for advice on how to write your own methods.

The tar_repository_cas_local() function has an example CAS system based on a local folder on disk. It uses tar_cas_u() for uploads, tar_cas_d() for downloads, and tar_cas_e() for existence.

Repository functions

In tar_repository_cas(), functions upload, download, and exists must be completely pure and self-sufficient. They must load or namespace all their own packages, and they must not depend on any custom user-defined functions or objects in the global environment of your pipeline. targets converts each function to and from text, so it must not rely on any data in the closure. This disqualifies functions produced by Vectorize(), for example.

upload and download can assume length(path) is 1, but they should account for the possibility that path could be a directory. To simply avoid supporting directories, upload could simply call an assertion:

  msg = "This CAS upload method does not support directories."

Otherwise, support for directories may require handling them as a special case. For example, upload and download could copy all the files in the given directory, or they could manage the directory as a zip archive.

Some functions may need to be adapted and configured based on other inputs. For example, you may want to define ⁠upload = \(key, path) file.rename(path, file.path(folder, key))⁠ but do not want to hard-code a value of folder when you write the underlying function. The substitute argument handles this situation. For example, if substitute is list(folder = "my_folder"), then upload will end up as ⁠\(key, path) file.rename(path, file.path("my_folder", key))⁠.

Temporary or sensitive such as authentication credentials should not be injected this way into the function body. Instead, pass them as environment variables using tar_resources_repository_cas().

See Also

Other content-addressable storage: tar_repository_cas_local(), tar_repository_cas_local_gc()


if (identical(Sys.getenv("TAR_EXAMPLES"), "true")) { # for CRAN
tar_dir({ # tar_dir() runs code from a temp dir for CRAN.
  repository <- tar_repository_cas(
    upload = function(key, path) {
      if (dir.exists(path)) {
        stop("This CAS repository does not support directory outputs.")
      if (!file.exists("cas")) {
        dir.create("cas", recursive = TRUE)
      file.rename(path, file.path("cas", key))
    download = function(key, path) {
      file.copy(file.path("cas", key), path)
    exists = function(key) {
      file.exists(file.path("cas", key))
  write_file <- function(object) {
    writeLines(as.character(object), "file.txt")
    tar_target(x, c(2L, 4L), repository = repository),
      pattern = map(x),
      format = "qs",
      repository = repository
    tar_target(z, write_file(y), format = "file", repository = repository)
tar_meta(any_of(c("x", "z")), fields = any_of("data"))

targets documentation built on Oct. 3, 2024, 1:11 a.m.