
Defines functions topoFreq

Documented in topoFreq

#' Frequency of topologies in a tree sample
#' @param mphy An object of class multiPhylo
#' @param output A character indicating whether the tree indices or the actual trees should be returned. Defaults to "index"
#' @param maxtrees A numeric indicating whether to warn about having more trees than the arbitrary threshold
#' @return A list with an element containing the the different tree clusters (as multiPhylo)
#' and the absolute, cumulative, and relative frequencies of each topology in the tree sample.
#' @details This function can be used e.w. with a posterior sample of trees from a Bayesian analysis where we
#' want to explore the distribution of topologies in the posterior of trees. This way we can assess topological
#' uncertainty in a more meaningful way than using a majority-rule consensus.
#' The use of `maxtrees` is actually a convenience for keeping in mind that large amounts of trees can cause memory
#' issues. This can end up in situations which are difficult to debug but that from personal experience have come from
#' exactly that: More trees than memory can fit or which can be processed for calculating similarity. This number will _not_
#' break the function call but will return a warning. Try to avoid modifying its default value unless you are sure it will not
#' cause any issues under your computing conditions (e.g. when lots of trees are being processed but also large RAM is available).
#' @examples
#' # tests
#' set.seed(1)
#' library(ape)
#' trl <- ape::rmtree(10, 4)
#' tpf <- topoFreq(ape::unroot(trl), output="trees")
#' @export
#' @importFrom ape dist.topo
#' @importFrom stats cutree hclust

topoFreq <- function(mphy, output="index", maxtrees=1e4) {
    if (length(mphy) > maxtrees) {
        warning("The amount of trees to process in mphy is larger than 10.000.\n  This can cause memory issues depending on your RAM available.\n  Having more trees than your RAM can fit will probably cause problems which are difficult to debug.\n")
    # calculate RF pairwise distance
    rfdist <- dist.topo(mphy)
    # calculate a hierarchical cluster using the distance matrix above
    hc <- hclust(rfdist)
    # use a threshold for determining clusters of topologies
    clusters <- cutree(hc, h=0.0001)
    # iterate over the cluster codes (1..max(clusters)) and populate the positions in the list
    clelements <- list()
    trclusters <- list()    
    for (i in 1:max(clusters)) {
        cl <- which(clusters == i)
        clelements <- c(clelements, list(cl))
        trclusters <- c(trclusters, list(mphy[cl]))
    freqs_abs <- sapply(X = clelements, FUN = length)
    freqs_rel <- freqs_abs/length(mphy)
    if (output == "index") {
        return(list(index = clelements, fabs = freqs_abs, frel = freqs_rel))
    } else {
        return(list(trees = trclusters, fabs = freqs_abs, frel = freqs_rel))

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tbea documentation built on July 1, 2024, 5:07 p.m.