
Defines functions tbl_xts

Documented in tbl_xts

#' @title tbl_xts
#' @description This function converts data from a tbl_df() format into a xts format.
#' Note that the dataframe must be a data.frame or tbl_df, and either the first column must be a valid date column, or there must be one column named date, Date or DATE to order by.
#' tbl_xts also allows the user to specify the columns to be transformed to xts, as well as an option for spreading by a single character or factor type column. See the example for details.
#' @param tblData A tbl_df type dataframe
#' @param cols_to_xts Specify the columns to be converted to xts format. If not provided, it will by default transform all numeric columns to xts.
#' @param spread_by A character or factor type column used to create xts series by. See example.
#' @param spread_name_pos Add the column name of the column used to spread_by as a Suffix, Prefix or None. Defaults to Suffix (puts spread_by name at end of column name, separated by an underscore).
#' @param Colnames_Exact Stops xts natively replacing spaces in column names with full stops. Kept FALSE as default, as most users expect this behavior.
#' @return A xts dataframe, with columns xts series ordered by the first (date) column.
#' @importFrom xts as.xts timeBased
#' @import zoo
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom rlang := enquo quo_get_expr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(tbl2xts)
#' data(TRI)
#' tbl_xts(tbl2xts::TRI, cols_to_xts = TRI, spread_by = Country)
#'  # tbl - xts - tbl:
#' tbl_xts(tbl2xts::TRI, cols_to_xts = TRI, spread_by = Country) %>% xts_tbl()
#' }
#' @export

tbl_xts <- function(tblData, cols_to_xts, spread_by, spread_name_pos, Colnames_Exact = FALSE) {

  # Sanity Checks -----------------------------------------------------------
  if ( missing(spread_by) & class(tblData)[1] == "grouped_df" ) {
    warning("NOTE: The tbl_df grouping was not preserved. Output same as with ungroup(df). \n You can choose to use spread_by instead.")
  tblData <- tblData %>% ungroup()

  cols_xts <- enquo( cols_to_xts )
  spreader <- enquo( spread_by )
  spreadCol = NULL
  N_xts_Cols <- tblData %>% select(!!cols_xts) %>% ncol()
  N_spread_Cols <- tblData %>% select(!!spreader) %>% ncol()

  if( N_spread_Cols > 1) stop( "spread_by length greater than 1. This function only works on 1 spread column." )

  if( missing(spread_name_pos) ) { spread_name_pos <- "NONE"; WARN = FALSE } else { WARN = TRUE }

  if( spread_name_pos %in% c("NONE", "None", "none") && N_xts_Cols > 1 && !missing(spread_by)) {
    spread_name_pos <- "Suffix"
    if(WARN) warning(paste0("Note: Forced to use suffix for differentiation purposes, because length of cols_to_xts is larger than 1 & spread_by has been set: ", rlang::quo_get_expr(spreader)))

  if(!spread_name_pos %in% c("Suffix", "suffix", "prefix", "Prefix", "NONE", "None", "none") ) stop("Please provide a valid spread_name_pos. \n Either: Suffix, Prefix, or NONE.")

  # ensure that column 1 is a valid date column:
  if ( xts::timeBased(tblData[,1][[1]]) == FALSE & xts::timeBased(tblData[,which(names(tblData) %in% c("Date", "date", "DATE") )][[1]]) == FALSE ) stop("Ensure that the first column is a valid time-based column, or you have a valid time based column called date, Date or DATE. \n Current time-based objects supported are Date, POSIXct, chron, yearmon, yearqtr, and timeDate")
  if ( length(names(tblData)[names(tblData) %in% c("Date", "date", "DATE")]) > 1 ) stop("Provide only one date column named Date, date or DATE.")
  # Check classes:
  if ( !class(tblData)[1] %in% c("tbl_df", "grouped_df","data.frame", "spec_tbl_df") ) stop("This function can be used on dataframes or tbl_df() classes only. Check the class of your object using class(objectname). You can also pipe your df into dplyr::tbl_df()")

  # dataframe to tbl_df. Add warning too..:
  if (class(tblData)[1] == "data.frame") {
    tblData <-
      tblData %>% tbl_df()
    warning("NOTE:......... \n Changed your data.frame object to tbl_df(). \n If results are strange, use a tbl_df class and check column definitions (character, numeric, etc make sense before using tbl_xts.)")

  # Warn if cols_to_xts is larger than the amount of data columns:
  if ( ncol( tblData[sapply(tblData, is.numeric)] ) == 0  ) stop("Series to Xts must be numeric.")

  # Xts Conversion ----------------------------------------------------------

  if ( missing(spread_by) ) {

    # Define the date column to arrange by:
    if( length(tblData[,which(names(tblData) %in% c("Date", "date", "DATE") )]) == 0 ) {

      d <- tblData[,1][[1]]

      if(class(d)[1] %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")) {
        d <- d # Preserve POSIXct information if included
      } else {
        d <- as.Date(d) # Otherwise use generic as.Date call

    } else {
      d <- tblData[,which(names(tblData) %in% c("Date", "date", "DATE") )][[1]]

      if(class(d)[1] %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")) {
        d <- d # Preserve POSIXct information if included
      } else {
        d <- as.Date(d) # Otherwise use generic as.Date call


    if (!missing(cols_to_xts) ) {
      if ( ncol( tblData[sapply(tblData, is.numeric)] ) < N_xts_Cols  ) stop("cols_to_xts input larger than available numeric columns. Check this input")
      dataXts <-
        xts::as.xts( tblData[sapply(tblData, is.numeric)] %>% select(!!cols_xts), order.by = d )
    } else {
      # If no cols_to_xts is provided, make all numeric columns xts...
      dataXts <-
        xts::as.xts( tblData[sapply(tblData, is.numeric)], order.by = d )

  } else {

    gid.xts <-
      as.character(unique(tblData %>% select(!!spreader))[[1]])

    if (length(gid.xts) == 1 ) message("The spread_by column only has one category. \nHence only the column name was changed...")
    if ( !class(gid.xts) %in%  c("character", "factor") ) stop( "Valid column type for spread_by requires a character or factor column")

    for (i in 1:length(gid.xts)) {

      xtsdatTmp <-
        tblData %>%
        rename( spreadCol := !!spreader) %>%
        filter( spreadCol %in% gid.xts[i] )

      # Define the date column to arrange by:
      if( length(xtsdatTmp[,which(names(xtsdatTmp) %in% c("Date", "date", "DATE") )]) == 0 ) {
        d <- xtsdatTmp[,1][[1]]

        if(class(d)[1] %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")) {
          d <- d # Preserve POSIXct information if included
        } else {
          d <- as.Date(d) # Otherwise use generic as.Date call

      } else {

        d <- xtsdatTmp[,which(names(xtsdatTmp) %in% c("Date", "date", "DATE") )][[1]]

        if(class(d)[1] %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")) {
          d <- d # Preserve POSIXct information if included
        } else {
          d <- as.Date(d) # Otherwise use generic as.Date call


      if (!missing(cols_to_xts) ) {
        dataXtsTmp <-
          xts::as.xts( xtsdatTmp[sapply(xtsdatTmp, is.numeric)] %>% select(!!cols_xts), order.by = d )

      } else {

        # If no cols_to_xts is provided, make all numeric columns xts:
        dataXtsTmp <-
          xts::as.xts( xtsdatTmp[sapply(xtsdatTmp, is.numeric)], order.by = d )

      if (spread_name_pos %in% c("Suffix", "suffix") ) {
        colnames(dataXtsTmp) <- paste(gid.xts[i],colnames(dataXtsTmp), sep = "_")
      } else
        if (spread_name_pos %in% c("prefix", "Prefix") ) {
          colnames(dataXtsTmp) <- paste(colnames(dataXtsTmp), gid.xts[i], sep = "_")
        } else
          if (spread_name_pos %in% c("NONE", "None", "none") ) {
            colnames(dataXtsTmp) <- gid.xts[i]
            # Thus: add the gid.xts as suffix, prefix, or None.
      if (i == 1 ) {
        dataXts <- dataXtsTmp
      } else {

        Nams_Rep <- c(names(dataXts), names(dataXtsTmp))
        dataXts <- cbind(dataXts, dataXtsTmp)

          names(dataXts) <- Nams_Rep






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tbl2xts documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 5:19 p.m.