
Defines functions register_handlers_possible parse_logger_message register_handler_type register_handlers

Documented in register_handlers

#' Register handlers for logging messages, warnings and errors
#' @param namespace (`character(1)`) the logger namespace
#' @param package (`character(1)`) the package name
#' @return `NULL` invisibly. Called for its side effects.
#' @details
#' This function registers global handlers for messages, warnings and errors.
#' The handlers will investigate the call stack and if it contains a function
#' from the package, the message, warning or error will be logged into the respective
#' namespace.
#' The handlers are registered only once per package and type. Consecutive calls will no effect.
#' Registering handlers for package `base` is not supported.
#' Use `TEAL.LOG_MUFFLE` environmental variable or `teal.log_muffle` R option to optionally
#' control recover strategies. If `TRUE` (a default value) then the handler will jump to muffle
#' restart for a given type of condition and doesn't continue (with output to the console).
#' Applicable for message and warning types only. The errors won't be suppressed.
#' @note Registering handlers is forbidden within `tryCatch()` or `withCallingHandlers()`.
#' Because of this, handlers are registered only if it is possible.
#' @seealso [globalCallingHandlers()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' register_handlers("teal.logger")
#' # see the outcome
#' globalCallingHandlers()
#' }
register_handlers <- function(namespace, package = namespace) {
  if (register_handlers_possible()) {
    register_handler_type(namespace = namespace, package = package, type = "message")
    register_handler_type(namespace = namespace, package = package, type = "warning")
    register_handler_type(namespace = namespace, package = package, type = "error")


register_handler_type <- function(
    package = namespace,
    type = c("error", "warning", "message")) {
  if (!(is.character(namespace) && length(namespace) == 1 && !is.na(namespace))) {
    stop("namespace argument must be a single string.")
  if (!(namespace %in% logger::log_namespaces())) {
    stop("namespace argument must be a pre-registered logger namespace.")
  if (!(is.character(package) && length(package) == 1 && !is.na(package))) {
    stop("package argument must be a single string.")

  registered_handlers_namespaces[[package]] <- namespace

  # avoid re-registering handlers
  gch <- globalCallingHandlers()[names(globalCallingHandlers()) == type]
  if (length(gch) > 0 && any(sapply(gch, attr, "type") == "teal.logger_handler")) {

  # create a handler object
  # loop through the call stack starting from the bottom (the last call)
  # if a function is from pre-registered package then log using pre-specified namespace
  logger_fun <- switch(type,
    error = logger::log_error,
    warning = logger::log_warn,
    message = logger::log_info
  # nocov start
  handler_fun <- function(m) {
    i <- sys.nframe() - 1L # loop starting from the bottom of the stack and go up
    while (i > 0L) { # exclude 0L as this value will detect the current `handler_fun()` function
      env_sys_fun_i <- environment(sys.function(i))
      pkg_sys_fun_i <- if (!is.null(env_sys_fun_i)) { # primitive functions don't have environment
      } else {
      if (pkg_sys_fun_i %in% ls(envir = registered_handlers_namespaces)) {
        msg <- parse_logger_message(m)

        log_namespace <- registered_handlers_namespaces[[pkg_sys_fun_i]]
        logger_fun(msg, namespace = log_namespace)

        # muffle restart
        if (isTRUE(as.logical(get_val("TEAL.LOG_MUFFLE", "teal.log_muffle", TRUE)))) {
          if (type == "message") {
          if (type == "warning") {

      i <- i - 1L
  # nocov end
  # add attributes to enable checking if the handler is already registered
  handler_obj <- structure(
    type = "teal.logger_handler"

  # construct & eval the call - globalCallingHandlers() requires named arguments
    stats::setNames(list(handler_obj), type)


parse_logger_message <- function(m) {
  stopifnot(inherits(m, "condition"))

  type <- class(m)[2]
  msg <- m$message
  if (type %in% c("error", "warning") && !is.null(m$call)) {
    msg <- sprintf("In %s: %s", sQuote(paste0(format(m$call), collapse = "")), msg)

register_handlers_possible <- function() {
  for (i in seq_len(sys.nframe())) {
    if (identical(sys.function(i), tryCatch) || identical(sys.function(i), withCallingHandlers)) {
  return(TRUE) # nocov: impossible to cover because testthat introduces it's own handlers and we want to return FALSE

Try the teal.logger package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

teal.logger documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:14 a.m.